Thread: [User feedback required] Main window constantly grabs focus
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Old 11.08.2016, 07:25
ooofest ooofest is offline
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Posts: 28
Default Main window constantly grabs focus

For the past year or so, JDownloader has been grabbing the focus on my system on both Windows 7 and Windows 10.

When new links are added from the clipboard, the window tries to grab focus whether it is minimized or not. When minimized, this forces the Windows taskbar to surface above other windows, forcing me to find the JDownloader window in order to give it focus and let the taskbar go back to normal.

Strangely, JDownloader will also grab focus at random times, when there are no links being added to it through the clipboard and it's just sitting in the background idle.

I've tried uninstalling JDownloader and reinstalling multiple times, including to different directories and starting fresh with new settings.

In Settings under User Interface -> Window Management, I have tried checking Silent Mode and also keep the "When new link as added, then" value as "Do Nothing." Bubble notifications are disabled.

Thanks for any advice.

Last edited by ooofest; 11.08.2016 at 07:29.
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