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Old 04.08.2020, 15:01
sharkboy sharkboy is offline
Join Date: Apr 2020
Posts: 171

I download everything to one package.
One user files = one package
But the user may have many files with the same name, or download another user with the same name from "Repost" during decryption.
If there is no possibility of an intelligent algorithm for detecting and renaming a file, please add this function/featured:
Show ONLY all file names in the [download list] and [linkgrabber list] that have the same file name.
Detect Duplicate Filename for List
So quickly I can detect and manually correct (rename) the file.

Unfortunately it doesn't work in JD2. I don't know how to change the syntax.

((?<= )[\w.]+$) Capture the following into capture group 1
(?<= ) Positive lookbehind ensuring what precedes is a space
[\w.]+ Match any word character or the dot character one or more times
$ Assert position at the end of the line
(?=[\s\S]*(?<= )(\1)$) Positive lookahead ensuring what follows matches
[\s\S]* Any character any number of times. (We don't use the dot here because it won't match newline characters. You can actually replace [\s\S] with . if you turn on the single line flag, which forces . to also match newlines)
(?<= ) Positive lookbehind ensuring what precedes is a space
(\1) Capture the following into capture group 2
\1 Matches the same text as most recently matched by capture group 1
$ Assert position at the end of the line
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