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Old 06.09.2022, 13:05
JDmurphy JDmurphy is offline
Fibre Channel User
Join Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 122

Regarding downloading whole channels/playlists with 100+ videos:

Originally Posted by zToRm777 View Post
Video Liste in Youtube öffnen, mit FoxScroller (Firefox-Add-On) automatisch runterscrollen lassen, mit Link Gopher alle Links extrahieren, Links kopieren, in JD einfügen.
Especially for larger channels or longer playlists I found another interim solution; there are online tools/sites providing the benefit of extracting and downloading the whole "Uploads" list in a few seconds in .csv or .json format, with some of those lists even limited to videos that are de facto accessible ("available.json"), excluding unlisted and private videos.

Either by copypasting the lists entirely while clipboard monitoring is active, or even better after filtering them for actual video urls (to avoid included channel/playlist/random other urls being grabbed and then being prompted by JDownloader if you wish to process those as well), you get a clean LinkGrabber folder with a link collection of all the videos up to hundreds if not thousands at a time ... I haven't tested the limits yet.

Another option - with deactivated clipboard monitoring - is to copy those lists, open the Add and Analyse Links dialog with the Add New Links button bottom left in the LinkGrabber tab, and paste them there. This has the advantage of getting a progress dialog that illustrates the process.

The scrolling down method is limited by youtube just stopping after a couple hundred videos and just not populating more videos to the browser tab at some point, so this alternative might also be the only chance to fully get a complete list of a larger channel's whole uploads.

edit: The site I'm using myself for this (and for other purposes like upload date/time extraction as well) on a daily basis was intentionally not named/linked, because that specific application is traffic/request capped and already runs into its limits now every once in a while. It should be fairly easy to find it or a similar one tho.

Last edited by JDmurphy; 06.09.2022 at 13:33.
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