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Old 26.10.2017, 13:12
karimmaster101 karimmaster101 is offline
DSL User
Join Date: Jun 2014
Posts: 37

Now I'm facing an odd problem.
Sometimes Jdownloader doesn't fetch all the name info.
For example: I set the settings like *DURATION* - *TITLE* - *CHANNEL_ID* - CHANNEL*.*EXT*
Sometimes it didn't have the duration or the channel ID, but when I try again it fetches them correctly.
it likes there is a timeout or something has been set so if it didn't get the inf it passes them!

Another awkward thing: let's say that I have created downloading list with proper info in the name this time, it happens that when I start downloading I could lost some info in the name too.
So, If I got in the downloading list (45 - this is the video title - channelidhere - channelname - 720p fps.mp4)
I could get ( - this is the video title - - channelname - 720p fps.mp4) on my hard disk
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