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Old 07.08.2019, 23:20
Posts: n/a

Alright, here in short how to compile (I'm not a crack and I can't solve occuring errors - just install cmake, git and dependencies and maybe you're good to go):
  • git clone github[dot]com/borisbrodski/sevenzipjbinding[dot]git SevenZipJBinding (replace [dot] with ...)
  • cd SevenZipJBinding
  • git checkout bind_16.02 (or git checkout migrate-to-15.09-try2)
  • cmake .
  • make
  • make package
  • mkdir -p jar-package/{Linux-arm,Linux-arm2,META-INF}
  • unzip (or check for name of created zip)
  • mv sevenzipjbinding-16.02-2.01beta-Linux-arm/lib/sevenzipjbinding.jar jar-package/sevenzipjbinding1602.jar (or replace 1602 with 1509 and choose correct path for unzipped files)
  • echo jar-package/Linux-arm/ jar-package/Linux-arm2/ | xargs -n 1 cp -a Linux-arm/.
  • cp MANIFEST.MF jar-package/META-INF/ && cp jar-package/
  • cd jar-package
  • jar cf sevenzipjbinding1602LinuxArmVersion.jar Linux-arm Linux-arm2 META-INF (or 1509 instead of 1602)

Short explanation of what we're doing here:
  1. clone the repo and choose a branch (15.09 and 16.02 are currently the best choices)
  2. compile the source to match your system
  3. create folders and mime the structure of the original sevenzipjbinding<platform>.jar
  4. put in generated files from our compilation
  5. create a jar-file from the prepared structures for our platform

Now just copy the generated files to your jdownloader/libs folder, restart jdownloader, maybe delete jdownloader/tmp:
  • sevenzipjbinding????.jar
  • sevenzipjbinding????LinuxArmVersion.jar

If everything works, clean up by issuing "cd .. && cd .. && rm -R SevenZipJBinding". No guarantee this works, but it should make the process more clear. The commands are slightly different for other version of sevenzipjbinding. To check if the correct version was loaded, look up newest "ExtractionExtension.log.0". It should have a line like this:

--ID:36TS:1565211714581-8/7/19 11:01:54 PM - [org.jdownloader.extensions.extraction.multi.Multi(isAvailable)] -> Supported SevenZipJBinding|Version=15.09-2.01beta|RAR5=true|CPU_ARCH=ARM|OS_FAM=LINUX|OS=DEBIAN_BUSTER|64Bit_JVM=false|64Bit_ARCH=false

@Jiaz, I was going through the logs again and found this crash-log:
**External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff**

On first sight it doesn't provide much more info, but maybe you have use for it. The 16.02 version doesn't works for me aka isn't being recognized by JD and falls back to 4.65.

I'm attaching the 16.02 armv7 32-bit version, maybe it works for someone else:
**External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff**

And because of restrictions:
Armv7 32bit 15.09: mega url + #!deAUkYjY!9kirUFJRNt7kLpxybQLYdpeXydF82Q4-_KlMK1LnCYI
Armv7 32bit 16.02: mega url + #!UOBQVS4Y!Lx0AInDJQ0b0h6Td2s0i4hGg_A0RST7LDUyo3i8b5ac

Last edited by Hass; 07.08.2019 at 23:45.