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Old 23.05.2020, 23:05
thetoad thetoad is offline
Join Date: Jan 2014
Posts: 229
Default how does jd2 pick which jre to run?

for the longest time I was running jd2 with the 1.7 jre that came with it when I installed. recently saw a thread that I should delete the jre dir to use the more up to date system jre, so I did.

however, it's not really using the system jre on my ubuntu installation. I have 2 JREs installed, a somewhat older oracle 1.8 installation and a system 1.11 installation, both are setup under their respecitive directories in /usr/lib/jvm/ but 1.11 is setup as the default in the path (i.e. java -version is 1.11). But it seems like jd2 is running it 1.8 by using it's java home directly.

any idea why this might be happening?
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