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Old 10.11.2020, 12:53
pspzockerscene's Avatar
pspzockerscene pspzockerscene is offline
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Explanation if you're interested in it:
Not all e-hentai account are allowed to use
I had built our crawler to modify all added gallery URLs internally to the exhentai domain as I assumed this was the way to go.
Unfurtunately, I was wrong.
Seems like some accounts either don't have access to exhentai at all or only after some time has passed after initial account registration.
When I looked through the logs, I've overseen that it said "exhentai" although I've added your "e-hentai" URL.
I've changed it to always use the added URL asnd never modify it --> Hope that won't cause any other bad side-effects.

That also explains why there was only one report about this issue

You can change the password of your e-hentai account now!

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