Thread: [User feedback required] Linkgrabber and auto-extractor question
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Old 30.03.2019, 20:44
heydoh heydoh is offline
Bandwidth Beast
Join Date: Dec 2016
Posts: 134

Hi Jiaz.

Pretty much some sites, will have a video file in a .rar archive, in multiple parts. They will name all of the rars WEBSITENAME-FileName-KTR. WEBSITENAME and KTR are always in the front and back of all files no matter what. Inside the .rar, the video file name, is named exactly the same as the .rar. Except with the .mp4 extension.

So I would want to first remove WEBSITENAME and KTR from the front and back of the rar(s). Then I will sometimes add things to the rar name that I want. Like for example I will put "_1080p" at the end of the rar name.

Second, when the video file is extracted, I would like the video to be renamed to the SAME as the archive name. So if the archive was named BestVideoABC123_1080p.rar, I would like the video renamed to BestVideoABC123_1080p.mp4.

Let me know if that doesn't make sense.

Edit: One other quick unrelated question. Is it possible after I do a search in downloads. That when I remove the search, JD goes back down to the bottom of the list, and not the top?

Last edited by heydoh; 30.03.2019 at 21:11.
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