Thread: [See Bugtracker] Group packages into a larger context
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Old 27.01.2011, 12:12
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drbits drbits is offline
JD English Support (inactive)
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Features like Categories or Tags will be fit in somewhere in the future. There are some important and complex changes to be made to the program and "nice to have" features will be added as there is time. Each major release will probably have one or two major changes and a few new features.

Given the varying availability of developers and the shortage of available developers, there is no way to predict the time for the major releases or which features will be in which release.

The estimated hours are far off from reality. A lot of the developer work goes into fixing bugs as people find them. It is not clear which features will migrate to FarFarAway. In addition to what is in Nightly, this next release will probably have support for multiple proxies (or rotating proxies), improved download engine, and some progress in how status is reported.
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