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Old 26.08.2010, 18:41
Posts: n/a
Default reconection works if i use "change ip" but not automatically

Hi guys -
finnaly i found a script wich works for my router and i entered the script at the big field of "liveHeadder/Curl"
When i click the "change ip" button manually everything works and i get a new IP.
But for some reason jdownloader doesnt use the ************************** script and as soon as jdownloader needs a new ip to continue, the download status is always "[WAITING FOR NEW IP]"

when i click "change ip" and then restart jdownloader it continues with the download T_T

so pls can you tell me how the **** jdownloader does autoreconnect.?

I need to change the router pass because everytime i (or the script) enters the standart pass it asks me to change the pass and a dialog opens wich asks for a new pass.
The problem is: how can i change the pass within the script?
the part for the pass in the script is


thats the script -

GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: %%%routerip%%%

POST /Forms/rpAuth_1 HTTP/1.1
Host: %%%routerip%%%


GET /rpSys.html HTTP/1.1
Host: %%%routerip%%%
GET /DiagADSL.html HTTP/1.1
Host: %%%routerip%%%
POST /Forms/DiagADSL_1 HTTP/1.1
Host: %%%routerip%%%

LineInfoDisplay=Start+to+reset+ADSL%0D%0ALoading+ADSL+modem+F%2FW...&DiagResetADSL=ADSL+Leitung+zur% FCcksetzen


Last edited by IMEAN; 26.08.2010 at 18:53.
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