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Old 17.08.2011, 00:40
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Default FileServe Premium ISSUES

All was working well for months and now, all of a sudden, JD cannot connect and download from fileserve.com. I can paste the URL of the file into my browser and download the same files without issue, so the files are available despite the log stating otherwise. Logs are here: http://jdownloader.net:8081/pastebin/49764. Any thoughts? Thanks!

Last edited by Jiaz; 23.01.2012 at 14:58.
Old 17.08.2011, 00:42
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please use search or check the standard places before creating new threads. This has already been answered within the international fileserve sticky thread.
raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer

Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :]
Old 17.08.2011, 00:59
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Thanks - I was only searching the English forum.

For other readers who find this thread, the international forum fileserve problem threads can be found here http://board.jdownloader.org/showthr...ight=fileserve and here http://board.jdownloader.org/showthread.php?t=30858

Last edited by Bags; 17.08.2011 at 01:03.
Old 18.08.2011, 11:08
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Originally Posted by Bags View Post
Thanks - I was only searching the English forum.
I'm a very curious guy. How did you search? There are several English forums. You refer to "the English forum". Which one did you mean?
Old 17.08.2011, 15:06
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From earlier this day:

Connection and download error encountered in Fileserve Download manager/ Fileserve/ Jdownloader are due to unexpected server maintenance. The maintenance is expected to be complete within the next 12-24 hours as confirmed by our Technical team. We apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused. Your patience is highly appreciated.
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Old 18.08.2011, 09:05
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Default FileServe Premium ISSUES

FileServe is working on their API, so don't panic if you have a premium account and nothing's working right now. It should be up and running again, soon (depending on how long FileServe takes for their maintenance).

Official Statement:

Connection and download error encountered in Fileserve Download manager/ Fileserve/ Jdownloader are due to unexpected server maintenance. The maintenance is expected to be complete within the next 12-24 hours as confirmed by our Technical team.
We apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused.
Your patience is highly appreciated.
JD-Dev & Server-Admin
Old 18.08.2011, 13:56
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:w00t: thanks for this news update, I was starting to worry really bad
Old 18.08.2011, 18:42
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I hope they do their maintenance quickly.
I can't download with Jdownloader.
Only direct download works.

Thanks for the news.
Old 18.08.2011, 19:20
Tyler Tyler is offline
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They had it fixed yesterday...how did they manager to like it up again
Old 18.08.2011, 20:40
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Waiting for the update to continue downloading from fileserve
Old 18.08.2011, 22:49
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there will be no update its a fileserve issue i hope they are going to extend every account for at least 5 days like Netload often does after issues.
Old 19.08.2011, 16:40
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thnx so much for the info
Old 19.08.2011, 18:00
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Edit from the news page:

[News Update @ 4AM EST 19/08-11]: Users using FileServe Manager can now download as Free or Premium User. Third party programs such as JDownloader will work later on.
Old 19.08.2011, 18:04
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They obviously have some vendetta against Jdownloader.
Old 19.08.2011, 18:16
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Fileserve said they fixed it on their end

Originally Posted by RickyFS View Post
@ all: JDownloader users will have their program back as soon as JD updates their software.

Furthermore, you can use Fileserve Manager to download as a free user or Premium. Enjoy!
From the wjunction thread
Old 19.08.2011, 19:00
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Filrserve Manager is just crap :(
I'll wait for JD
Old 24.01.2012, 04:54
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Exclamation Plugin error(out of date)


I am a premium fileserve user, been using jDownloader for quite sometime now.
Today, i received he following error "Plugin error(out of date)".

Tried updating jDownloader but it was already up to date.
Updated Java but was already up to date as well.

Please assist.
Old 24.01.2012, 06:48
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whats the like,

will download file. but what i see is, who my money can swim away, only that i use it!!!

jd shows an errror and the page show, that i can only download MY files !!!

hey guys, what the problem????

is it an problem of JD or fileserve??????
Old 24.01.2012, 08:06
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Originally Posted by mechanoid View Post
whats the like,

will download file. but what i see is, who my money can swim away, only that i use it!!!

jd shows an errror and the page show, that i can only download MY files !!!

hey guys, what the problem????

is it an problem of JD or fileserve??????
MU a fermé ses portes sous l’action du FBI et d’autres hébergeurs ont décidé de faire le tri dans leur base de données :

En l’occurrence Fileserve a supprimé plus de 80% de son contenu, l’histoire aurait pu s’arręter lŕ, mais ils ont poussé encore plus loin en retirant leur programme de rémunération, sans payer qui que ce soit.
C’est pourquoi aujourd’hui nombre de personnes ont vu sous leurs yeux s’envoler la totalité de leurs sous gagnés en partageant leurs fichiers.
Ce n’est pas tout, FS a, depuis hier, purement banni grand nombre de comptes, męme ceux ayant payés pour leur service !

C’est pourquoi aujourd’hui nous vous déconseillons vivement d’aller prendre des comptes premium chez n’importe lequel de ces hébergeurs car la situation est beaucoup trop instable !

Mais surtout chez les hébergeurs du groupe FileServe :

- Uplaodstation
- Filejungle
- Videobb
- Videozer
- FileServe

Ils ont comme dit plus haut, supprimé aussi la quasi totalité de leurs fichiers sur FileServe, videoBB et videoZer, ça commence aussi sur FileJungle.

Google translate

MU has closed under the action of the FBI and other providers have decided to sort through their database:

In this case Fileserve removed over 80% of its content, the story might have ended there, but they pushed even further by removing their compensation without paying anyone.
That is why today many people have seen before them fly all of their earned by sharing their files.
That's not all, FS, since yesterday, purely banned many accounts, even those who paid for their service!

That is why today we strongly advise against going to the premium accounts in any of these hosts because the situation is too unstable!

But especially for hosting the group FileServe:

- Uplaodstation
- Filejungle
- Videobb
- Videoz
- FileServe

They are as mentioned above, also removed almost all of their files on FileServe, and videoBB Videoz, it also begins FileJungle.
Old 19.08.2011, 19:19
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Update: i got new api specs from fileserve, will add it as soon as possible
JD-Dev & Server-Admin
Old 19.08.2011, 21:01
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Great you are working on it. But i cant understand this, they say we can use fileserve manager but that keeps coming up with errors like jdownloader sometimes do also.

Very frustrating.
Old 20.08.2011, 08:37
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Originally Posted by zixer92 View Post
they say we can use fileserve manager but that keeps coming up with errors...
That's their problem, not jD's.
Old 19.08.2011, 21:26
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Thanks Jiaz for the hard work.
Old 20.08.2011, 11:40
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Jiaz - any idea when the update will be posted

Thanks in advance

Old 20.08.2011, 12:13
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In http://board.jdownloader.org/showthr...t=30858&page=5 you'll find :-

Originally Posted by grambax View Post
Any idea how long we are talking about until jdownloader is updated? Hours? Days?
Originally Posted by Jiaz View Post
i will do it today
Jiaz is working during the WE for you!
Old 20.08.2011, 12:43
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I say to hell with their API. Who's to say they won't have similiar problems in the future? I got tired of waiting for FileServe to fix their issues, so I modified the current FileServe plugin to not use the API. I'm currently downloading without any problems.


**External links are only visible to Support Staff**Full-Size Screenshow


If I were a JD dev, I'd modify the plugin to work with the API first...then without it as a fail-safe. But I don't really have the time to commit.

Last edited by PutterPlace; 20.08.2011 at 12:46.
Old 20.08.2011, 12:57
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Thanks for your great commitment to jD, but I can also produce such a screen-shot.
Old 20.08.2011, 13:29
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Lol....for what it's worth, the screenshot isn't fake. I wouldn't waste my time with such a thing. As proof, my changes to the FileServe hoster plugin are below.....

Added string:
    private static final String COOKIE_HOST = "**External links are only visible to Support Staff**;

Custom login method...because I didn't want to change or remove the loginAPI method:
    private void login(final Browser useBr, final Account account) throws Exception {
        Browser br = useBr;
        if (br == null) br = new Browser();
        br.getPage(COOKIE_HOST + "/index.php");
        Form loginform = br.getForm(1);
        if (loginform == null) throw new PluginException(LinkStatus.ERROR_PLUGIN_DEFECT);
        loginform.put("loginUserName", Encoding.urlEncode(account.getUser()));
        loginform.put("loginUserPassword", Encoding.urlEncode(account.getPass()));
        br.getPage(COOKIE_HOST + "/dashboard.php");
        if (!br.containsHTML("Login Name")) throw new PluginException(LinkStatus.ERROR_PREMIUM, PluginException.VALUE_ID_PREMIUM_DISABLE);
        if (br.getCookie(COOKIE_HOST, "cookie") == null)
            throw new PluginException(LinkStatus.ERROR_PREMIUM, PluginException.VALUE_ID_PREMIUM_DISABLE);

Modified handlePremium method:
    public void handlePremium(final DownloadLink link, final Account account) throws Exception {
        this.login(br, account);
        String dllink = br.getRedirectLocation();
        this.dl = jd.plugins.BrowserAdapter.openDownload(this.br, link, dllink, true, 0);
        if (this.dl.getConnection().getResponseCode() == 404) {
            throw new PluginException(LinkStatus.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND);
        if (this.dl.getConnection().getContentType().contains("html")) {
            if (this.dl.getConnection().getLongContentLength() == 0) { throw new PluginException(LinkStatus.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); }
            throw new PluginException(LinkStatus.ERROR_PLUGIN_DEFECT);
        if (link.getFinalFileName() == null) {
            /* workaround for buggy server response, see #3545 */
            String name = Plugin.getFileNameFromHeader(dl.getConnection());
            if (name != null) {
                name = name.replaceAll("\\%\\%", "%25%");
                name = Encoding.htmlDecode(name);

Modified fetchAccountInfo method:
    public AccountInfo fetchAccountInfo(final Account account) throws Exception {
        final AccountInfo ai = new AccountInfo();
        try {
            login(br, account);
        } catch (PluginException e) {
            return ai;
        String expire = br.getRegex("Premium Until<\\/h4><\\/th>.*?<td><h5>(.*?)<\\/h5").getMatch(0);
        String type = br.getRegex("Account Type<\\/h4><\\/td> <td><h5 class\\=\\\"inline\\\">(.*?) <\\/h5").getMatch(0);
        if (type != null) ai.setStatus(type);
        if (!"Premium".equals(type)) {
            try {
            } catch (final Throwable e) {
                /* not available in 0.9xxx */
            account.setProperty("type", "free");
        } else {
            if (expire == null) {
                return ai;
            } else {
                ai.setValidUntil(TimeFormatter.getMilliSeconds(expire, "dd MMMM yyyy zzz", null));
                ai.setStatus("Premium User");
                return ai;
        return ai;

As you can see, I did away with the API in my customization. Instead, I used the built-in browser. Also, as a plus, with these customizations, the loginAPI, getShorten, getDirectLink, parse, and decrypt methods could all be removed.

Last edited by PutterPlace; 20.08.2011 at 13:44.
Old 20.08.2011, 13:52
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But everytime they change anything in their page: i.e. "Login Name" -> "User Name" - the plugin requires rewriting.
This is why using API is independent from whatever they change in layout of the pages and should not care about what they are changing in their internal soft - 3rd party app calls specified API functions and expects specified response.
But the fileserve moroons instead of adding new API functions changed specification of the existing API - this is why 3rd party apps stopped to work. They made it (and probably started to test it) on living organism - even their own tool stopped to work with Premium accounts.
They do not care about customers because they exactly knew how many of them are using jD and didn't warn jD developers before applying the new API specification.
Old 20.08.2011, 13:56
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While that is understandable completely, I made those specific strings as a quick fix to work right now. More permanent strings could be used to check logins and expiration and such. Plus, that's also why I made the suggestion to modify the plugin to try the API first, and if that fails, then go ahead without it. That way, at least the plugin would work even if the FileServe API isn't.
Old 20.08.2011, 14:09
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Default Newbee question

Can someone explain this how to solve this FileServe issue???
I have no clue about JAVA. Can someone explain this what changes needs to be done??

Thanks in advance...
Old 20.08.2011, 14:15
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I have nothing against your idea and I think it's good backup method for situation like this.

I simply made the statement that fileserve guys completely fu...ed up the rules of good programming.
Imagine that Microsoft changed completely their DirectX API, put the changes in their monthly updates and millions of games (and other apps) stopped to working? This will probably lead to mass riot.

I can understand the changes sometimes are needed but fileserve made them unprofessionally and completely ignoring many customers. At least for the period they were making the changes - the old specification should work to give the 3rd party developers required time for changing their apps without stopping them to work.
Old 18.08.2011, 23:26
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I searched the forum this thread is located in.
Old 19.08.2011, 03:07
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Default fileserve plugin

fileserve plugin doesnt work anymore, errors out with "server error, will retry later" i tried it on 2 machines, same result. been like that for 2 days
any1 else is getting this? any idea how to fix this?

Thank you!:)

Last edited by Jiaz; 19.08.2011 at 08:35.
Old 19.08.2011, 08:35
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read here
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Old 19.08.2011, 09:41
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A page search with my browser highlights 6 threads, while the Search of this forum gives 500 results and 13 threads on the first page of the search results alone have 'fileserve' in their title. I'm amazed.
Old 20.08.2011, 15:43
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When you change something so touchy, in a true profesional business I mean, you make lots of tests BEFORE applying your changes. Even their own download manager was affected !
Old 20.08.2011, 16:51
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Originally Posted by editestowy View Post
I have nothing against your idea and I think it's good backup method for situation like this.

I simply made the statement that fileserve guys completely fu...ed up the rules of good programming.
Imagine that Microsoft changed completely their DirectX API, put the changes in their monthly updates and millions of games (and other apps) stopped to working? This will probably lead to mass riot.

I can understand the changes sometimes are needed but fileserve made them unprofessionally and completely ignoring many customers. At least for the period they were making the changes - the old specification should work to give the 3rd party developers required time for changing their apps without stopping them to work.
I understand. I was just saying. In no way would my method be a good replacement simply because of the fact that the search strings are so precise, and could change at any given moment. But yea....they did mess up pretty royally by taking their API down like that. It's like live-testing a web site....bad for business to put it simply.

Originally Posted by lionelboy View Post
When you change something so touchy, in a true profesional business I mean, you make lots of tests BEFORE applying your changes. Even their own download manager was affected !
I agree....there was no reason for them to make such drastic changes to live code, and have it down for so long to the point that even their own products wouldn't work properly.

Originally Posted by MrT69 View Post
Can someone explain this how to solve this FileServe issue???
I have no clue about JAVA. Can someone explain this what changes needs to be done??

Thanks in advance...
Jiaz is on it....just wait for the update.
Old 20.08.2011, 17:35
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We KNOW what we're doing and it is NOT up to us to FIX mistakes of hosters or to make workarounds for those.
If there is an API we trust it 100% and if it fails it's up to our users to contact the hosters support and ask why it doesn't work!

GreeZ pspzockerscene

Closed till we have news!
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A users' JD crashes and the first thing to ask is:
Originally Posted by Jiaz View Post
Do you have Nero installed?
Old 21.08.2011, 09:15
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thanks to PutterPlace for his help. the official api i got from fileserve.....i dont find any words for it.....
wait for plugin update then it will work again
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