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Old 27.01.2021, 19:44
pspzockerscene's Avatar
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Okay I can indeed see the issue.
Here I got all qualities available but for you, HLS qualities are completely missing and only one low quality URL is available.

Now the question is if there is a good way to detect this.
As said before, if you're currently "blocked" and you are adding new links to JD there is no way JD can know that these videos are usually available in a higher quality.
This means that either one of these two solutions could be possible:
1. Adding an extra setting for users like you which, once activated, saves the last available quality and if the future found quality is lower -> Display an error
2. Find out if there is any way to recognize the limit e.g. a difference in HTML code/cookie.

For the next update I've used a combination of 1 & 2:
Here are the recommended settings to make this work:
a. Do not use an account in JD unless needed.
b. Enable new plugin setting "Enable fast linkcheck for host plugin"
c. Enable plugin setting "Prefer HLS download" -> Set both other settings to "Best"
d. Enable new plugin setting "Try to recognize limit"

If it works as intended, JD will detect the limit (message "Low quality block active") and, if allowed, perform a reconnect or wait 60 minutes until retry.

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A users' JD crashes and the first thing to ask is:
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Do you have Nero installed?
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