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Old 24.03.2020, 22:48
Bosco Talwain Bosco Talwain is offline
Vacuum Cleaner
Join Date: Oct 2013
Posts: 16
Default allow me to "disable" a package even if part of contents already disabled

This is something that comes up a lot for me: I will have a package that contains a mixture of enabled and disabled files, and I then need to disable all the active files in that package quickly. However, I cannot right click on the package and select "disable" to disable the entire package because some of the contents of the package are already disabled. I then have to scroll down the dozens of files inside the package, selecting only the enabled files one at a time, and then disabling them. It would be great if the disable option was available on a package when the package contains a mixture of enabled and disabled files; it would save me a lot of work. Thank you for considering this request and for all the work you put into this program.
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