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Old 25.09.2019, 14:28
Demongornot Demongornot is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2019
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Posts: 50

Ok I see, thanks for the answer, I would still like to use API event if possible because it would allow to use a single script.
Obviously my first though was to use two script, one at new link added and another on download stop, but if I could get the list of added links per job id or crawler id it would be more practical and more optimised as all identical required variables and some of the tests will only got loaded in memory and executed once, also the LINK_UPDATE.finished is better than the trigger Download Stop which don't necessarily happen only when the download have finished, forcing to test every time a download stop, helping making the code simpler getting rid of the test to see if it is finished and rather only test of this is the API event I am looking for, which enclose the whole code for that in a "if" while giving possibility to use function shared by the two main feature of this script.
Edit : Getting the crawler job from the crawler id would be not only practical but also quite logical to be able to.

Last edited by Demongornot; 25.09.2019 at 14:31.
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