Thread: [Solved] MyJdownloader & privacy
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Old 23.09.2013, 15:13
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Originally Posted by raztoki View Post
Appwork has stated that it will most likely come, as I brought this up with them when we discussed how the API | services should operate. But was not a high priority task, some in Appwork do not like the thought of point to point due to the support nightmare it will create (like under previous webui|remote interface). I was of the opinion you should allow point to point without the need for relaying data over centralised point, as you are leaving yourself with potentially picking up the data bill and single point of failure (even though you can multihome auth services). And my personal gripe with centralised system under the current setup, all servers are located in Europe and my Lag is considerable. Ping to euroland ~450-500ms, local (state-country) ping within my state 6-80ms.

Believe appwork has said the following, that they would allow point to point just after the existing framework becomes fully developed. Connections will need to be still be auth through/from my.jd service. But my.jd could be used for hole punching through NAT | firewalls (which I'm a proponent of from the beginning). Also if you want a entirely different WEBUI you would need to create it yourselves. It wouldn't be included into JDownloader Project unless it used my.jdownloader to auth. If you wanted to use a different API frame work for your service, you would need to create that API and maintain it going forward. You would then need to commit your API works, after review it would be approved|declined|changed to suit.

Thanks for the detailed reply. I've started using the beta version now and it has been running great so far.

Hope to see great things to come!
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