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Old 23.06.2023, 12:28
Anavigi Anavigi is offline
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Hey folks,

is there a way to execute one of the other scripts from within a script?

Background: I have a script running on interval that I would also like to run when I start the download controller. However, I don't want to copy-past the script and do every change to it twice.

I don't really care whether it's via the file system or via internal reference. Example code would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance!
Old 26.06.2023, 16:30
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Originally Posted by pspzockerscene View Post
Du scheinst die Kommentare am Anfang des Scriptes nicht gelesen zu haben.
Per default wird die Datei nur geschrieben, wenn das Paket ein Kommentar hat.

Bei mir funktionierte das Script einwandfrei!
Du hast natürlich absolut Recht, ich dachte schon dass das ja wohl nicht sein kann und ich auf dem Schlauch stehe. Vielen Dank für den Hinweis!:thumbup:
Old 29.06.2023, 13:18
lollos lollos is offline
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hallo and really sorry
i'm really new on scripting but this is the only solution to solve my problem..
i need a script to crawl link at file (ie k2s or rapidagtor or others) from a forum thread (100+ pages)
the site si something like this (don't need login for read) **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** i looking around on the forum but don't find what i need , normal copy/paste limit the research only on fst page... can please you help me?

ty vm

Last edited by lollos; 29.06.2023 at 13:40.
Old 29.06.2023, 15:43
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A script is not really needed in this case as that website is a super simple website.
You should be able to make this work with 1-2 LinkCrawler rules.

If you fail to do so, you can still use this method.
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Old 04.07.2023, 09:56
Anavigi Anavigi is offline
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Originally Posted by Anavigi View Post
is there a way to execute one of the other scripts from within a script?
Looks like that's not really possible, huh?
Old 08.07.2023, 15:43
Nimboid Nimboid is offline
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Default Possible to use DOMImplementation createHTMLDocument() ?

Having received HTML in a script, is it possible to use it to create a DOM object on which methods such as querySelector() can be used?

If it's not possible natively (it doesn't seem to be, according to my attempts, code below), is there a technique to import the capability?

var doc = fromHTML(<HTML_Page>);
var cap = doc.querySelector(".post__content").innerText;

function fromHTML(sourceText) {
	var doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument('TEST');
	doc.write(sourceText); // sourceText is a fully formed entire page.
	return doc;
Old 09.07.2023, 15:45
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Old 09.07.2023, 15:50
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Default Como pasar a MP3 en 2023 🎬🔗

Hi guys! ��

Look for the video in which I explain this on my YouTube channel: Notefijes

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I bring you a video tutorial in which I explain how to convert the audio of your downloads directly to .MP3 format. ✨ from JDownloader. Sometimes we download videos and we just want to listen to the music, right? Well, with this tutorial you are going to become a crack in the subject and you will learn to do it in an easy way.

In the video I show you a perfect tool to extract the audio from any video you download with JDownloader and save it in .MP3, so forget about looking for other converters online. Everything you need is one click away.

Don't worry if you're new to this, because the tutorial is intended for everyone, from the novice to the most experienced in the field. I explain everything step by step, very clearly, and I show you all the necessary options in JDownloader so that you become an expert in audio conversion.

If you have any questions, comments or anything you want to share, leave me your comments below the video. I will be waiting to answer you and give you a hand in whatever you need. ❓

Do not miss this tutorial, it will save you on more than one occasion and you will get the most out of your downloads with JDownloader!

Last edited by Notefijes; 09.07.2023 at 15:54.
Old 10.07.2023, 14:51
markifi markifi is offline
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how do i do an if statement based on the downloaded file's size? i'm thinking using du somehow but i'm so unfamiliar with event scripter i thought i'd ask here.

i've been using
var player = "mpv";
var file = getPath(link.getDownloadPath());
callAsync(null, player, file);
on package finished to play finished videos immediately and it works nicely. my filenames are formatted like *ID*.*EXT* for youtube videos which will be relevant below here. i want to re-write this so it works just like as it does now for long videos, but if the file is smaller than 1 MB it opens up
callAsync(null, "streamlink", "youtube.com/watch?q=", filenamewithoutextension, "best");
// somehow no space between the youtube url and the file name
this way i could copy livestream links as i do normal videos, and instead of playing the little 500 KB file that jdownloader saves on currently live youtube links, it would just start playing the livestream.

(i'm working with old hardware here and the web playback is choppy, so i got used to this silly way of doing it, instead of playing in the browser, to the point i actually prefer it now)
Old 11.07.2023, 20:34
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Originally Posted by markifi View Post
this way i could copy livestream links as i do normal videos, and instead of playing the little 500 KB file that jdownloader saves on currently live youtube links, it would just start playing the livestream.
Please provide example URLs for that case.
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A users' JD crashes and the first thing to ask is:
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Do you have Nero installed?
Old 14.07.2023, 10:49
kuitogu67 kuitogu67 is offline
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Hi, I am trying to remove files that contain yesterday's date in the title when crawling them.

This is the basic idea of the code, but it's just a guess. I am not a programmer.
Can you help me?

const d = new Date();
const aa = d.getDate()-1;
if (crawledlink.includes(aa)) link.remove();
Old 21.07.2023, 07:41
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Hi, I'm pretty sure this has been asked already and I tried searching the thread but having a hard time finding it.

How can I make it so JD2 adds/crawls a specific link at a certain time/interval, then automatically downloading it, and ignoring files that are already in the download list?

Like for example, this would be the link I want to download from: **External links are only visible to Support Staff**...


At random times during the next few days, new files will be added to that folder so I can't really set a specific time so I guess interval would be better.

Thank you.
Old 21.07.2023, 10:04
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You can create a .crawljob and then use an EventScripter script to repeatedly add that again to JD - when more code in that script to eliminate all items which are already in downloadlist.
I'm also pretty sure that someone already posted a script for this but unfortunately I also won't be able to help with it.
Reference regarding Folder Watch addon / crawljob:
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Old 21.07.2023, 10:12
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Ooh, haven't tried using FolderWatch yet. Thank you! It was pretty obvious in the description but somehow didn't see that. Lol.

Last edited by DukeM; 21.07.2023 at 10:18.
Old 21.07.2023, 10:33
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Just keep in mind that Folder Watch alone will not do what you want - it will process each job only once hence you need more external scripts to accomplish what you want.

Also for adding only "new" items from linkgrabber to downloadlist you'd need a script.
...though I guess if you setup JD to auto move added items from linkgrabber to downloadlist and configure JD to auto delete dupes when moving items to downloadlist, your script wouldn't need to do a lot other than re-adding the link or crawljob every X time.

Auto add items added to linkgrabber to downloadlist:
-> Enable this
Auto delete duplicates when moving items from linkgrabber to downloadlist:
--> Set to "do not add, but remove from linkgrabber"

Those settings are also available in GUI but for me it was easier to look them up in advanced settings atm.
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Old 21.07.2023, 11:51
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Yeah, seems like it isn't as straightforward as I thought. Thanks for the guides though! Will try to figure them all out.
Old 21.07.2023, 14:52
kuitogu67 kuitogu67 is offline
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can anyone help?

Originally Posted by kuitogu67 View Post
Hi, I am trying to remove files that contain yesterday's date in the title when crawling them.

This is the basic idea of the code, but it's just a guess. I am not a programmer.
Can you help me?

const d = new Date();
const aa = d.getDate()-1;
if (crawledlink.includes(aa)) link.remove();
Old 24.07.2023, 20:51
Maxx10 Maxx10 is offline
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Post [Event Scripter] SIMPLE DOWNLOAD HISTORY 2.0

// Trigger required: A Download Stopped
// Version 2023.07.24 by Maxx10.

if (link.isFinished()) {

var uuid = package.getUUID();
var pkge = package.getName();

var dateNowUTC = new Date().toISOString();
var dateNow = new Date(dateNowUTC);
dateNow.setUTCHours(dateNow.getUTCHours() - 3);
var dateNow = dateNow.toISOString().slice(0, 10);

var timeNowUTC = new Date().toISOString();
var timeNow = new Date(timeNowUTC);
timeNow.setUTCHours(timeNow.getUTCHours() - 3);
var timeNow = timeNow.getUTCHours();

// Get the download added date, date and time.
var addedDateUTC = new Date(package.getAddedDate()).toISOString();
var addedDate = new Date(addedDateUTC);
addedDate.setUTCHours(addedDate.getUTCHours() - 3);
addedDate = addedDate.toISOString();
addedDateGMT = addedDate.slice(0, 10) + " " + addedDate.slice(11, 19) + " GMT-0300 (BRT)";

// Get the finished download, date and time.
var endDownloadDateUTC = new Date(link.getFinishedDate()).toISOString();
var endDownloadDate = new Date(endDownloadDateUTC);
endDownloadDate.setUTCHours(endDownloadDate.getUTCHours() - 3);
endDownloadDate = endDownloadDate.toISOString();
endDownloadDateGMT = endDownloadDate.slice(0, 10) + " " + endDownloadDate.slice(11, 19) + " GMT-0300 (BRT)";

var a /*history folder*/ = "E:\\software dump\\jd2info\\history\" + "\" + dateNow + "\" + timeNow + "h" + "\";
var b /*history file Name */ = uuid + " " + pkge + ".txt";
var c /*download file name*/ = link.getName();

if (!getPath(a).exists()) getPath(a).mkdirs();
writeFile(a + b, addedDateGMT + " | " + endDownloadDateGMT + " | " + c.split(',') + "\r\n", true);
Old 25.07.2023, 04:01
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¿Como puedo hacer justo lo que indico aquí?:


Old 31.07.2023, 02:02
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Originally Posted by yps View Post

¿Como puedo hacer justo lo que indico aquí?:

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¿Alguien puede ayudarme?
Old 02.08.2023, 18:59
OvO OvO is offline
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normalerweise ist es so, dass der JDownloader den nächsten Download beginnt, wenn der Download des aktuellen Links fehlschlägt.

Für spezielle Downloads nutze ich Jdownloader so, dass er per Event-Scripter den Zeitstempel der Fertigstellung an den Namen hinzufügt, damit fürs spätere Sortieren eine Reihenfolge eingehalten werden kann. Dafür stelle ich auch ein, dass er nur ein Link zur selben Zeit runterlädt.

Nun, wenn Link X mal fehlschlägt und er dann weiterspringt, was bei YT relativ oft passiert, gerät die Reihenfolge natürlich wieder durcheinander.

Könnte mir jemand ein Script dafür schreiben, dass er im Falle eines fehlgeschlagenden Versuchs, die Datei automatisch zurücksetzt und neustartet?

Vielen Dank.

Last edited by OvO; 03.08.2023 at 14:37.
Old 08.08.2023, 19:31
Nimboid Nimboid is offline
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Default Vexed by FilePath objects

I have a situation where Event Script objects are vexing me. My aim is to reconcile the contents of downloaded Packages with what exists on disk after the files have been reviewed, and unwanted ones discarded, or others inserted by other Packages. I am aware of the 'filePath.exists()' method, but mgpai has suggested that 'filePath.getChildren()' method a better solution, in another situation in Post https://board.jdownloader.org/showpo...postcount=1121

I have been trying to use this in my script snippet below, recognising that of the two, it's likely the much more economical with machine resources.
My plan is to loop through whichever of Link list and Disk File list is shorter and check if there's a match in the other list. I'm trying to use the Filesystem Path for the comparison. I believe that is what I've done in the snippet, as demonstrated by the log() responses shown, but the comparison always fails, with two slightly different variations below.

Is there a basic error or misunderstanding getting in my way?

If this is a deadend, I could compare the String representations of the filepath, or use 'filePath.exists()', which of these would be the more efficient?

I tried to use .constructor to throw some light on my comparisons, but that couldn't help. Why?

// Trigger: Downloadlist context menu button pressed
switch (name) {
    case "LG context menu demo":

        try {
            // dlSelection appears to be the single item under the pointer, even if a range of lines is highlighted
            var myDownloadlistSelection = dlSelection;
            var myFilePackage = myDownloadlistSelection.getContextPackage();

            // Get Links of Package in Downloads list
            var myDownloadLinks = myFilePackage.getDownloadLinks();

            // Get files actually existing in Package's disk Folder 
            var strDlFolder = myFilePackage.getDownloadFolder();
            var folderFPath = getPath(strDlFolder); /*Get a FilePath Object*/
            var filesPresent = folderFPath.getChildren();

            // Get a sample Download Link and its matching File (indexes differ due to file deletions)
            var sampleLink = myDownloadLinks[14];
            var sampleLinkFPath = getPath(sampleLink.getDownloadPath());
            var sampleFile = filesPresent[1];

            // -> /Volumes/Data1/JD/Test
            // -> DownloadLink Instance: 18.jpg
            // -> object
            // -> undefined
            // -> /Volumes/Data1/JD/Test/18.jpg
            // -> object
            // -> undefined
            log(sampleLink == sampleFile);
            // -> false								<-- ?
            // -> /Volumes/Data1/JD/Test/18.jpg
            // -> object
            // -> undefined
            log(sampleLinkFPath == sampleFile);
            // -> false								<-- ?

        } catch (e) {

Last edited by Nimboid; 08.08.2023 at 19:48. Reason: Additional query
Old 11.08.2023, 16:12
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Originally Posted by Nimboid View Post
... reconcile the contents of downloaded Packages with what exists on disk ...
dlSelection.packages.forEach(function(package) {
    var files = getPath(package.downloadFolder).children.map(function(file) {
        return file.name + file.size;

    package.downloadLinks.forEach(function(link) {
        if (files.indexOf(link.name + link.bytesTotal) > -1) {
            link.enabled = false;
Old 13.08.2023, 04:04
Esteban4u Esteban4u is offline
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Default Skip video file downloads that have a shorter playback duration than specified

I'm not even sure if this is possible but I'm hoping the great minds here could write a script that would let JDownloader NOT download video files that are shorter in video playback duration that a specified amount (ex. Don't download video files with a playback duration shorter than 00:05:00 (hh:mm:ss) minutes long.
Old 14.08.2023, 13:43
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Sure that is possible but first the length of the video needs to be known/stored somewhere.
Are you talking about YT videos or videos of another website?
If you're talking about YT: The length [in seconds] is available as DownloadLink property "YT_DURATION".
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A users' JD crashes and the first thing to ask is:
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Old 14.08.2023, 18:16
Esteban4u Esteban4u is offline
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@pspzockerscene - Yes, kinda, I meant from any website. If there is a method to determine the video length before or even during download, so that JD can either skip or auto-abort the download if it's x minutes and x seconds too short (hh:mm:ss format maybe).
Old 14.08.2023, 18:26
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Well each plugin is using custom properties to store such information.
I'd say most plugins are not saving this information at this moment which is why I asked.

You will need to ask us to add/store this information on a per-website/plugin basis.
At this moment you might first want to get your script working and test it with YT - you can use it for other websites afterwards.
More about custom plugin properties:
-> Search for "Plugin specific properties"
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A users' JD crashes and the first thing to ask is:
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Do you have Nero installed?
Old 22.08.2023, 18:34
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Default Script: Copy selected links from the download list back to the linkgrabber

For anyone who finds that useful:

// Copy links back to LinkGrabber {by fbd - github.com/FarBeyondDriven/JDscripts}
// Trigger : "DownloadList Contextmenu Button Pressed"
// Add a custom menu entry to the DownloadList Context menu, name it "Copy to LinkGrabber"
// (or to any other name, that you also need to customize below)


if (name == "Copy to LinkGrabber") {
    var links = dlSelection.getDownloadLinks();

    for (i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
        var link = links[i];

        var urls = []; // try to get all urls that the link has associated
        if (link.getContentURL()) { urls.push(link.getContentURL()); }
        if (link.getContainerURL()) { urls.push(link.getContainerURL()); }
        if (link.getOriginURL()) { urls.push(link.getOriginURL()); }
        if (link.getUrl()) { urls.push(link.getUrl()); }
        if (link.getPluginURL()) { urls.push(link.getPluginURL()); }
        var myFilePackage = link.getPackage();

        callAPI("linkgrabberv2", "addLinks", {
            "deepDecrypt": false,
            "packageName": myFilePackage.getName(),
            "destinationFolder": myFilePackage.getDownloadFolder(),
            "links": urls.join("\r\n")
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Last edited by FBD; 07.11.2023 at 02:59. Reason: Typos
Old 26.08.2023, 03:59
marko117 marko117 is offline
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Default Delete duplicate URL/link/files

Hi everyone. I would need a script that iterates through all the links/urls of my DownloadList and deletes subsequent duplicates once it finds the first one (which is kept) from the list alone. Any file on the disk is not deleted

--file1(url.com/file/1) FIRST -> it is not deleted
--file2(url.com/file/2) FIRST -> it is not deleted
--file3(url.com/file/3) FIRST -> it is not deleted
--file1(url.com/file/1) DUPLICATE-> TO DELETE
--file2(url.com/file/2) DUPLICATE-> TO DELETE
--file4(url.com/file/4) FIRST -> it is not deleted
--file3(url.com/file/3]) DUPLICATE-> TO DELETE
--file2(url.com/file/1) DUPLICATE-> TO DELETE
--file4(url.com/file/4) DUPLICATE-> TO DELETE
--file3(url.com/file/2) DUPLICATE-> TO DELETE
--file3(url.com/file/5) NOT DUPLICATE -> it is not deleted

can someone help me? Has anyone done something like this in this thread before?
Thank you
Old 06.09.2023, 22:51
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Hello all!

What I need to do is, I hope, something pretty simple: I need to reverse the current sort order. NOT changing any SORTED BY column (there isn't one!) - just reverse the order things are in in the DOWNLOAD list, nothing more.

From then on, everything should be good. I am NOT a programmer/coder/scripter, so none of this makes any sense to me, and any assistance with this would be GREATLY appreciated! :-)

Thank you!

--- DS

No one can help out? :-(

Last edited by DeathStalker; 09.09.2023 at 23:59.
Old 12.09.2023, 18:15
KoneDrat KoneDrat is offline
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Default Way to Automatically Crawl the Same Webpage and Download All PDFs


Sorry if this is a stupid question, this forum is very difficult to navigate and find things on.

One of the things I've most wanted to be able to use JDownloader to do is automatically crawl the same link every day and download all the (new) PDF files found there. It's essentially the most basic usage of JDownloader, it's just that it takes me a lot of time to do manually.

Even if there was some way to make a 'speed-dial' that was a pre-configured set of links and download destinations for those links, that would also be a major step-up for my need.

I have no Javascript experience but I could probably edit a preexisting script if one exists.

Thank you for any help you may provide.
Old 13.09.2023, 09:39
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Some pages earlier I've already posted some hints on how this is possible with minimum effort as another user posted a similar question.
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Old 15.09.2023, 15:30
ShlomiD ShlomiD is offline
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I've started using the "auto update on idle" script and I was wondering if it's possible to receive an email after a successful update & restart?
Old 19.09.2023, 13:19
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I made a script to split a package into single seasons if you are interessted

// Trigger : Linkgrabber Contextmenu Button Pressed

if ( name == "Split Packages By Season" )
    var package = lgSelection.getContextPackage();
    var links = package.getDownloadLinks();
    var maxNrOfSeasons = 20;

    var oldFolder = package.getDownloadFolder();
    var packageName = package.getName();

    var cntalert = 0;

    for ( var Season = 1; Season <= maxNrOfSeasons; Season++ )
        var S = "S" + ("0" + Season).slice(-2);
        var links2 = links;
        var UUIDS = [];

        for ( var i = 0; i < links.length ; i++ )
            var link = links[i];
            var filename = link.getName();
            var ind = filename.toUpperCase().indexOf(S + "E");
            if ( ind < 0 )
                // file not current season

            UUIDS.push( link.getUUID() );

        if ( UUIDS.length > 0 )
            var newPackage = packageName + " _ " + S;
            var newFolder = oldFolder + " _ " + S;

            const regex = /(.*)(S\d\d\.-\.S\d\d)(.*)/
            var newPackage2 = packageName.replace( regex, "$1" + S + "$3" );
            if ( newPackage2 != packageName )
                newPackage = newPackage2
                newFolder = oldFolder.replace( packageName, newPackage )

            setNewFolder( UUIDS, newPackage, newFolder );


// Add sub folder
function setNewFolder( UUIDS2Move, newPackageName, newFolder )
    callAPI( "linkgrabberv2", "movetoNewPackage", UUIDS2Move, [], newPackageName, newFolder );
Old 21.09.2023, 11:12
Heinz Heinz is offline
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Hi there,

i have a long running script which gets started by a button in toolbar.

Is it possible to stop/exit the script if the button is pressed again? or if another button is pressed?

if (name == "Test1") {
    var links = getAllDownloadLinks();
    for (i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
        var link = links[i];
		var waiting = true;            
    alert("All Done");
Did not find any clues on how to do this.

Is there any method list available anywhere? like api documentation?

Last edited by Heinz; 24.09.2023 at 16:35.
Old 30.09.2023, 06:39
ronaldron ronaldron is offline
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Default eventscript to add sourceurl to file metadata?

Hey I'm trying to write an eventscript to add the sourceurl where the file was scraped from to the metadata of the resulting file (e.g. in the comment field).

What would be the best way to do this?
Old 10.10.2023, 05:26
yps yps is offline
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Estoy editando el plugin de instagram para que me ponga el nombre como yo quiera según los tag, de esta manera.

*uploader*_*date* - *main_content_id*_*orderid**ext*

Tal que así:

pepito_2023-01-01 - Cm3wOPrM8k9_1.jpg

Pero resulta que cuando hay varias publicaciones con el mismo nombre, añade 1, 2, 3 ... según el número de publicaciones dentro del mismo albúm. Esto lo consigo con el *orderid*, hasta aquí, actúa según lo que he puesto.

Pero cuando hay una publicación con solo un elemento añade 1 cuando yo solo quiero que en este caso no añada el *orderid*, es decir que actué igual que lo hace por defecto.

¿Hay alguna manera para que el *orderid* cuando está definido en personalizado solo se muestre cuando haya más nombres iguales?, es decir varios elementos dentro una misma publicación.

Esto lo consigo dejándolo por defecto sin personalizar. Pero entonces no lo tendría como yo quiero.

¿Como puedo lograrlo a través de un script EventScripter?
Old 10.10.2023, 18:54
carretti14 carretti14 is offline
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Default Delete archives Extracted correctly

Hi everyone.

I would need a script that deletes archives successfully extracted from the download list, older than X days, with the Interval trigger.

The automatic deletion function in the post-extraction option unfortunately, does not delete disabled links.

Thanks to those who will help me:)
Old 11.10.2023, 15:13
BeRa BeRa is offline
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Originally Posted by thecoder2012 View Post
Proxies in JDownloader eintragen und freuen. In vielen Fällen ist kein Skript dazu erforderlich, wenn stabile Proxies hinterlegt sind. Die meisten kostenfreien Proxies sind allerdings instabil und oft nicht vertrauenswürdig.

In JDownloader sind dafür White- und Blacklisten je Verbindung (Proxy/IP) vorgesehen.
Welche Besonderheit gibt es bei den gewünschten Hostern? Also wozu genau soll das Skript dienen?

Grundsätzlich ja. Manche Nutzer im JD Forum haben das in diversen Themen auch probiert.
Das Hauptproblem waren stets funktionierende Proxies zu haben, so mehr das Skript verwendet haben, so weniger funktionierte es weil fast alle versuchten die gleichen Proxies aus fragwürdiger Quelle zu nutzen.

Eine qualifizierte Kraft lässt sich mit der Zeit sicher finden.
Hello, so what are the actual solution to get some proxy quite automatically?
i've translated the text above and i'm not sure i've understood all.
Old 23.10.2023, 00:18
michaeljh michaeljh is offline
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I seek your wisdom.
I am trying to create a script that talks to Home Assistant to turn on my Philips Hue lights to alert me when a download finishes.
Home Assistant has the scene successfully working.✅✅
When executed using a cURL command, it works.✅✅
When I run this JavaScript code in WebStorm, it successfully works.✅✅
Now JDownloader is the challenge.

const fetch = require("node-fetch");

const url = "**External links are only visible to Support Staff**;
const options = {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: {
        'Authorization': 'Bearer thisismysupersecretlonglivedaccesstokenJpc3MiOiI4MmQyODIz0302ZGU0NDlkODQx14UzMiIsImlhdCI6MTY5NzYxODc1MiwiZXhwIjoyMDEyOTc4NzUyfQ.3ePYuab4RD5Kp7vubRDQ2yCGkPChKmmugrZcldLMRBQ',

fetch(url, options)
    .then(response => {
        if (!response.ok) {
            throw new Error(`HTTP error! Status: ${response.status}`);
        return response.json();
    .then(data => console.log(data))
    .catch(error => console.error('Error:', error));

I tried to make the code compatible with Event Scripter by asking ChatGPT to create the equivalent code using ES5 and no modules. It gave me this code. When I run it in WebStorm, it does work!

// var request = require("request");
var request = require("C:\\Users\\Administrator\\AppData\\Roaming\\npm\\node_modules\\request\\request.js");

var url = "**External links are only visible to Support Staff**;
var options = {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: {
        'Authorization': 'Bearer thisismysupersecretlonglivedaccesstokenJpc3MiOiI4MmQyODIz0302ZGU0NDlkODQx14UzMiIsImlhdCI6MTY5NzYxODc1MiwiZXhwIjoyMDEyOTc4NzUyfQ.3ePYuab4RD5Kp7vubRDQ2yCGkPChKmmugrZcldLMRBQ',

request(url, options, function (error, response, body) {
    if (!error && response.statusCode === 200) {
    } else {
        console.error('Error:', error);

JDownloader says
TypeError: Cannot read property “strict” from undefined.
What am I doing wrong?

Last edited by michaeljh; 23.10.2023 at 03:43.
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