Thread: [User feedback required] Settings in Local Folder for JDownloader
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Old 23.03.2021, 02:17
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WaterEmblem WaterEmblem is offline
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Default Settings in Local Folder for JDownloader

There used to be a way to install a JDownloader to a local folder, where all things like settings, user accounts, linkgrabber, etc stored the file settings in the local folder (portable). If JD was installed to D:\Stuff\JD2 then all of the setting files would be on D drive.

I just completed a fresh install and there doesn't seem to be an option to move the settings file away from C:\Users. I can change download directory, but not configuration and linkgrabber storage. I know the exe still supports local files because I've had it set up like this for years without a fresh install. But I don't see a way to make it use the local directory (IE a "portable installation").
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