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Old 07.01.2021, 05:39
tlckfeks tlckfeks is offline
DSL Light User
Join Date: May 2020
Location: Atlantis
Posts: 30

Thank you for your hard work.
Let me explain more about this issue.

Suppose that the link contains 5 files and your JD2 has not yet crawled the link. Then you add 2 more files to the link.
Now the first time your JD2 crawls that link, you can see all 7 files.
If your JD2 crawled it before you added 2 files to the link, you will only see 5 or fewer files.
The first crawl is always an issue on each machine with JD2 installed.

If JD2 installed on your system first crawled 10 files from that link,
even after a few days, Your JD2 still only crawls 10 or fewer files.
Perhaps all users will have different results depending on when their JD2 first crawls the link.
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