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Old 04.03.2011, 08:57
buggsy buggsy is offline
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Default Reconnect for Thomson TG585 v7, Softwareversion:

I wrote an application to reconnect with this router using mono/C#. Here is the code if you want to compile it yourself:
using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

namespace reconnect
	class MainClass
		public static void Main (string[] args)
			string address = null;
			Regex reg = new Regex (@"**External links are only visible to Support Staff**);
			if (reg.IsMatch (args[0])) {
				address = args[0];
			else {
				address = "**External links are only visible to Support Staff** + args[0];
			Router router = new Router (address);
			router.Terminate ();
			router.Reconnect ();

		public class Router
			private string address;
			private string data;
			private string reply;
			private WebClient client = new WebClient ();
			private Regex reg;
			private Match match;

			public Router (string address)
				this.address = address; = this.client.DownloadString (address);

			public void Terminate ()
				this.reg = new Regex (@"<input type=\'hidden\' name=\'2\' value=\'(\d+)\'>");
				this.match = reg.Match (data);
				string num = match.Groups[1].Value;
				string terminate = "0=13&1=INTERNET&2=" + num + "&5=2";
				this.client.Headers.Add ("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
				this.reply = client.UploadString (address, terminate);

			public void Reconnect ()
				this.match = reg.Match (reply);
				string num = match.Groups[1].Value;
				string reconnect = "0=12&1=INTERNET&2=" + num + "&5=2";
				this.client.Headers.Add ("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
				this.reply = client.UploadString (address, reconnect);

If you want an already compiled file you can get it from:
**External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff**

To use it from commandline:
For Linux: mono reconnect.exe <ROUTER_IP>
For Windows: reconnect.exe <ROUTER_IP>
//Please replace <ROUTER_IP> with the IP address of the Thomson router (e.g.
The router needs rather long to reconnect, so I had to set the timeout in jdownloader to 120 sec for reconnection.

Last edited by buggsy; 04.03.2011 at 09:06. Reason: Added info for timout settings
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