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Old 29.01.2023, 17:33
Nicro Nicro is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2023
Posts: 1
Default Identify part of the text-input that lead file in collector after deep decrypt

Hey there,
I have a json-formatted input in the form of:
'{"<Number>": "<URL>", "<Number>": "<URL>", ... "<URL>"}'
where <> denotes the variables. Each URL yields a target-file after a deep scan, but all target-files share the same name in the link-collector. I don't care about the numbers matching the files as long as i can put them in order of appearance in the input. However since the URL-Input does not resemble the results in the link collector, I have no way of matching a URL.Field to its file. I have tried the packagizer but it does not seem to have access to the decryptor-input.
Is there a way to label the link-collector files with the input-url that lead to them outside of inputting one URL at a time and picking them out manually.

Thanks for any help.
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