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Old 16.02.2011, 16:00
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Exclamation automate resetting IP using proxy servers

I've read a few of your threads on resetting, but those I read suggested restarting(through scripts) the router to get a new IP

I tried getting a new IP address using proxy server method, what I did was:


Using IP hider (**External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff**) I just got myself a different IP(apparent)(no routers restart required) now since due to changing the proxy server on this sostware, my IP that the network would detect got changed, thus I was able to simultaneously download multiple items from the same file sharing site(s) like rapidshare, uploading, etc without the highly annoying 1/2 more hour delay which the free user has to suffer


the process above mentioned is very manual like whenever there was a need to circumvent the delay for free users on file sharing sites, I had to change the proxy server in the IP HIDER and then start the download on JDownloader

COULD SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME A WAY to AUTOMATE THE RECONNECT PROCESS USING PROXY SERVER METHOD (because I found the proxy server method better than restarting the router every time)

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Old 17.02.2011, 08:13
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JD English Support (inactive)
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This capability is expected in the next major release. A test version was in the Nightly Test for a while (called the Proxy Rotate addon).
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Old 17.02.2011, 13:17
Posts: n/a

@drbits: thanks for the quick reply So when can we expect this next major release?

I HOPE IT'S JUST AROUND THE CORNER, coz the delays on same IP are very irksome
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Old 17.02.2011, 13:57
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The last release of jD was in December 2009. The next release was promised in April 2010, but was cancelled. Since that time no official next release date was provided by jD's Team.

Have a look at Next Major Public Release 1.xxx. Estimated time is 95.25 hours. 43% of the work is done. 209 open issues are still to be solved/implemented.
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Old 18.02.2011, 06:33
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drbits drbits is offline
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I would not even try to guess about the schedule for the next major release.

The information about what will be in the next release is not finalized. There are several difficult changes that will probably be included and are not implemented. The remaining work is probably more than 95 hours (which is about a month).

Many of the items in the tracker do not have versions or hours attached. The items marked High or Urgent priority usually take very little time.

It has been some time since there was an update to the Nightly Test version. This usually means that something large and scary will be released for test soon (I am hoping for the Download Engine upgrade).
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