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Old 21.03.2012, 06:23
Posts: n/a
Question Uploading.com "Plugin desactualizado"

Que tal,

Tengo este problema desde hace semanas y no he podido resolverlo y es que la descarga de este servidor siempre me marca "Plugin desactualizado". Intenté actualizar a NIGHTLY esperando se solucionara pero es el mismo problema, hay alguna manera de arreglarlo?

Información de JDownloader

JDownloader -NIGHTLY- Build 16103
Java Vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc.
Java Version: 1.6.0_26

Ya he descargado demasiadas partes (15 de 21, cuando aún podía, cerca de 3.80 GB) como para buscar lo que estoy descargando por otro servidor. Espero esto tenga solución

Más información

Servidor:					Uploading.com
Versión del plugin:			15794
Sistema Operativo:			Windows 7 x64
Antivirus:					Microsoft Security Essentials

Log obtenido

------------------------  Thread: 19  -----------------------
19 20/03/12 11:10:06 PM - INFO [jd.controlling.DownloadWatchDog(startDownloads)] -> DownloadWatchDog: start

------------------------  Thread: 20  -----------------------
20 20/03/12 11:10:06 PM - INFO [jd.controlling.DownloadWatchDog(startDownloadThread)] -> Start new Download: uploading.com:ILLUSTRATOR.part10.rar

------------------------  Thread: 21  -----------------------
21 20/03/12 11:10:08 PM - INFO [jd.plugins.hoster.UploadingCom(checkErrors)] -> Checking errors
21 20/03/12 11:10:10 PM - INFO [jd.plugins.hoster.UploadingCom(handleFree0)] -> Submitting form
21 20/03/12 11:10:10 PM - INFO [jd.plugins.hoster.UploadingCom(checkErrors)] -> Checking errors
21 20/03/12 11:11:12 PM - FINEST [jd.http.Browser(openRequestConnection)] -> 
-->**External links are only visible to Support Staff**
POST /files/get/?JsHttpRequest=1332306672557-xml HTTP/1.1
Host: uploading.com
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; NetBSD i386; en-US; rv: Gecko/2007081402 Firefox/3.0.10
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: de, en-gb;q=0.9, en;q=0.8
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Cache-Control: no-cache
Pragma: no-cache
Connection: close
Referer: **External links are only visible to Support Staff**
Content-Type: application/octet-stream; charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 35
Cookie: lang=1; language=1; setlang=en; _lang=en; SID=097d21438a51587c56d4ce38fb612892; r=5582573e%7C%7C; cache=5756643c8154eccd17de19708506f7f0; time=1332306708; views=12979670%7C1332306708%3A

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
server: nginx
date: Wed, 21 Mar 2012 05:12:50 GMT
content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8
transfer-encoding: chunked
connection: close
vary: Accept-Encoding
set-cookie: time=1332306770; path=/; domain=.uploading.com
set-cookie: cache=9e365684048c8c988db10361768af527; expires=Wed, 21-Mar-2012 06:12:50 GMT; path=/; domain=.uploading.com
cache-control: no-cache
content-encoding: gzip

21 20/03/12 11:11:13 PM - INFO [jd.plugins.PluginForHost(handle)] -> jd.plugins.PluginException
	at jd.plugins.hoster.UploadingCom.getDownloadUrl(UploadingCom.java:271)
	at jd.plugins.hoster.UploadingCom.handleFree0(UploadingCom.java:359)
	at jd.plugins.hoster.UploadingCom.handleFree(UploadingCom.java:323)
	at jd.plugins.PluginForHost.handle(PluginForHost.java:556)
	at jd.controlling.SingleDownloadController.handlePlugin(SingleDownloadController.java:145)
	at jd.controlling.SingleDownloadController.run(SingleDownloadController.java:682)

21 20/03/12 11:11:13 PM - INFO [jd.plugins.PluginForHost(handle)] -> Error, intente reiniciar este enlace
21 20/03/12 11:11:13 PM - WARNING [jd.controlling.SingleDownloadController(handlePlugin)] -> 
Error occured- Latest: ERROR_PLUGIN_DEFECT
00100000010001000000000000000001 < Statuscode
00000000000000000000000000000001 | TODO
00000000000001000000000000000000 | PLUGIN_IN_PROGRESS
00000000010000000000000000000000 | ERROR_PLUGIN_DEFECT
00100000000000000000000000000000 | PLUGIN_ACTIVE

21 20/03/12 11:11:13 PM - WARNING [jd.controlling.SingleDownloadController(onErrorPluginDefect)] -> The Plugin for uploading.com seems to be out of date(rev15794). Please inform the Support-team http://jdownloader.org/support.
21 20/03/12 11:11:13 PM - FINEST [jd.controlling.SingleDownloadController(onErrorPluginDefect)] -> -->**External links are only visible to Support Staff**
POST /files/get/?JsHttpRequest=1332306672557-xml HTTP/1.1
Host: uploading.com
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; NetBSD i386; en-US; rv: Gecko/2007081402 Firefox/3.0.10
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: de, en-gb;q=0.9, en;q=0.8
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Cache-Control: no-cache
Pragma: no-cache
Connection: close
Referer: **External links are only visible to Support Staff**
Content-Type: application/octet-stream; charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 35
Cookie: lang=1; language=1; setlang=en; _lang=en; SID=097d21438a51587c56d4ce38fb612892; r=5582573e%7C%7C; cache=5756643c8154eccd17de19708506f7f0; time=1332306708; views=12979670%7C1332306708%3A

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
server: nginx
date: Wed, 21 Mar 2012 05:12:50 GMT
content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8
transfer-encoding: chunked
connection: close
vary: Accept-Encoding
set-cookie: time=1332306770; path=/; domain=.uploading.com
set-cookie: cache=9e365684048c8c988db10361768af527; expires=Wed, 21-Mar-2012 06:12:50 GMT; path=/; domain=.uploading.com
cache-control: no-cache
content-encoding: gzip

Last edited by AbaddonOrmuz; 21.03.2012 at 06:36.
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Old 22.03.2012, 04:50
Posts: n/a

Wow gracias, todo funciona perfecto.

Como agradecimiento (ya que no puedo donar) me encargaré de difundir JDownloader cuanto pueda.

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Old 29.03.2012, 11:28
Posts: n/a

Qué tengo que hacer para que alguien me ayude con mi problema?

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Old 04.04.2012, 12:30
Posts: n/a

please an english or german translation
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