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Old 10.02.2020, 20:53
Fetter Biff
Posts: n/a

Oh sorry, so many scripts, the wrong one. So I comment it out and could use it if need be. So I can use link.setEnabled(false); twice (if need be)(?) - where the lines are commentet out:

skipLink(); is a invalid command. To skip link you have to use link.setSkipped(true);. Also, if you choose to disable the link it is not necessary to also skip it.
Oops, two times the invalid command, do not have any idea how these commands get there.
Very strange, the script (obviously) worked with an invalid command.

Also, if you choose to disable the link it is not necessary to also skip it.
Yes, isn't it disabled (commented out)? But it would work? Both ones at the same time, I mean? I just would exchange the commands, if need be, comment out the other one.

Hope, it is correct now:
// Skip download link, if filename exists in the user-spcified list
// To download the file (prevent skipping), remove "#duplicatefile" from comment
// Trigger required: A Download Started

var fileNamesList = "I:\\jD-Downloads\\jD-Dummies.txt"; // < Set path to text file which contain the file names. Use "\\" or "/" as path separators.
var dupeFilecheck = link.getProperty("dupeFileCheck");
var linkName = link.getName();
var comment = link.getComment() || "";
var skipLink = function() {
    link.setSkipped(true); //To disable the link instead of skipping it, replace link.setSkipped(true); with link.setEnabled(false); in both the scripts.
    alert("Download Skipped: File \"" + linkName + "\" is present in files list.");

if (dupeFilecheck) {
    if (comment.indexOf("#duplicatefile") > -1) link.setSkipped(true);
} else {
    var fileNames = readFile(getPath(fileNamesList)).trim().split("\r\n");

    fileNames.some(function(fileName) {
        if (linkName == fileName.trim()) {
            var text = "#duplicatefile";
            comment = comment ? text + " " + comment : text;
            //            link.setEnabled(false); falls Duplikate im Download-Fenster enabled werden sollen
            return true;

    link.setProperty("dupeFileCheck", true);
You will also have to add link.setEnabled(false); in the link check script, if you want to disble the links in linkgrabber tab.
Hope, it is correct:
// If download link is present in history file, mark it as duplicae (add "#duplicatelink" to comment)
// Trigger required: Packagizer Hook

if (state == "AFTER") {
    var url = link.getURL();
    var historyFile = getPath(JD_HOME + "/cfg/history.txt");
    var history = historyFile.exists() ? readFile(historyFile) : "";

    if (history.indexOf(url) > -1) {
        var text = "#duplicatelink";
        var comment = link.getComment();
        comment = comment ? text + " " + comment : text;
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