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Old 22.08.2016, 12:43
mgpai mgpai is offline
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Default [Event Scripter] Scripts and requests

EDIT2 by pspzockerscene

As of 2024-11-26, we got a separate subforum for EventScripter related questions.

EDIT by pspzockerscene:
If you were sent to this thread but you do not know what the EventScripter is, please read THIS support article first.

Convert AAC/M4A/OGG/OPUS files to MP3.
    Convert audio files to mp3 format
    Trigger : A download stopped

if (link.finished) {
    var input = link.downloadPath;
    var output = input.replace(/(aac|m4a|ogg|opus)$/, "mp3");

    if (input != output) {
        try {
            var ffmpeg = callAPI("config", "get", "org.jdownloader.controlling.ffmpeg.FFmpegSetup", null, "binarypath");
            var bitrate = callSync(ffmpeg, "-i", input).match(/bitrate: (\d+) kb/)[1];

            callAsync(function(error) {
                !error && getPath(input).delete();
            }, ffmpeg, "-y", "-i", input, "-b:a", bitrate + "k", output);
        } catch (e) {};

Last edited by mgpai; 18.01.2025 at 10:26. Reason: Added info about new EventScripter subforum
Old 31.08.2016, 16:20
mgpai mgpai is offline
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Save youtube links and basic information to a html page
// Save youtube links and basic information to a html page.
// Trigger required: "A Download Stopped"

// Get link property
String.prototype.prop = function() {
    return link.getProperty(this);

// Convert duration to hh:mm:ss.ms format
Date.prototype.duration = function() {
    var ms = parseInt((this % 1000) / 100);
    var ss = parseInt((this / 1000) % 60);
    var mm = parseInt((this / (1000 * 60)) % 60);
    var hh = parseInt((this / (1000 * 60 * 60)) % 24);

    hh = (hh < 10) ? "0" + hh : hh;
    mm = (mm < 10) ? "0" + mm : mm;
    ss = (ss < 10) ? "0" + ss : ss;

    return hh + ":" + mm + ":" + ss + "." + ms;

// Get media bitrate
Number.prototype.toKbps = function() {
    return ((this / mediaDuration) * 8).toFixed(2);

// youtube media check
var youtubeMedia = link.getHost() == "youtube.com" && (/\.(m4a|aac|ogg|mp3|mp4|webm)$/).test(link.getName());

// Get Data
if (youtubeMedia) {
    var output = [];
    var variant = JSON.parse("YT_VARIANT".prop());
    var variantData = JSON.parse(variant.data);
    var youtube = "<a href=\"" + "http"+ "s://youtube.com/";
    var saveFile = link.getDownloadPath() + ".info.html";
    var fileSize = link.getBytesTotal();
    var demux = (/DEMUX/).test(variant.id);
    var audioSize = !demux ? "DASH_AUDIO_SIZE".prop() : fileSize;
    var videoSize = "DASH_VIDEO_SIZE".prop();
    var mediaDuration = "YT_DURATION".prop();
    var data = {
        Video: youtube + "watch?v=" + "YT_ID".prop() + "\">" + "YT_TITLE".prop() + "</a>",
        Playlist: "YT_PLAYLIST_ID".prop() && "YT_PLAYLIST_TITLE".prop() ? youtube + "playlist?list=" + "YT_PLAYLIST_ID".prop() + "\">" + "YT_PLAYLIST_TITLE".prop() + "</a>" : null,
        User: youtube + "user/" + "YT_USER_NAME".prop() + "\">" + "YT_USER_NAME".prop() + "</a>",
        Channel: youtube + "channel/" + "YT_CHANNEL_ID".prop() + "\">" + "YT_CHANNEL".prop() + "</a>" + "\r\n",
        Published: new Date("YT_DATE".prop()).toDateString(),
        Size: (fileSize / 1048576).toFixed(2) + " MiB",
        Duration: new Date(mediaDuration).duration(),
        Width: variantData.width,
        Height: variantData.height,
        FPS: variantData.fps,
        Audio_Bitrate: audioSize.toKbps() + " kbps",
        Video_Bitrate: !demux && fileSize > audioSize ? videoSize.toKbps() + " kbps" : null,
        Overall_Bitrate: !demux && fileSize > audioSize ? fileSize.toKbps() + " kbps" : null,
        Variant_ID: variant.id,
    // Generate output[]
    for (i in data) {
        if (data[i] && data[i] != -1) {
            output.push(i.replace(/_/g, " ") + " : " + data[i]);
    // Format output[] and save to html file
    try {
        deleteFile(saveFile, false); // Delete info file if it already exists on the disk.
        writeFile(saveFile, "<pre>" + output.join("<br>") + "</pre>", false);
    } catch (err) {
        log(err + "");
Attached Files
File Type: html Sample_Output.html (717 Bytes, 86 views)

Last edited by Jiaz; 15.07.2019 at 14:33.
Old 02.09.2016, 13:57
mgpai mgpai is offline
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Extraction Scheduler
// Schedule Extraction
// Trigger Required: Interval
// Disable Auto Extract in Archive Extractor
// Forum Topic: https://board.jdownloader.org/showthread.php?t=70655

var t = [21, 30]; //Set Starting Time [hours,minutes] e.g. [21,30] is 9:30 PM

if ((new Date().setHours(t[0], t[1], 0, 0) % new Date() < interval)) {
    var links = getAllDownloadLinks();

    for (i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
        var link = links[i];
        var autoExtract = link.getArchive().getInfo().autoExtract;

        if (link.isFinished() && link.getArchive() && link.getExtractionStatus() == null && autoExtract != "FALSE") {
            callAPI("extraction", "startExtractionNow", [link.getUUID()], []);


Last edited by mgpai; 22.02.2018 at 18:00. Reason: Added link to rewritten script
Old 06.09.2016, 15:22
mgpai mgpai is offline
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Update JD when idle.
// Restart and Update JD when idle
// Trigger Required: "Interval"

var newInterval = 600000;

if (interval == newInterval) {
    if (isDownloadControllerIdle()) {
        if (isUpdateAvailable() && !isExtracting() && !isCrawling()) {
        } else {
            if (!isAutoUpdateCheckEnabled()) {
} else {
    interval = newInterval;


function isUpdateAvailable() {
    return callAPI("update", "isUpdateAvailable");

function isExtracting() {
    return callAPI("extraction", "getQueue").length > 0;

function isCrawling() {
    return callAPI("linkcrawler", "isCrawling");

function restartAndUpdate() {
    callAPI("update", "restartAndUpdate");

function isAutoUpdateCheckEnabled() {
    return callAPI("config", "get", "org.jdownloader.updatev2.UpdateSettings", null, "autoupdatecheckenabled");

function runUpdateCheck() {
    callAPI("update", "runUpdateCheck");

Updated version of the script can be found in Post# 881 of this thread.

Last edited by mgpai; 15.09.2019 at 10:52. Reason: Link to new version of the script.
Old 10.09.2016, 12:51
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Default md5sum

Generate md5 hash file in download folder
// Generate md5 hash file in download folder
// Trigger: "A Download Stopped"
// Latest updates: **External links are only visible to Support Staff**// Credits: mgpai

if (link.isFinished()) {
	var filename = link.getName()
	var file = link.getDownloadPath()
	var folder = link.package.getDownloadFolder()
	var hashfile = folder + "/" + filename + "\.md5"
	if (getPath(hashfile).exists()) getPath(hashfile).delete()
	var MD5text = getChecksum("md5", file).toLowerCase() + "\t" + filename + "\n"
	writeFile(hashfile, MD5text, true)

Last edited by DoctorD90; 10.09.2016 at 13:29.
Old 30.01.2019, 20:32
plaintext plaintext is offline
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Originally Posted by mgpai View Post
Update JD when idle.
I would like to trigger updates after a reconnect, can you tell me how to modify the script for this?
Why dont't you need to check isDonwloading() ?

thank you.
Old 31.01.2019, 06:43
mgpai mgpai is offline
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Originally Posted by plaintext View Post
I would like to trigger updates after a reconnect...
It might better to restart and update "Before a Reconnect". Running it "After a Reconnect", may interrupt downloads or any other activities which have started immediately after the reconnect, in which case updating while idle is a better option.

This script can also be used with "After a Reconnect" trigger.

// Restart and update, if updates are available
// Trigger: Before a Reconnect

if (callAPI("update", "isUpdateAvailable")) callAPI("update", "restartAndUpdate");

Originally Posted by plaintext View Post
Why dont't you need to check isDonwloading() ?
It does check if downloads are running (isDownloadControllerIdle()).
Old 22.02.2018, 00:31
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Originally Posted by mgpai View Post
Extraction Scheduler
// Schedule Extraction
// Trigger Required: Interval
// Disable Auto Extract in Archive Extractor
// Forum Topic: https://board.jdownloader.org/showthread.php?t=70655

var t = [21, 30]; //Set Starting Time [hours,minutes] e.g. [21,30] is 9:30 PM

if ((new Date().setHours(t[0], t[1], 0, 0) % new Date() < interval)) {
    var links = getAllDownloadLinks();

    for (i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
        var link = links[i];
        var autoExtract = link.getArchive().getInfo().autoExtract;

        if (link.isFinished() && link.getArchive() && link.getExtractionStatus() == null && autoExtract != "FALSE") {
            callAPI("extraction", "startExtractionNow", [link.getUUID()], []);

Doesn't work for me? Is there an update?
Old 18.05.2019, 23:14
Posts: n/a


the code example
Save youtube links and basic information to a html page
contains the following invalid line:
if (youtubeMedia) {
    var output = [];
    var variant = JSON.parse("YT_VARIANT".prop());
    var variantData = JSON.parse(variant.data);
    var youtube = "<a href=\"External links are only visible to Support Staff;
Can someone be so kind and correct that?

Many thanks and greetings
Old 19.05.2019, 08:07
mgpai mgpai is offline
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Originally Posted by JDFan View Post
... the code example Save youtube links and basic information to a html page contains the following invalid line: ...
 var youtube = "<a href=\"External links are only visible to Support Staff;

Old 29.09.2016, 15:01
mgpai mgpai is offline
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Split packages and create sub-folders

Adding custom command to context menu
  1. Add script to event scripter
  2. Go to Linkgrabber Tab > Context Menu > Open Menu Manager
  3. Add Submenu > Name it "Scripts" (can specify any name)
  4. Select "Scripts" Submenu > Add Action > EventScripter Trigger
  5. In the right-side panel change the name from "EventScripter Trigger" to "Split Packages" (Exact name specified in the script, case-sensitive)
  6. Save
// Split Packages and create sub-folder based on package length
// Trigger : Linkgrabber Contextmenu Button Pressed
// Forum Topic: https://board.jdownloader.org/showthread.php?t=70979

if (name == "Split Packages") {
    var package = lgSelection.getContextPackage();
    var links = package.getDownloadLinks();
    var newSize = 100; // Specify max number of links per package
    var UUIDS = [];
    var count = 1;

    if (links.length > newSize) {
        for (i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
            var link = links[i];

        while (UUIDS.length) {
            var oldFolder = package.getDownloadFolder();
            var packageName = package.getName();
            var splitUUIDS = UUIDS.splice(0, newSize);
            var newFolder = oldFolder + "/" + pad(count);

// Add sub folder
function setNewFolder() {
    callAPI("linkgrabberv2", "movetoNewPackage", splitUUIDS, [], packageName, newFolder);

// Pad number with leading zeros
function pad(num) {
    var a = num + "";
    var b = (links.length / newSize).toFixed(0);
    while (a.length < b.length) a = "0" + a;
    return a;
Old 07.10.2016, 14:52
mgpai mgpai is offline
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Simple history of downloaded links in text format.
  • Default folder: "<jdownloader>\auto\history" (e.g "c:\jdownloader\auto\history")
  • Default file name: "<current date>.txt" (e.g. "Oct 07 2016.txt")
// Simple history
// Trigger Required : A Download Stopped

if (link.isFinished()) {
    var a /*date*/ = new Date().toString().substring(4, 16);
    var b /*history folder*/ = JD_HOME + "/auto/history/";
    var c /*history file Name */ = a + ".txt";
    var d /*download url*/ = link.getContentURL();
    var e /*download file name*/ = link.getName();

    if (!getPath(b).exists()) getPath(b).mkdirs();
    writeFile(b + c, [d, e].join(",") + "\r\n", true);
Old 17.10.2016, 13:59
mgpai mgpai is offline
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Hide/Unhide Infobar Window

Adding custom command to Tray menu
  • Add script to event scripter
  • Tray Menu > Open Menu Manager > Add Action > EventScripter Trigger
  • In the right-side panel, change the name from "EventScripter Trigger" to "Infobar" (Exact name - without quotes - as specified in the script, case-sensitive)
  • Change Icon (Optional)
  • Save
// Hide/Unhide Infobar Window
// Trigger: Traymenu Button Pressed
// Can also use other 'button pressed' triggers if you want to specify/use 'keyboard shortcut'
// Requirements: Install and enable infobar extension
// Forum Topic: https://board.jdownloader.org/showthread.php?t=70617

if (name = "Infobar") {
    var infobar = "org.jdownloader.extensions.infobar.InfoBarConfig";
    var storage = "cfg/org.jdownloader.extensions.infobar.InfoBarExtension";
    var windowVisible = callAPI("config", "get", infobar, storage, "windowvisible");

    if (windowVisible) {
        callAPI("config", "set", infobar, storage, "windowvisible", false);
    } else {
        callAPI("config", "set", infobar, storage, "windowvisible", true);

Last edited by mgpai; 18.10.2016 at 11:56. Reason: Modified scrtipt to Hide/Unhide Infobar Window instead of Enable/Disable Infobar Extension
Old 11.11.2016, 01:03
Spongshga Spongshga is offline
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Originally Posted by mgpai View Post
Simple history of downloaded links in text format.
  • Default folder: "<jdownloader>\auto\history" (e.g "c:\jdownloader\auto\history")
  • Default file name: "<current date>.txt" (e.g. "Oct 07 2016.txt")
// Simple history
// Trigger Required : A Download Stopped

if (link.isFinished()) {
    var a /*date*/ = new Date().toString().substring(4, 16);
    var b /*history folder*/ = JD_HOME + "/auto/history/";
    var c /*history file Name */ = a + ".txt";
    var d /*download url*/ = link.getContentURL();
    var e /*download file name*/ = link.getName();

    if (!getPath(b).exists()) getPath(b).mkdirs();
    writeFile(b + c, [d, e].join(",") + "\r\n", true);
Was muss ich ändern um einen Außerhalb des JD-Verzeichniss liegenden Speicher-Pfad anzugeben?
Falls im Beitrag ergrenzt kann dieser Post gelöscht werden :-)

Wäre es nicht schlecht für kommende Scripts ein extra Foren-bereich einzurichten und für jeden Script ein Thema zu erstellen. Dann noch ein Verweis via URL im JD in der Script-Erweiterung auf den Foren bereich... Scheint künftig übersichtlicher und Interessanter oder?

Klasse wärs, wenn genannte Scripte bei "Beispielen im JD auftauchen würden und ggf. die außenstehenden Infos im Script dokumentiert werden sodass sie funktionstüchtig laufen. Beispielsweise wie [...] Default folder: "< [...] Oder eben der Hinweis via URL.

Last edited by Spongshga; 11.11.2016 at 01:09.
Old 11.11.2016, 02:54
mgpai mgpai is offline
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Originally Posted by Spongshga View Post
Was muss ich ändern um einen Außerhalb des JD-Verzeichniss liegenden Speicher-Pfad anzugeben?
Falls im Beitrag ergrenzt kann dieser Post gelöscht werden :-)

var b /*history folder*/ = "c:/myFolder/history/";

Note: Path should always include "/" at the end.
Old 11.11.2016, 03:22
Informativ Informativ is offline
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Hello mgpai,
i have crawljob white description inside. Is it possible to write this in txt file and do in downloadfolder? I have no idea how to implement this.

Old 29.09.2020, 01:52
metozeton metozeton is offline
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Originally Posted by mgpai View Post
Export download URLs (Linkgrabber List)
  • Default folder: "<jdownloader>\auto\history" (e.g "c:\jdownloader\auto\export")
  • Default file name: "<timestamp> - LG Selection.txt" (e.g. "Nov 25 2016 17.26.44 - LG Selection.txt")
// Export download URLs
// Trigger : "Linkgrabber Contextmenu Button Pressed"

if (name == "Export URLs") {
    var exportFolder = JD_HOME + "/auto/export/"; // <- Folder for exporting the text files
    var now = new Date().toString().substring(4, 24).replace(/:/g, "."); // <- Timestamp used in file name
    var exportFile = now + " - LG Selection.txt"; // <- Filename for exporting the URLs
    var links = lgSelection.getLinks();
    var urls = [];

    for (i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
        var link = links[i];
        var fileName = link.getName();
        var downloadURL = link.getContentURL();
        urls.push(downloadURL + "," + fileName);

    if (!getPath(exportFolder).exists()) getPath(exportFolder).mkdirs();
    writeFile(exportFolder + exportFile, urls.join("\r\n"), true);

Export Download URLs (Download List)
  • Default folder: "<jdownloader>\auto\history" (e.g "c:\jdownloader\auto\export")
  • Default file name: "<timestamp> - DL Selection.txt" (e.g. "Nov 25 2016 17.26.44 - DL Selection.txt")
// Export download URLs
// Trigger : "DownloadList Contextmenu Button Pressed"

if (name == "Export URLs") {
    var exportFolder = JD_HOME + "/auto/export/"; // <- Folder for exporting the text files
    var now = new Date().toString().substring(4, 24).replace(/:/g, "."); // <- Timestamp used in file name
    var exportFile = now + " - DL Selection.txt"; // <- Filename for exporting the URLs
    var links = dlSelection.getDownloadLinks();
    var urls = [];

    for (i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
        var link = links[i];
        var fileName = link.getName();
        var downloadURL = link.getContentURL();
        urls.push(downloadURL + "," + fileName);

    if (!getPath(exportFolder).exists()) getPath(exportFolder).mkdirs();
    writeFile(exportFolder + exportFile, urls.join("\r\n"), true);


It works. But how can I add information about the source? (the webpage where found the link)

Last edited by metozeton; 29.09.2020 at 02:35.
Old 29.09.2020, 12:14
mgpai mgpai is offline
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Originally Posted by metozeton View Post
... how can I add information about the source? (the webpage where found the link)
If available, JD may save the webpage URL as 'origin', 'referrer' or 'container' URL depending on the plugin and/or how it was copied. The following script will export all the available URLs related to a link. It can be used with DL or LG context menu trigger.

// Export related URLs
// Trigger : Linkgrabber Contextmenu Button Pressed OR DownloadList Contextmenu Button Pressed

if (name == "Export URLs") {
    var lgSelection, dlSelection,
        selection = lgSelection || dlSelection;

    if (selection) {
        var folder = JD_HOME + "/auto/export/", // <- Folder for exporting the text files
            date = new Date().toString().substring(4, 24).replace(/:/g, "."), // <- Timestamp used in file name
            name = lgSelection ? " - LG Selection.txt" : " - DL Selection.txt",
            file = date + name,
            content = [],
            links = selection.links,
            addContent = function(arr, data) {
                if (data && arr.indexOf(data) == -1) {

        links.forEach(function(link) {
            var arr = [];
            addContent(arr, link.name);
            addContent(arr, link.contentURL);
            addContent(arr, link.pluginURL);
            addContent(arr, link.containerURL);
            addContent(arr, link.referrerURL);
            addContent(arr, link.originURL);

        if (!getPath(folder).exists()) {
        writeFile(folder + file, content.join("\r\n"), true);
Old 02.07.2022, 04:42
TomNguyen TomNguyen is offline
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Originally Posted by mgpai View Post
Simple history of downloaded links in text format.
  • Default folder: "<jdownloader>\auto\history" (e.g "c:\jdownloader\auto\history")
  • Default file name: "<current date>.txt" (e.g. "Oct 07 2016.txt")
// Simple history
// Trigger Required : A Download Stopped

if (link.isFinished()) {
    var a /*date*/ = new Date().toString().substring(4, 16);
    var b /*history folder*/ = JD_HOME + "/auto/history/";
    var c /*history file Name */ = a + ".txt";
    var d /*download url*/ = link.getContentURL();
    var e /*download file name*/ = link.getName();

    if (!getPath(b).exists()) getPath(b).mkdirs();
    writeFile(b + c, [d, e].join(",") + "\r\n", true);
Dear mgpai,
Could you please help modify this script to save status of all links currently in Jdownloader (not just downloaded links but also links that are currently downloading, links are waiting to download and error links).
My intention is to run this script once per day to get status of all links.
I am currently running Jdownloader on a small Raspberry Pi that doesn't have a screen, it would be very convenient to get status of all links in a text file every day.
Thank you!

Last edited by TomNguyen; 02.07.2022 at 05:10.
Old 10.11.2016, 20:19
mgpai mgpai is offline
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EDIT by psp: Thank you mgpai - I've removed my request- post above this one to keep the thread clean!

// Add single URL at user defined interval
// Trigger required: "Interval"

var setInterval = 60; // in minutes
var link = "http://jdownloader.org/download/index"; // Specify URL to be added

if (interval == setInterval * 60 * 1000) {
    callAPI("linkgrabberv2", "addLinks", {
        "deepDecrypt": true,
        "links": link
} else {
    interval = setInterval * 60 * 1000;
// Add multiple URLs at user defined interval
// Trigger required: "Interval"

var setInterval = 60; // in minutes
var feeds = JD_HOME + "/feeds/links.txt"; // Full path to text file containing the urls

if (interval == setInterval * 60 * 1000) {
    callAPI("linkgrabberv2", "addLinks", {
        "deepDecrypt": true,
        "links": readFile(feeds)
} else {
    interval = setInterval * 60 * 1000;
File used to test the script:
Attached Files
File Type: txt links.txt (74 Bytes, 56 views)

Last edited by pspzockerscene; 11.11.2016 at 03:36.
Old 06.03.2020, 23:14
AlphaSlayer AlphaSlayer is offline
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Originally Posted by mgpai View Post
EDIT by psp: Thank you mgpai - I've removed my request- post above this one to keep the thread clean!

// Add single URL at user defined interval
// Trigger required: "Interval"

var setInterval = 60; // in minutes
var link = "http://jdownloader.org/download/index"; // Specify URL to be added

if (interval == setInterval * 60 * 1000) {
    callAPI("linkgrabberv2", "addLinks", {
        "deepDecrypt": true,
        "links": link
} else {
    interval = setInterval * 60 * 1000;
// Add multiple URLs at user defined interval
// Trigger required: "Interval"

var setInterval = 60; // in minutes
var feeds = JD_HOME + "/feeds/links.txt"; // Full path to text file containing the urls

if (interval == setInterval * 60 * 1000) {
    callAPI("linkgrabberv2", "addLinks", {
        "deepDecrypt": true,
        "links": readFile(feeds)
} else {
    interval = setInterval * 60 * 1000;
File used to test the script:
What would I need to add to this to make it start downloading after everything has been grabbed and to set it to download to a specific location with subfolder by package name enabled? THANKS!
Old 07.03.2020, 06:58
mgpai mgpai is offline
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Originally Posted by AlphaSlayer View Post
What would I need to add to this to make it start downloading after everything has been grabbed and to set it to download to a specific location with subfolder by package name enabled?
"deepDecrypt": true is not required for sites (like YT) which have dedicated plugins.

callAPI("linkgrabberv2", "addLinks", {
    "links": readFile(feeds),
    "autostart": true,
    "destinationFolder": "\\myFolder\\<jd:packagename>"

Optionally, use "LinkgrabberSettings.autoconfirmdelay" (Advanced Settings) to adjust the 'autostart delay'.
Old 07.03.2020, 07:09
AlphaSlayer AlphaSlayer is offline
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Originally Posted by mgpai View Post
"deepDecrypt": true is not required for sites (like YT) which have dedicated plugins.

callAPI("linkgrabberv2", "addLinks", {
    "links": readFile(feeds),
    "autostart": true,
    "destinationFolder": "\\myFolder\\<jd:packagename>"

Optionally, use "LinkgrabberSettings.autoconfirmdelay" (Advanced Settings) to adjust the 'autostart delay'.
Ok sweet that worked but am I doing the download location wrong? It doesn't seem to send it to that folder and i've tried with the slashes both wasy /, \. Thanks again for the help and yes this is fro youtube. "destinationFolder": "C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\New folder\<jd:packagename>"
Old 07.03.2020, 11:17
mgpai mgpai is offline
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Originally Posted by AlphaSlayer View Post
... am I doing the download location wrong? It doesn't seem to send it to that folder and i've tried with the slashes both wasy /, \. ... "destinationFolder": "C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\New folder\<jd:packagename>"
You have to use either "\\" or "/" as path separators.


"C:\\Users\\Admin\\Desktop\\New folder\\<jd:packagename>"


"C:/Users/Admin/Desktop/New folder/<jd:packagename>"
Old 14.11.2016, 13:19
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You cannot use multiple comment lines!
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Old 16.11.2016, 14:48
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Default sorry, failed to set new value

I become the message:

sorry, failed to set new value

what is here wrong?
Old 16.11.2016, 15:46
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Can you please provide screenshots/example what you want to set?
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Old 17.11.2016, 17:23
mgpai mgpai is offline
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Replace 128kbit audio with 192kbit audio in 1080p youtube videos
  • The 1080p video file and 192kbit audio file must be placed in the same package and the package must contain only those two files.
  • Sometimes the actual bitrate of the downloaded audio file can be less than the bitrate stated in the variant. In "Advanced Settings", enable "Youtube.doextendedaudiobitratelookupenabled", to detect the actual audio bitrate before the file is downloaded.
// Replace 128kbit audio with 192kbit audio in 1080p youtube videos
// Trigger Required: "Package Finished"
// Forum Topic: https://board.jdownloader.org/showthread.php?t=69971

var links = package.getDownloadLinks();

if (links.length == 2) {
    var video = false;
    var audio = false;

    for (i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
        var link = links[i];
        if (link.getHost() == "youtube.com") {
            var file = link.getDownloadPath();
            var variant = JSON.parse(link.getProperty("YT_VARIANT")).id;
            if ((/DEMUX.+192KBIT/i).test(variant)) {
                audio = file;
                var audioURL = link.getContainerURL();
            if ((/1080P.+128KBIT/i).test(variant)) {
                video = file;
                var videoURL = link.getContainerURL();
                var out = (/128/).test(file) ? file.replace(/128/, "192") : file.replace(/(.+)(\..+)/, "$1 (192kbit Audio)$2");

    if (video && audio && videoURL == audioURL) {
        var ffmpeg = callAPI("config", "get", "org.jdownloader.controlling.ffmpeg.FFmpegSetup", null, "binarypath");
        callSync(ffmpeg, "-i", video, "-i", audio, "-c", "copy", "-map", "0:v:0", "-map", "1:a:0", out);

Last edited by mgpai; 17.11.2016 at 18:21. Reason: Added fallback method for 'output' file name
Old 25.11.2016, 14:04
mgpai mgpai is offline
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Export download URLs (Linkgrabber List)
  • Default folder: "<jdownloader>\auto\history" (e.g "c:\jdownloader\auto\export")
  • Default file name: "<timestamp> - LG Selection.txt" (e.g. "Nov 25 2016 17.26.44 - LG Selection.txt")
// Export download URLs
// Trigger : "Linkgrabber Contextmenu Button Pressed"

if (name == "Export URLs") {
    var exportFolder = JD_HOME + "/auto/export/"; // <- Folder for exporting the text files
    var now = new Date().toString().substring(4, 24).replace(/:/g, "."); // <- Timestamp used in file name
    var exportFile = now + " - LG Selection.txt"; // <- Filename for exporting the URLs
    var links = lgSelection.getLinks();
    var urls = [];

    for (i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
        var link = links[i];
        var fileName = link.getName();
        var downloadURL = link.getContentURL();
        urls.push(downloadURL + "," + fileName);

    if (!getPath(exportFolder).exists()) getPath(exportFolder).mkdirs();
    writeFile(exportFolder + exportFile, urls.join("\r\n"), true);

Export Download URLs (Download List)
  • Default folder: "<jdownloader>\auto\history" (e.g "c:\jdownloader\auto\export")
  • Default file name: "<timestamp> - DL Selection.txt" (e.g. "Nov 25 2016 17.26.44 - DL Selection.txt")
// Export download URLs
// Trigger : "DownloadList Contextmenu Button Pressed"

if (name == "Export URLs") {
    var exportFolder = JD_HOME + "/auto/export/"; // <- Folder for exporting the text files
    var now = new Date().toString().substring(4, 24).replace(/:/g, "."); // <- Timestamp used in file name
    var exportFile = now + " - DL Selection.txt"; // <- Filename for exporting the URLs
    var links = dlSelection.getDownloadLinks();
    var urls = [];

    for (i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
        var link = links[i];
        var fileName = link.getName();
        var downloadURL = link.getContentURL();
        urls.push(downloadURL + "," + fileName);

    if (!getPath(exportFolder).exists()) getPath(exportFolder).mkdirs();
    writeFile(exportFolder + exportFile, urls.join("\r\n"), true);
Old 13.03.2018, 21:09
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Originally Posted by mgpai View Post
Export download URLs (Linkgrabber List)

Export Download URLs (Download List)
  • Default folder: "<jdownloader>\auto\history" (e.g "c:\jdownloader\auto\export")
  • Default file name: "<timestamp> - DL Selection.txt" (e.g. "Nov 25 2016 17.26.44 - DL Selection.txt")
// Export download URLs
// Trigger : "DownloadList Contextmenu Button Pressed"

if (name == "Export URLs") {
    var exportFolder = JD_HOME + "/auto/export/"; // <- Folder for exporting the text files
    var now = new Date().toString().substring(4, 24).replace(/:/g, "."); // <- Timestamp used in file name
    var exportFile = now + " - DL Selection.txt"; // <- Filename for exporting the URLs
    var links = dlSelection.getDownloadLinks();
    var urls = [];

    for (i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
        var link = links[i];
        var fileName = link.getName();
        var downloadURL = link.getContentURL();
        urls.push(downloadURL + "," + fileName);

    if (!getPath(exportFolder).exists()) getPath(exportFolder).mkdirs();
    writeFile(exportFolder + exportFile, urls.join("\r\n"), true);
mgpai, I'm testing this script, but not work, no error message. Did I do something wrong?

I tested the linkgrabber version too, and it did not work.
Old 14.03.2018, 11:11
mgpai mgpai is offline
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Originally Posted by patriks View Post
... is it possible to make the script ignore and delete the duplicate links?
Script Updated:

Originally Posted by patriks View Post
I'm testing this script, but not work, no error message. Did I do something wrong?
Have you renamed "EventScripter Trigger" to "Export URLs"? The button name in context menu should be the same as the one used in script.
Old 07.03.2019, 22:11
Bach Bach is offline
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Originally Posted by mgpai View Post
Export download URLs (Linkgrabber List)
  • Default folder: "<jdownloader>\auto\history" (e.g "c:\jdownloader\auto\export")
  • Default file name: "<timestamp> - LG Selection.txt" (e.g. "Nov 25 2016 17.26.44 - LG Selection.txt")
// Export download URLs
// Trigger : "Linkgrabber Contextmenu Button Pressed"

if (name == "Export URLs") {
    var exportFolder = JD_HOME + "/auto/export/"; // <- Folder for exporting the text files
    var now = new Date().toString().substring(4, 24).replace(/:/g, "."); // <- Timestamp used in file name
    var exportFile = now + " - LG Selection.txt"; // <- Filename for exporting the URLs
    var links = lgSelection.getLinks();
    var urls = [];

    for (i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
        var link = links[i];
        var fileName = link.getName();
        var downloadURL = link.getContentURL();
        urls.push(downloadURL + "," + fileName);

    if (!getPath(exportFolder).exists()) getPath(exportFolder).mkdirs();
    writeFile(exportFolder + exportFile, urls.join("\r\n"), true);

Export Download URLs (Download List)
  • Default folder: "<jdownloader>\auto\history" (e.g "c:\jdownloader\auto\export")
  • Default file name: "<timestamp> - DL Selection.txt" (e.g. "Nov 25 2016 17.26.44 - DL Selection.txt")
// Export download URLs
// Trigger : "DownloadList Contextmenu Button Pressed"

if (name == "Export URLs") {
    var exportFolder = JD_HOME + "/auto/export/"; // <- Folder for exporting the text files
    var now = new Date().toString().substring(4, 24).replace(/:/g, "."); // <- Timestamp used in file name
    var exportFile = now + " - DL Selection.txt"; // <- Filename for exporting the URLs
    var links = dlSelection.getDownloadLinks();
    var urls = [];

    for (i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
        var link = links[i];
        var fileName = link.getName();
        var downloadURL = link.getContentURL();
        urls.push(downloadURL + "," + fileName);

    if (!getPath(exportFolder).exists()) getPath(exportFolder).mkdirs();
    writeFile(exportFolder + exportFile, urls.join("\r\n"), true);

Hi mgpai

What and how do I have to enter exactly at name == Export Urls.
Old 21.06.2019, 01:20
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thecoder2012 thecoder2012 is offline
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// Export download URLs (original by mgpai)
// Trigger : "DownloadList Contextmenu Button Pressed"

if (name == "Export URLs") {
    var links = dlSelection.getDownloadLinks();
    var urls = [];

    for (i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
        var link = links[i];
        var fileName = link.getName();
        //var downloadURL = link.getContentURL();//original
        var downloadURL = link.getContentURL() + "," + link.getContainerURL() + "," + link.getOriginURL() + "," + link.getUrl();
        urls.push(downloadURL + "," + fileName);
It works with directlinks (zippyshare, filecrypt) but NOT with container like filecrypt (cnl/dlc container with zippyshare links). I got only "null" or "filecrypt.cc" but nothing else (e.g. zippyshare links).

**External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** (www44.zippyshare.com/v/PAJnvyv2/file.html)

Filecrypt test with cnl/dlc container (without captcha):
**External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** (filecrypt.cc/Container/BF0DB46AB8.html)

Zippyshare directlink:

Linkgrabber with filecryptlink as directlink and without CNL/DLC:

Filecrypt CNL/DLC (with my browser):

I can grab it with trigger "A new link has been added" (with cnl/dlc) with all tries:
// See new links
// Trigger: A new link has been added
var myPLink = link;
alert(myPLink.getURL() + "\n");

But I hate workarounds. The option "Synchronous execution of script" is better off with alert function.

Bug? Security reasons?

My old workaround for filecrypt and cnl:
//Filecrypt CNL-Test in JS
require("https" + "://gist.githubusercontent.com/gabrysiak/3dedf160fd2ee719c2b6/raw/1052dfbc0989b8e444df6098ce253d42fa1e6bb7");//base64 en- and decode in js

var myBr = getBrowser();
var html = myBr.getPage("**External links are only visible to Support Staff**);//testlink with CNL and without captcha
var res = html.match(/CNLPOP\('([^']+)', '([^']+)', '([^']+)'/i);
var jk = res[2];
var crypted = res[3];
var crypted_nobase64 = base64_decode(crypted);

var jk_decoded = "";
for (var i = 0; i < jk.length; i += 2) {
    var tmp = jk.substr(i, 2);
    jk_decoded += String.fromCharCode(parseInt(tmp, 16));

function bin2string(array) {
    var result = "";
    for (var i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) {
        result += (String.fromCharCode(array[i]));
    return result;

//source github.com/kraynel/js-rijndael
var mcrypt = mcrypt ? mcrypt : new function() {
    var ciphers = {
        "rijndael-128": [16, 32]

    var blockCipherCalls = {};
    blockCipherCalls['rijndael-128'] = function(cipher, block, key, encrypt) {
        if (encrypt)
            Rijndael.Encrypt(block, key);
            Rijndael.Decrypt(block, key);
        return block;

    var pub = {};

    pub.Encrypt = function(message, IV, key, cipher, mode) {
        return pub.Crypt(true, message, IV, key, cipher, mode);

    pub.Decrypt = function(ctext, IV, key, cipher, mode) {
        return pub.Crypt(false, ctext, IV, key, cipher, mode);

    pub.Crypt = function(encrypt, text, IV, key, cipher, mode) {
        if (key) cKey = key;
        else key = cKey;
        if (cipher) cCipher = cipher;
        else cipher = cCipher;
        if (mode) cMode = mode;
        else mode = cMode;
        if (!text)
            return true;
        if (blockCipherCalls[cipher].init)
            blockCipherCalls[cipher].init(cipher, key, encrypt);
        var blockS = ciphers[cipher][0];
        var chunkS = blockS;
        var iv = new Array(blockS);
        switch (mode) {
            case 'cfb':
                chunkS = 1;
            case 'cbc':
            case 'ncfb':
            case 'nofb':
            case 'ctr':
                if (!IV)
                    throw "mcrypt.Crypt: IV Required for mode " + mode;
                if (IV.length != blockS)
                    throw "mcrypt.Crypt: IV must be " + blockS + " characters long for " + cipher;
                for (var i = blockS - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    iv[i] = IV.charCodeAt(i);
            case 'ecb':
                throw "mcrypt.Crypt: Unsupported mode of opperation" + cMode;
        var chunks = Math.ceil(text.length / chunkS);
        var orig = text.length;
        text += Array(chunks * chunkS - orig + 1).join(String.fromCharCode(0));
        var out = '';
        switch (mode) {
            case 'ecb':
                for (var i = 0; i < chunks; i++) {
                    for (var j = 0; j < chunkS; j++)
                        iv[j] = text.charCodeAt((i * chunkS) + j);
                    blockCipherCalls[cipher](cipher, iv, cKey, encrypt);
                    for (var j = 0; j < chunkS; j++)
                        out += String.fromCharCode(iv[j]);
            case 'cbc':
                if (encrypt) {
                    for (var i = 0; i < chunks; i++) {
                        for (var j = 0; j < chunkS; j++)
                            iv[j] = text.charCodeAt((i * chunkS) + j) ^ iv[j];
                        blockCipherCalls[cipher](cipher, iv, cKey, true);
                        for (var j = 0; j < chunkS; j++)
                            out += String.fromCharCode(iv[j]);
                } else {
                    for (var i = 0; i < chunks; i++) {
                        var temp = iv;
                        iv = new Array(chunkS);
                        for (var j = 0; j < chunkS; j++)
                            iv[j] = text.charCodeAt((i * chunkS) + j);
                        var decr = iv.slice(0);
                        blockCipherCalls[cipher](cipher, decr, cKey, false);
                        for (var j = 0; j < chunkS; j++)
                            out += String.fromCharCode(temp[j] ^ decr[j]);
            case 'cfb':
                for (var i = 0; i < chunks; i++) {
                    var temp = iv.slice(0);
                    blockCipherCalls[cipher](cipher, temp, cKey, true);
                    temp = temp[0] ^ text.charCodeAt(i);
                    iv.push(encrypt ? temp : text.charCodeAt(i));
                    out += String.fromCharCode(temp);
                out = out.substr(0, orig);
            case 'ncfb':
                for (var i = 0; i < chunks; i++) {
                    blockCipherCalls[cipher](cipher, iv, cKey, true);
                    for (var j = 0; j < chunkS; j++) {
                        var temp = text.charCodeAt((i * chunkS) + j);
                        iv[j] = temp ^ iv[j];
                        out += String.fromCharCode(iv[j]);
                        if (!encrypt)
                            iv[j] = temp;
                out = out.substr(0, orig);
            case 'nofb':
                for (var i = 0; i < chunks; i++) {
                    blockCipherCalls[cipher](cipher, iv, cKey, true);
                    for (var j = 0; j < chunkS; j++)
                        out += String.fromCharCode(text.charCodeAt((i * chunkS) + j) ^ iv[j]);
                out = out.substr(0, orig);
            case 'ctr':
                for (var i = 0; i < chunks; i++) {
                    temp = iv.slice(0);
                    blockCipherCalls[cipher](cipher, temp, cKey, true);
                    for (var j = 0; j < chunkS; j++)
                        out += String.fromCharCode(text.charCodeAt((i * chunkS) + j) ^ temp[j]);
                    var carry = 1;
                    var index = chunkS;
                    do {
                        iv[index] += 1;
                        carry = iv[index] >> 8;
                        iv[index] &= 255;
                    } while (carry)
                out = out.substr(0, orig);
        if (blockCipherCalls[cipher].deinit)
            blockCipherCalls[cipher].deinit(cipher, key, encrypt);
        return out;

    pub.get_block_size = function(cipher, mode) {
        if (!cipher) cipher = cCipher;
        if (!ciphers[cipher])
            return false;
        return ciphers[cipher][0];

    pub.get_cipher_name = function(cipher) {
        if (!cipher) cipher = cCipher;
        if (!ciphers[cipher])
            return false;
        return cipher;

    pub.get_iv_size = function(cipher, mode) {
        if (!cipher) cipher = cCipher;
        if (!ciphers[cipher])
            return false;
        return ciphers[cipher][0];

    pub.get_key_size = function(cipher, mode) {
        if (!cipher) cipher = cCipher;
        if (!ciphers[cipher])
            return false;
        return ciphers[cipher][1];

    pub.list_algorithms = function() {
        var ret = [];
        for (var i in ciphers)
        return ret;

    pub.list_modes = function() {
        return ['ecb', 'cbc', 'cfb', 'ncfb', 'nofb', 'ctr'];

    var cMode = 'cbc';
    var cCipher = 'rijndael-128';
    var cKey = '12345678911234567892123456789312';

    return pub;

var Rijndael = Rijndael ? Rijndael : new function() {
    var pub = {};

    pub.Encrypt = function(block, key) {
        crypt(block, key, true);
    pub.Decrypt = function(block, key) {
        crypt(block, key, false);

    var sizes = [16, 24, 32];

    var rounds = [
        [10, 12, 14], //	16
        [12, 12, 14], //	24
        [14, 14, 14]
    ]; //	32
    var expandedKeys = {};

    var ExpandKey = function(key) {
        if (!expandedKeys[key]) {
            var kl = key.length,
                ks, Rcon = 1;
            ks = 15 << 5;
            keyA = new Array(ks);
            for (var i = 0; i < kl; i++)
                keyA[i] = key.charCodeAt(i);
            for (var i = kl; i < ks; i += 4) {
                var temp = keyA.slice(i - 4, i);
                if (i % kl == 0) {
                    temp = [Sbox[temp[1]] ^ Rcon, Sbox[temp[2]],
                        Sbox[temp[3]], Sbox[temp[0]]
                    if ((Rcon <<= 1) >= 256)
                        Rcon ^= 0x11b;
                } else if ((kl > 24) && (i % kl == 16))
                    temp = [Sbox[temp[0]], Sbox[temp[1]],
                        Sbox[temp[2]], Sbox[temp[3]]
                for (var j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                    keyA[i + j] = keyA[i + j - kl] ^ temp[j];
            expandedKeys[key] = keyA;
        return expandedKeys[key];

    var crypt = function(block, key, encrypt) {
        var bB = block.length;
        var kB = key.length;
        var bBi = 0;
        var kBi = 0;
        switch (bB) {
            case 32:
            case 24:
            case 16:
                throw 'rijndael: Unsupported block size: ' + block.length;
        switch (kB) {
            case 32:
            case 24:
            case 16:
                throw 'rijndael: Unsupported key size: ' + key.length;
        var r = rounds[bBi][kBi];
        key = ExpandKey(key);
        var end = r * bB;
        if (encrypt) {
            AddRoundKey(block, key.slice(0, bB));
            var SRT = ShiftRowTab[bBi];
            for (var i = bB; i < end; i += bB) {
                SubBytes(block, Sbox);
                ShiftRows(block, SRT);
                AddRoundKey(block, key.slice(i, i + bB));
            SubBytes(block, Sbox);
            ShiftRows(block, SRT);
            AddRoundKey(block, key.slice(i, i + bB));
        } else {
            AddRoundKey(block, key.slice(end, end + bB));
            var SRT = ShiftRowTab_Inv[bBi];
            ShiftRows(block, SRT);
            SubBytes(block, Sbox_Inv);
            for (var i = end - bB; i >= bB; i -= bB) {
                AddRoundKey(block, key.slice(i, i + bB));
                ShiftRows(block, SRT);
                SubBytes(block, Sbox_Inv);
            AddRoundKey(block, key.slice(0, bB));

    var Sbox = new Array(99, 124, 119, 123, 242, 107, 111, 197, 48, 1, 103, 43, 254, 215, 171,
        118, 202, 130, 201, 125, 250, 89, 71, 240, 173, 212, 162, 175, 156, 164, 114, 192, 183, 253,
        147, 38, 54, 63, 247, 204, 52, 165, 229, 241, 113, 216, 49, 21, 4, 199, 35, 195, 24, 150, 5, 154,
        7, 18, 128, 226, 235, 39, 178, 117, 9, 131, 44, 26, 27, 110, 90, 160, 82, 59, 214, 179, 41, 227,
        47, 132, 83, 209, 0, 237, 32, 252, 177, 91, 106, 203, 190, 57, 74, 76, 88, 207, 208, 239, 170,
        251, 67, 77, 51, 133, 69, 249, 2, 127, 80, 60, 159, 168, 81, 163, 64, 143, 146, 157, 56, 245,
        188, 182, 218, 33, 16, 255, 243, 210, 205, 12, 19, 236, 95, 151, 68, 23, 196, 167, 126, 61,
        100, 93, 25, 115, 96, 129, 79, 220, 34, 42, 144, 136, 70, 238, 184, 20, 222, 94, 11, 219, 224,
        50, 58, 10, 73, 6, 36, 92, 194, 211, 172, 98, 145, 149, 228, 121, 231, 200, 55, 109, 141, 213,
        78, 169, 108, 86, 244, 234, 101, 122, 174, 8, 186, 120, 37, 46, 28, 166, 180, 198, 232, 221,
        116, 31, 75, 189, 139, 138, 112, 62, 181, 102, 72, 3, 246, 14, 97, 53, 87, 185, 134, 193, 29,
        158, 225, 248, 152, 17, 105, 217, 142, 148, 155, 30, 135, 233, 206, 85, 40, 223, 140, 161,
        137, 13, 191, 230, 66, 104, 65, 153, 45, 15, 176, 84, 187, 22);
    //row	0	1	2	3		block Bytes
    var rowshifts = [
        [0, 1, 2, 3], //16
        [0, 1, 2, 3], //24
        [0, 1, 3, 4]
    ]; //32

    var ShiftRowTab = Array(3);
    for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        ShiftRowTab[i] = Array(sizes[i]);
        for (var j = sizes[i]; j >= 0; j--)
            ShiftRowTab[i][j] = (j + (rowshifts[i][j & 3] << 2)) % sizes[i];
    var Sbox_Inv = new Array(256);
    for (var i = 0; i < 256; i++)
        Sbox_Inv[Sbox[i]] = i;
    var ShiftRowTab_Inv = Array(3);
    for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        ShiftRowTab_Inv[i] = Array(sizes[i]);
        for (var j = sizes[i]; j >= 0; j--)
            ShiftRowTab_Inv[i][ShiftRowTab[i][j]] = j;
    var xtime = new Array(256);
    for (var i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
        xtime[i] = i << 1;
        xtime[128 + i] = (i << 1) ^ 0x1b;

    var SubBytes = function(state, sbox) {
        for (var i = state.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            state[i] = sbox[state[i]];

    var AddRoundKey = function(state, rkey) {
        for (var i = state.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            state[i] ^= rkey[i];

    var ShiftRows = function(state, shifttab) {
        var h = state.slice(0);
        for (var i = state.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            state[i] = h[shifttab[i]];

    var MixColumns = function(state) {
        for (var i = state.length - 4; i >= 0; i -= 4) {
            var s0 = state[i + 0],
                s1 = state[i + 1];
            var s2 = state[i + 2],
                s3 = state[i + 3];
            var h = s0 ^ s1 ^ s2 ^ s3;
            state[i + 0] ^= h ^ xtime[s0 ^ s1];
            state[i + 1] ^= h ^ xtime[s1 ^ s2];
            state[i + 2] ^= h ^ xtime[s2 ^ s3];
            state[i + 3] ^= h ^ xtime[s3 ^ s0];

    var MixColumns_Inv = function(state) {
        for (var i = state.length - 4; i >= 0; i -= 4) {
            var s0 = state[i + 0],
                s1 = state[i + 1];
            var s2 = state[i + 2],
                s3 = state[i + 3];
            var h = s0 ^ s1 ^ s2 ^ s3;
            var xh = xtime[h];
            var h1 = xtime[xtime[xh ^ s0 ^ s2]] ^ h;
            var h2 = xtime[xtime[xh ^ s1 ^ s3]] ^ h;
            state[i + 0] ^= h1 ^ xtime[s0 ^ s1];
            state[i + 1] ^= h2 ^ xtime[s1 ^ s2];
            state[i + 2] ^= h1 ^ xtime[s2 ^ s3];
            state[i + 3] ^= h2 ^ xtime[s3 ^ s0];
    return pub;

alert(mcrypt.Decrypt(crypted_nobase64, jk_decoded, jk_decoded, 'rijndael-128', 'cbc').replace(/\x00+$/g, '') + "\n\n");
Join 9kw.eu Captcha Service now and let your JD continue downloads while you sleep.

Last edited by thecoder2012; 26.06.2019 at 11:29.
Old 21.06.2019, 10:50
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Jiaz Jiaz is offline
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Originally Posted by thecoder2012 View Post
Bug? Security reasons?
We don't want to provide access to the internal url as this can be abused or the internal url is something purely internal but I've added getPluginURL method with next core update
JD-Dev & Server-Admin
Old 03.01.2017, 16:26
Tyler Tyler is offline
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Do you take requests?

I need a script that will stop downloads if my download speed drops below say 100kb\s for x amount of minutes and then restart after that time has passed.
Old 06.01.2017, 14:23
mgpai mgpai is offline
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Originally Posted by Tyler View Post
I need a script that will stop downloads if my download speed drops below say 100kb\s for x amount of minutes and then restart after that time has passed.
// Auto stop/restart downloads if the current average speed is below limit.
// Trigger Required: "Interval"

var minSpeed = 128; // (KiB/s) <- minimum average download Speed.
var minDuration = 1; // (minutes) <- minimum download duration per link.
var waitTime = 1; // (minutes) <- wait time before restart.

if (running() && getAverageSpeed() < minSpeed * 1024) {
    sleep(waitTime * 60 * 1000);

// Check if all downloads have been running for atleast the minimum duration.
function running() {
    var links = getRunningDownloadLinks();
    if (links.length > 0) {
        for (i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
            var link = links[i];
            if (link.getDownloadDuration() < minDuration * 60 * 1000) {
                return false;
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;
Old 04.02.2017, 12:49
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by mgpai View Post
// Auto stop/restart downloads if the current average speed is below limit.
// Trigger Required: "Interval"

var minSpeed = 128; // (KiB/s) <- minimum average download Speed.
var minDuration = 1; // (minutes) <- minimum download duration per link.
var waitTime = 1; // (minutes) <- wait time before restart.

if (running() && getAverageSpeed() < minSpeed * 1024) {
    sleep(waitTime * 60 * 1000);

// Check if all downloads have been running for atleast the minimum duration.
function running() {
    var links = getRunningDownloadLinks();
    if (links.length > 0) {
        for (i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
            var link = links[i];
            if (link.getDownloadDuration() < minDuration * 60 * 1000) {
                return false;
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;

is it possible to also reconnect and not just stop and restart?

while testing, i realized that if i activate the speed limit in jdownloader and the speed is below the limit in your script, than it also activates the script.
could you maybe add an "suspend the script code" if "speed limit" in jdownloader is active?

and is there a way to make buttons for the toolbar, that actives/deactivates an specific script from the event scripter list?

i tried the "activate/deactivate Event Scripter Button", but it doesn't seem to work.
even if i deactivate the Event Scripter the activated scripts still run.
and i have to deactivate them in the Event Scripter List in the settings tab.
i think to get the "activate/deactivate Event Scripter Button" to work it needs a restart and thats not practical.

thank you for your work/help

Last edited by jdorg; 04.02.2017 at 12:51.
Old 04.02.2017, 19:40
mgpai mgpai is offline
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Originally Posted by jdorg View Post
is it possible to also reconnect and not just stop and restart?
// Request reconnect if the current average speed is below limit.
// Trigger Required: "Interval"

var minSpeed = 128; // (KiB/s) <- minimum average download Speed.
var minDuration = 1; // (minutes) <- minimum download duration per link.

if (running() && !limitEnabled() && getAverageSpeed() < minSpeed * 1024) {

// Check if all downloads are resumeable and have been running for atleast the minimum duration.
function running() {
    var links = getRunningDownloadLinks();
    if (links.length > 0) {
        for (i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
            var link = links[i];
            if (!link.isResumeable() || link.getDownloadDuration() < minDuration * 60 * 1000) {
                return false;
        return true;
    return false;

// Check if Speed limit or pause is currently enabled
function limitEnabled() {
    if (callAPI("config", "get", "org.jdownloader.settings.GeneralSettings", null, "downloadspeedlimitenabled") || isDownloadControllerPaused()) {
        return true;
    return false;
Originally Posted by jdorg View Post
...is there a way to make buttons for the toolbar, that actives/deactivates an specific script from the event scripter list?
Not that I know of. And yes, just disabling the event scripter does not seem to terminate running scripts. Seems it needs to be disabled in the list.

Originally Posted by jdorg View Post
thank you for your work/help
You are welcome

Last edited by mgpai; 06.02.2017 at 14:13. Reason: Added check for non-resumeable downloads before reconnect
Old 05.02.2017, 11:58
Posts: n/a

thank you for the script, but i forgot to ask if its possible to check if one or more (active/downloading) files in the download list are NOT resumable.

when there are some of them, than suspend the script and/or give a warning alert/popup that there are NOT resumable links in the list.

i just had a case that my download limit on mega filehoster was reached and the download speed was 0/nothing but there was no reconnect.
what could be the reason?

Last edited by jdorg; 05.02.2017 at 13:40.
Old 28.03.2017, 01:08
Tyler Tyler is offline
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Originally Posted by mgpai View Post
// Auto stop/restart downloads if the current average speed is below limit.
// Trigger Required: "Interval"

var minSpeed = 128; // (KiB/s) <- minimum average download Speed.
var minDuration = 1; // (minutes) <- minimum download duration per link.
var waitTime = 1; // (minutes) <- wait time before restart.

if (running() && getAverageSpeed() < minSpeed * 1024) {
    sleep(waitTime * 60 * 1000);

// Check if all downloads have been running for atleast the minimum duration.
function running() {
    var links = getRunningDownloadLinks();
    if (links.length > 0) {
        for (i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
            var link = links[i];
            if (link.getDownloadDuration() < minDuration * 60 * 1000) {
                return false;
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;
mgpai could you modify that script for individual links?

like say one link is downloading at 128kb\s leave that alone, but if another is downloading at 50kb/s have it stopped and then started.
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