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Old 05.12.2018, 13:11
user748912 user748912 is offline
Fibre Channel User
Join Date: Jun 2014
Posts: 118

Seems confirmed. Rapidgator is everytime reachable while JD dont running.
But i assume the whole think is different.
JDownloader open a huge amount of connection to the Browser Plugin(netstat).
As long there was only 1 Hoster that use Recaptcha2 it was not so much that it prevent working cause of to much connections. But after Rapidgator comes in, there are twice much connection in netstat. Means new connection are blocked until some old are out of netstat(know Windows behavior, counts too for "WAITING" depends on Version).

This can mean the problem is not a Recaptcha Timeout. Cause if you go on "1 simultan Downloads", SO opens RC2, some time to swich "2 simulan Downloads", RG makes a 35sek countdown, than the Browser opens. Meanwhile some or all connections done for SO JD<>Plugin are gone.
It may too possible that this huge number of loopback connections is the origin of the Recaptcha2 problem. Before network connection kills connectivity it will slow down things, and RC2 see suspicous slow reactions and cause RC2 get difficult with JD.

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Proto Lokale Adresse Remoteadresse Status
TCP computername:24613 localhost:2615 WARTEND
.... usual 93 of them.
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