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Old 18.09.2022, 17:31
I3ordo I3ordo is offline
Mega Loader
Join Date: Mar 2022
Posts: 65

Well, i already this powershell code that gets the links
$Pages = "3" #Set Page number you would like this to stop at 
#$Pages = Read-Host "What Pages number would you like this to stop at?" #Will ask you everytime you run

#If you uncomment with # between the top two lines. line 1 is just set line 2 will ask you when you run 

$export = @()
$currentPageString = "1" 
$Pageint = [int]$currentPageString
While($Pageint -le $Pages){
$link = ‘**External links are only visible to Support Staff** + $pageint
$links = (Invoke-WebRequest –Uri $link).Links | select href
$export += $links | where {$_.Href -Like "***External links are only visible to Support Staff** -and $_.Href -notlike "**External links are only visible to Support Staff** -and $_.Href -ne "**External links are only visible to Support Staff** -and $_.Href -ne "**External links are only visible to Support Staff** -and $_.href -notlike "*#more*" -and $_.href -notlike "*#respond*"-and $_.href -notlike "*#comments*"} | select Href
Set-Clipboard $export.href

C:\temp\Jdownloader\Jdownloader2.exe #Change Patch to where you Jdownloader2.exe sits
and the links are at the clipboard. just need something from the jd to start deep crawling them and autostart the downloads.

I already paid some $ for the code above, now i could pay a bit more but cant find anyone with JD coding services in fiverr yet...
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