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Old 08.12.2020, 18:42
Dockel Dockel is offline
JD Legend
Join Date: Feb 2020
Posts: 668

// Add selected linkgrabber links to history, and remove them from the list
// Tirgger required: Linkgrabber Contextmenu Button Pressed
// Customize linkgrabber context menu > Add new "Eventscripter Trigger" button > Rename it to "Move to history" (without quotes) > Change Icon (optional)

if (name == "Move to history") {
    var historyFile = getPath(JD_HOME + "/cfg/history.txt");
    if (!historyFile.exists()) writeFile(historyFile, "", true);
    var history = readFile(historyFile);

    var linkUrls = [];
    var linkIds = [];

    var removeLinks = function(linkIds) {
        callAPI("linkgrabberv2", "removeLinks", linkIds, []);

    lgSelection.getLinks().forEach(function(link) {
        var url = link.getUrl();
        var id = link.getUUID();

        if (history.indexOf(url) == -1) linkUrls.push(url);

    if (linkUrls.length) {
        data = "Added from the lingkrabber list on " + Date().toString().substring(4, 24) + "\r\n";
        data += linkUrls.join("\r\n") + "\r\n\r\n";
        writeFile(historyFile, data, true);

    if (linkIds.length) removeLinks(linkIds);
    Add finished download links from selection to history, and remove them from the list
    Tirgger required: Downloadlist Contextmenu Button Pressed
    Customize downloadlist context menu > Add new "Eventscripter Trigger" button > Rename it to "Move to history" (without quotes) > Change Icon (optional)

if (name == "Move to history") {
    var file = getPath(JD_HOME + "/cfg/history.txt"),
        urls = file.exists() ? readFile(file) : "",
        newUrls = "",
        url, data, text, comment;

    dlSelection.links.forEach(function(link) {
        if (link.finished) {
            url = link.contentURL || link.pluginURL;

            if (urls.indexOf(url) == -1) {
                newUrls += url + "\r\n";

    if (newUrls.length) {
        data = "Added from the downloadlist list on " + Date().toString().substring(4, 24) + "\r\n";
        data += newUrls + "\r\n";
        writeFile(file, data, true);

        getAllCrawledLinks().forEach(function(link) {
            if (link.availableState == "ONLINE") {
                url = link.contentURL || link.pluginURL;
                text = "#duplicatelink";
                comment = link.comment || "";
                if (comment.indexOf(text) == -1 && (urls + newUrls).indexOf(url) > -1) {
                    link.comment = comment ? text + " " + comment : text;
// Remove #duplicatelink and #dupliatefile from comment field for selected links
// Trigger: Downloadlist Contextmenu Button Pressed

if (name = "Clear dupe comment") {
    dlSelection.getLinks().forEach(function(link) {
        var myComments = ["#duplicatelink", "#duplicatefile"];
        myComments.forEach(function(myComment) {
            var comment = link.getComment() || "";
            if (comment.indexOf(myComment) > -1) link.setComment(comment.replace("#duplicatelink", "").replace("#duplicatefile", ""));
// Remove/Re-add links with wrong captcha
// Trigger: Interval (Recommended 60000 or more)
// IMPORTANT: Enable ''Synchronous execution of script' in top panel

var delay = 15; // Set delay (in seconds) between retries

links = getAllCrawledLinks().filter(function(crawledLink) {
    var link = crawledLink.contentURL || "";
    return link.indexOf("") > -1 &&"Wrong Captcha!") > -1;
}).forEach(function(crawledLink) {
    sleep(delay * 1000);
    callAPI("linkgrabberv2", "addLinks", {
        "links": crawledLink.contentURL
    Disable duplicate link in Lingrabber
    Trigger required: A new link has been added

var link = crawledLink;

if (link.availableState == "ONLINE") {
    var name = "history";
    var lock = getModifyLock(name);


    var urls = getProperty(name, true);

    if (urls == null) {
        try {
            var file = JD_HOME + "/cfg/history.txt";
            var urls = readFile(file);

            setProperty(name, urls, true);
        } catch (e) {}


    if (urls) {
        var url = link.contentURL || link.pluginURL;

        if ( == "") {
            url = link.containerURL;

        if (urls.indexOf(url) > -1) {
            var text = "#duplicatelink";
            var comment = link.comment;

            if (comment) {
                text = text + " " + comment;

            link.comment = text;
            link.enabled = false;
This one does not seem not to be needed anymore, it is deactivated, but who knows:

// Skip download link, if filename exists in the user-spcified list
// To download the file (prevent skipping), remove "#duplicatefile" from comment
// Trigger required: A Download Started

var fileNamesList = "I:\\jD-Downloads\\jD-Dummies von jD-Downloads - alle Dateien, Dummies aus dem Ordner - alle ca. 95.000 Dateien als Liste.txt"; // < Set path to text file which contain the file names. Use "\\" or "/" as path separators.
var dupeFilecheck = link.getProperty("dupeFileCheck");
var linkName = link.getName();
var comment = link.getComment() || "";
var skipLink = function() {
    link.setSkipped(true); //To disable the link instead of skipping it, replace link.setSkipped(true); with link.setEnabled(false); in both the scripts.
    alert("Download Skipped: File \"" + linkName + "\" is present in files list.");

if (dupeFilecheck) {
    if (comment.indexOf("#duplicatefile") > -1) link.setSkipped(true);
} else {
    var fileNames = readFile(getPath(fileNamesList)).trim().split("\r\n");

    fileNames.some(function(fileName) {
        if (linkName == fileName.trim()) {
            var text = "#duplicatefile";
            comment = comment ? text + " " + comment : text;
            //            link.setEnabled(false); falls Duplikate im Download-Fenster enabled werden sollen
            return true;

    link.setProperty("dupeFileCheck", true);
And this also seems not be needed anymore, deactivated also:

// Skip download link, if filename exists in the user-spcified list
// To download the file (prevent skipping), remove "#duplicatefile" from comment
// Trigger required: A Download Started

var fileNamesList = "I:\\jD-Downloads\\jD-Dummies von jD-Downloads - alle Dateien, Dummies aus dem Ordner - alle ca. 95.000 Dateien als Liste.txt"; // < Set path to text file which contain the file names. Use "\\" or "/" as path separators.
var dupeFilecheck = link.getProperty("dupeFileCheck");
var linkName = link.getName();
var comment = link.getComment() || "";
var skipLink = function() {
    link.setSkipped(true); //To disable the link instead of skipping it, replace link.setSkipped(true); with link.setEnabled(false); in both the scripts.
    alert("Download Skipped: File \"" + linkName + "\" is present in files list.");

if (dupeFilecheck) {
    if (comment.indexOf("#duplicatefile") > -1) link.setSkipped(true);
} else {
    var fileNames = readFile(getPath(fileNamesList)).trim().split("\r\n");

    fileNames.some(function(fileName) {
        if (linkName == fileName.trim()) {
            var text = "#duplicatefile";
            comment = comment ? text + " " + comment : text;
            //            link.setEnabled(false); falls Duplikate im Download-Fenster enabled werden sollen
            return true;

    link.setProperty("dupeFileCheck", true);
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