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Old 07.12.2022, 03:46
serveral serveral is offline
DSL Light User
Join Date: Aug 2020
Posts: 33
Default Exhentai/E-hentai 5000 images ghost limit

So I've looked a bit into this issue in the forums and it seems to be somewhat persistent and has already been reported multiple times. However I decided to make a new thread to avoid potentially sending notifications to other users who might be still be subscribed to that thread just to be good mannered and not necro the thread again.

To keep things short, it seems that the plugin still works fine with e-hentai links, however it runs into the ghost image limit issue whenever an exhentai link is started after it reaches the default 5000 limit (i have a 25000 limit on my account and JD recognizes that just fine). I also ran a couple of tests by stopping the downloads and switching the package order around (exhentai pack first followed by e-hentai package and viceversa) to confirm that it was just the exhentai package that didn't want to cooperate.

here's the log 06.12.22 22.11.36 <--> 06.12.22 22.25.13 jdlog://8361311370661/

I'm willing to share my account details if necessary again (think I've done so in the past)

also not related to the limit but still relevant to the plugin, it seems like the "image size too small" error pops up randomly on some downloads for some reason even though the error doesn't really apply to the image that it reports as such. currently i've only managed to reproduce that behavior while downloading and connected through a vpn (proton), but the images seem to download just fine when not connected via vpn. the behavior should also be reflected in that log also
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