Thread: [Developer Feedback required] Skipped - Account is missing
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Old 09.12.2020, 16:39
Perene Perene is offline
Fibre Channel User
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 117

OK, this bug has now appeared in every single attempt to download any file from Mega. I tried today a 2.X GB file and wasn't able to use JDW for download.

It appears to me that because of this bug JDW isn't even trying to download anything from MEGA servers anymore. Because, you know, even if the file IS HUGE, JDW usually waits 5 hours to resume downloads from there.

Now even this isn't working.

Besides, all that talk about bandwidth quota from inside the uploader's account or any amazing theory to explain all of this... it was all BS.

It was beginner's luck that I was able to download months or weeks ago huge files.

I tried everything you can think of:

- Different free MEGA accounts configured inside JDW settings;
- Renewing my IP;
- Trying different links, also uploaded by other accounts;

Nothing, and I really mean NOTHING we can think of make this work anymore.

What is veeeeeeeery odd is that I was able to download anything I wanted from MEGA before, including very huge files, and further, I was able to do this with the max sim. files set to 20 from JDW.

I remember very clearly that JDW was able to download a lot of data all at once, and once it ended one link, it started another, no more than 20 at the same time, of course.

Apparently MEGA servers have "fixed" all these possibilities, so we can only see the dreadful "Skipped - Account is missing" warning from now on.

Remember I said I was downloading a 49 GB file?

Yep... I had to use MEGASYNC after facing this issue, and it took me 1-2 weeks to finish the download.

I hope someday this bug can be fixed for good, things were great while they lasted...

Last edited by Perene; 09.12.2020 at 16:41.
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