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Old 03.12.2020, 16:04
Dockel Dockel is online now
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Posts: 676

@Dockel: When I understant the scripts right, the following happens
you add the link to download list, then add again to linkgrabber list. Now the dupe support of JDownloader highlights the link via color.
Yes, that is right.

then you use script to mark as dup and remove from download list.
It does it automatically. It e.g. disables the links and I can delelte them.

At that moment the *mark as duplicate* script in Linkgrabber is already done.
It would / could mark the links again, if the get in the download list window, if I see it right.

the link was not part of history.txt at time of link adding
The links I meant were part of the history.txt but not marked as dups, if I saw it right. So the comment had have to be changed.

When you remove the link from linkgrabber and add again, then it should contain the comment.
Yes, correct.

OK, so we will wait for what mgpai will say.
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