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Old 16.05.2018, 18:15
plip plip is offline
Wind Gust
Join Date: Jun 2016
Posts: 44

As the progress updating isn't bugged it isn't that important, so don't worry about it unless you're curious about it yourself.

Twitch collections are like Youtube playlists, where there's multiple videos per collection.

You can see what I mean by going to someone's collections page.
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Collections themselves are cumbersome on Twitch. Opening one up goes to the first video. While that's playing, if you mouse over the left side of the video then a list of all the other videos in the collections comes up.

You can't right click and copy to get the vod addresses though. You have to click and go to each individual vod for some reason to get each individual vod's address from the browser's address bar. So it's really clunky.

On the other hand, sometimes a streamer's most recent collection will show on top of their videos page, in which case you can easily right click and copy each vod address. That only happens with the most recent collection though.

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It's pretty strange how they handle those so differently depending on where the collection is shown. But there's no simple way to get all the videos from a collection, unlike Youtube playlists, unless the collection happens to show up at the top of the streamer's videos page.

I don't know if there would be a way to automate it or not so that JD2 could grab everything in a collection just by checking the collection address.

Last edited by plip; 16.05.2018 at 18:20.
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