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Old 05.08.2017, 01:11
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Default Share-links.biz: trouble with passwords

Hi everybody,
I've been experiencing a minor issue with the share-links.biz plugin lately (it was fine a couple of weeks ago). Explanation: let's say I find a share-links.biz password-protected link and I grab it. Jdownloader asks me for the correct password, I insert it, then the captcha pops up and everything goes perfectly fine. Now, as long as i grab share-links.biz links with the SAME password as the first one, everything works; if I try to grab a link with a different password, instead of asking me for the new password (as it did up until a couple updates ago), JD will just ignore the link altogether. The only way to load the contents of the link in jdownloader is to either open it and solve the captcha in the browser and click 'n' load the encrypted links, or reset the share-links.biz plugin under settings--->plugin. At that point it will ask me for the new password, and the problem will start all over again as soon as I find a link with a different password.

Hope I've been clear, it's not always easy to explain technical difficulties when you're speaking a language that's not your own. At any rate, as I said, minor glitch: it's just annoying to reset the plugin for every different uploader I bump into :D

Keep up the good work!
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Old 05.08.2017, 14:25
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raztoki raztoki is offline
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can you please provide example links with respective passwords to test

the code in respects to password handling within this plugin hasn't really changed.
uses pre provided password first, this can be done via the add links dialog or #password= parameter within the url
if those fail or if that's not provided, it will use plugin last used password.
if that fails or not available, it will prompt you via dialog

on success it saves that password as the last used password.

raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer

Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :]

Last edited by raztoki; 05.08.2017 at 14:39.
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Old 05.08.2017, 18:21
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That's exactly how the plugin has always worked for me. Now it just tries the last password used, it doesn't prompt me for a new one if that fails.

**External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff**
Password: by Centor
**External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff**
Password: scoreville

EDIT: I'll add that I have two separate instances of jdownloader 2 installed on this machine, in separate folders, with separate download lists; I hadn't been using one for quite some time, so I opened it and I tried to use the plugin before updating: it worked like a charm. After I updated, it stopped working for that one too.

Last edited by ZioFeda; 05.08.2017 at 18:29.
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Old 06.08.2017, 04:31
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ok i see why now



raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer

Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :]
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Old 07.08.2017, 23:00
Posts: n/a

Wow, you guys are efficient. Thanks! Keep up the good work.
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Old 08.08.2017, 08:09
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Jiaz Jiaz is offline
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Thanks for the feedback!
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