Thread: [User feedback required] Selective Highlighting Broken Bug on OSX
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Old 11.08.2018, 08:49
agentjamesbond007 agentjamesbond007 is offline
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Default Selective Highlighting Broken Bug on OSX

On OSX, you have an ability to selectively highlight multiple rows individually on a table view by pressing and holding the command button and clicking a row.

This feature was very useful for choosing which rows to enable/disable/delete without selecting one by one. Now it's broken.

For a long time, you could do this. Up until one of the recent jdownloader updates (less than 10 updates ago, I think), CMD+clicking on a row only highlights that row. The only way to highlight multiple rows appears to be holding SHIFT and using arrow keys (but that's for selecting rows grouped above/below each other).

Running OSX Sierra (10.12.5)
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