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Old 19.07.2010, 15:01
Dissolute Dissolute is offline
Vacuum Cleaner
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 17

Spoke too soon, now hansg at 1/11 active but not doing anything. Tried other containers still teh same, all from hotfile.com havent tried anything else yet but will

Ok tried a RS link, that works fine seems to be a hotfile issue for me?

------------------------ Thread: 12 -----------------------
12 19/07/10 13:53:40 - FINEST [java_downloader] -> Backup Shortcuts: mapped CTRL+B to ctrl pressed B
12 19/07/10 13:53:40 - FINEST [java_downloader] -> Exit Shortcuts: mapped CTRL+Q to ctrl pressed Q
12 19/07/10 13:53:40 - FINEST [java_downloader] -> Add URL(s) Shortcuts: mapped CTRL+U to ctrl pressed U
12 19/07/10 13:53:40 - FINEST [java_downloader] -> Add Container Shortcuts: mapped CTRL+O to ctrl pressed O
12 19/07/10 13:53:40 - FINEST [java_downloader] -> Enable Premium globally Shortcuts: mapped P to ctrl pressed P
12 19/07/10 13:53:40 - FINEST [java_downloader] -> Changelog Shortcuts: mapped CTRL+SHIFT+C to ctrl pressed C
12 19/07/10 13:53:40 - FINEST [java_downloader] -> Support Shortcuts: mapped F1 to ctrl pressed F1
12 19/07/10 13:53:40 - FINEST [java_downloader] -> About JDownloader Shortcuts: mapped CTRL+F1 to ctrl pressed F1
12 19/07/10 13:53:40 - FINEST [java_downloader] -> Bottom Shortcuts: mapped ALT+END to ctrl pressed END
12 19/07/10 13:53:40 - FINEST [java_downloader] -> Top Shortcuts: mapped ALT+HOME to ctrl pressed HOME
12 19/07/10 13:53:40 - FINEST [java_downloader] -> Up Shortcuts: mapped ALT+UP to ctrl pressed UP
12 19/07/10 13:53:40 - FINEST [java_downloader] -> Down Shortcuts: mapped ALT+DOWN to ctrl pressed DOWN
12 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINEST [java_downloader] -> Bottom Shortcuts: mapped ALT+END to ctrl pressed END
12 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINEST [java_downloader] -> Top Shortcuts: mapped ALT+HOME to ctrl pressed HOME
12 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINEST [java_downloader] -> Up Shortcuts: mapped ALT+UP to ctrl pressed UP
12 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINEST [java_downloader] -> Down Shortcuts: mapped ALT+DOWN to ctrl pressed DOWN

------------------------ Thread: 11 -----------------------
11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Initialisation finished
11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINER [java_downloader] -> awt.toolkit=sun.awt.windows.WToolkit
11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINER [java_downloader] -> file.encoding=UTF-8
11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINER [java_downloader] -> file.encoding.pkg=sun.io
11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINER [java_downloader] -> file.separator=\
11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINER [java_downloader] -> java.awt.graphicsenv=sun.awt.Win32GraphicsEnvironment
11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINER [java_downloader] -> java.awt.printerjob=sun.awt.windows.WPrinterJob
11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINER [java_downloader] -> java.class.path=C:\Program Files\JDownloader\JDownloader.jar
11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINER [java_downloader] -> java.class.version=50.0
11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINER [java_downloader] -> java.endorsed.dirs=C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\endorsed
11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINER [java_downloader] -> java.ext.dirs=C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\ext;C:\Windows\Sun\Java\lib\ext
11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINER [java_downloader] -> java.home=C:\Program Files\Java\jre6
11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINER [java_downloader] -> java.io.tmpdir=C:\Users\DISSOL~1\AppData\Local\Temp\
11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINER [java_downloader] -> java.library.path=C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin;.;C:\Windows\Sun\Java\bin;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;c:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\PhysX\Common;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32 \WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files\Calibre2\;C:\Program Files\QuickTime\QTSystem\;C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin
11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINER [java_downloader] -> java.runtime.name=Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment
11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINER [java_downloader] -> java.runtime.version=1.6.0_20-b02
11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINER [java_downloader] -> java.specification.name=Java Platform API Specification
11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINER [java_downloader] -> java.specification.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINER [java_downloader] -> java.specification.version=1.6
11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINER [java_downloader] -> java.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINER [java_downloader] -> java.vendor.url=**External links are only visible to Support Staff** 11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINER [java_downloader] -> java.vendor.url.bug=**External links are only visible to Support Staff** 11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINER [java_downloader] -> java.version=1.6.0_20
11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINER [java_downloader] -> java.vm.info=mixed mode, sharing
11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINER [java_downloader] -> java.vm.name=Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINER [java_downloader] -> java.vm.specification.name=Java Virtual Machine Specification
11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINER [java_downloader] -> java.vm.specification.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINER [java_downloader] -> java.vm.specification.version=1.0
11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINER [java_downloader] -> java.vm.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINER [java_downloader] -> java.vm.version=16.3-b01
11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINER [java_downloader] -> line.separator=

11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINER [java_downloader] -> os.arch=x86
11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINER [java_downloader] -> os.name=Windows 7
11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINER [java_downloader] -> os.version=6.1
11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINER [java_downloader] -> path.separator=;
11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINER [java_downloader] -> sun.arch.data.model=32
11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINER [java_downloader] -> sun.boot.class.path=C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\resources.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\rt.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\sunrsasign.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\jsse.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\jce.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\charsets.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\classes
11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINER [java_downloader] -> sun.boot.library.path=C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin
11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINER [java_downloader] -> sun.cpu.endian=little
11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINER [java_downloader] -> sun.cpu.isalist=
11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINER [java_downloader] -> sun.desktop=windows
11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINER [java_downloader] -> sun.io.unicode.encoding=UnicodeLittle
11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINER [java_downloader] -> sun.java.launcher=SUN_STANDARD
11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINER [java_downloader] -> sun.jnu.encoding=Cp1252
11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINER [java_downloader] -> sun.management.compiler=HotSpot Client Compiler
11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINER [java_downloader] -> sun.os.patch.level=
11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINER [java_downloader] -> sun.swing.enableImprovedDragGesture=true
11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINER [java_downloader] -> user.country=GB
11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINER [java_downloader] -> user.dir=C:\Users\Dissolute\Desktop
11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINER [java_downloader] -> user.home=C:\Users\Dissolute
11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINER [java_downloader] -> user.language=en
11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINER [java_downloader] -> user.name=Dissolute
11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINER [java_downloader] -> user.timezone=Europe/London
11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINER [java_downloader] -> user.variant=
11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Revision: 9.579
11 19/07/10 13:53:41 - FINER [java_downloader] -> Runtype: 2

------------------------ Thread: 13 -----------------------
13 19/07/10 13:53:41 - INFO [java_downloader] -> JDLightTrayIcon Init complete
13 19/07/10 13:53:41 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Init complete

------------------------ Thread: 12 -----------------------
12 19/07/10 13:53:44 - FINEST [java_downloader] -> Add Account Shortcuts: mapped ADD to ctrl pressed ADD
12 19/07/10 13:53:44 - FINEST [java_downloader] -> Remove AccountShortcuts: mapped REMOVE to ctrl pressed E
12 19/07/10 13:53:44 - FINEST [java_downloader] -> Bottom Shortcuts: mapped ALT+END to ctrl pressed END
12 19/07/10 13:53:44 - FINEST [java_downloader] -> Top Shortcuts: mapped ALT+HOME to ctrl pressed HOME
12 19/07/10 13:53:44 - FINEST [java_downloader] -> Up Shortcuts: mapped ALT+UP to ctrl pressed UP
12 19/07/10 13:53:44 - FINEST [java_downloader] -> Down Shortcuts: mapped ALT+DOWN to ctrl pressed DOWN

------------------------ Thread: 14 -----------------------
14 19/07/10 13:53:44 - INFO [java_downloader] -> DownloadWatchDog: start

------------------------ Thread: 15 -----------------------
15 19/07/10 13:53:44 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Start new Download: hotfile.com

------------------------ Thread: 16 -----------------------
16 19/07/10 13:53:44 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Start working on Appleseed.2004.720p.BluRay.x264-EbP.mkv.008

------------------------ Thread: 11 -----------------------
11 19/07/10 13:53:44 - INFO [java_downloader] -> update start
11 19/07/10 13:53:44 - FINEST [java_downloader] -> Run dynamics
11 19/07/10 13:53:44 - FINEST [java_downloader] -> Found dynamic: /jd/dynamics/Cinj$SandboxNativeJavaObject.class
11 19/07/10 13:53:44 - FINEST [java_downloader] -> Found dynamic: /jd/dynamics/Cinj$SandboxWrapFactory.class
11 19/07/10 13:53:44 - FINEST [java_downloader] -> Found dynamic: /jd/dynamics/XTMWorkaround.class
11 19/07/10 13:53:44 - FINEST [java_downloader] -> Found dynamic: /jd/dynamics/FallbackBackup.class
11 19/07/10 13:53:44 - FINEST [java_downloader] -> Found dynamic: /jd/dynamics/RSUpdateNotifier$1.class
11 19/07/10 13:53:44 - FINEST [java_downloader] -> Found dynamic: /jd/dynamics/RSUpdateNotifier.class
11 19/07/10 13:53:44 - FINEST [java_downloader] -> Found dynamic: /jd/dynamics/FallbackBackup$1.class
11 19/07/10 13:53:44 - FINEST [java_downloader] -> Found dynamic: /jd/dynamics/Cinj$SandboxContextFactory$1.class
11 19/07/10 13:53:44 - FINEST [java_downloader] -> Found dynamic: /jd/dynamics/Cinj.class
11 19/07/10 13:53:44 - FINEST [java_downloader] -> Found dynamic: /jd/dynamics/Cinj$SandboxContextFactory.class
11 19/07/10 13:53:44 - FINEST [java_downloader] -> Found dynamic: /jd/dynamics/Survey.class
11 19/07/10 13:53:44 - FINEST [java_downloader] -> Found dynamic: /jd/dynamics/Survey$1.class
11 19/07/10 13:53:44 - FINEST [java_downloader] -> Init Dynamic /jd/dynamics/XTMWorkaround.class
11 19/07/10 13:53:44 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Disabling *Delete Files after Merge* of JDHJMerge addon, because of XTM issue! Next Major JD Version will support XTM!
11 19/07/10 13:53:44 - FINEST [java_downloader] -> Init Dynamic /jd/dynamics/FallbackBackup.class
11 19/07/10 13:53:44 - FINEST [java_downloader] -> Init Dynamic /jd/dynamics/RSUpdateNotifier.class
11 19/07/10 13:53:44 - FINEST [java_downloader] -> Init Dynamic /jd/dynamics/Cinj.class
11 19/07/10 13:53:44 - FINEST [java_downloader] -> Init Dynamic /jd/dynamics/Survey.class
11 19/07/10 13:53:44 - INFO [java_downloader] -> update end

------------------------ Thread: 16 -----------------------
16 19/07/10 13:53:45 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Regexed waittime is 60001 seconds

------------------------ Thread: 17 -----------------------
17 19/07/10 13:53:49 - FINER [java_downloader] -> Checking for available updates

------------------------ Thread: 18 -----------------------
18 19/07/10 13:53:56 - SEVERE [java_downloader] -> Webupdater offline or nothing to update

------------------------ Thread: 16 -----------------------
16 19/07/10 13:54:47 - FINER [java_downloader] -> load plugin: jd.plugins.hoster.DirectHTTP
16 19/07/10 13:54:48 - INFO [java_downloader] -> There is no JAC method for the service hotfile.com
16 19/07/10 13:55:09 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Captcha wrong
16 19/07/10 13:55:09 - WARNING [java_downloader] ->
Error occured- latest: ERROR_CAPTCHA
00100000000001000000000000001001 <Statuscode
00000000000000000000000000000001 |TODO
00000000000000000000000000001000 |ERROR_CAPTCHA
00000000000001000000000000000000 |PLUGIN_IN_PROGRESS
00100000000000000000000000000000 |PLUGIN_ACTIVE

------------------------ Thread: 15 -----------------------
15 19/07/10 13:55:11 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Start new Download: hotfile.com

------------------------ Thread: 19 -----------------------
19 19/07/10 13:55:11 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Start working on Appleseed.2004.720p.BluRay.x264-EbP.mkv.008
19 19/07/10 13:55:12 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Regexed waittime is 60001 seconds

Last edited by Dissolute; 19.07.2010 at 15:05.
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Old 19.07.2010, 20:47
Dissolute Dissolute is offline
Vacuum Cleaner
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 17

further investigation, it seems to be only certain links which I think are also linked to reCAPTCHA links. Mayhaps the anticaptcha and the recaptcha are somehow causing problems?

for example **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** works fine

but **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** does not except if I do it through the website itself.

and just to confirm before I get yelled at about recaptcha, I dont mean anything to ddo with teh anticaptcha itself, this is hanging at connecting and does not pop up the manual one or download or anything.
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Old 20.07.2010, 10:28
Posts: n/a

No wonder that you have issues with the second link.

HF says :
This file is either removed due to copyright claim or is deleted by the uploader.
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Old 20.07.2010, 10:32
Posts: n/a


Your log says "Captcha wrong". You probably typed a wrong text. Note that jD has no antidote for Gogol's reCaptcha.
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Old 20.07.2010, 12:09
Dissolute Dissolute is offline
Vacuum Cleaner
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 17

Originally Posted by remi View Post
No wonder that you have issues with the second link.

HF says :

Yup it is now, but it wasn't.

I will post once I find another that hangs, but its not every d/l so

Originally Posted by remi View Post

Your log says "Captcha wrong". You probably typed a wrong text. Note that jD has no antidote for Gogol's reCaptcha.
I know that also hence the comment on don't yell at me about recaptcha I know I have to manually enter them I dont have a prob with that, its the fact that some times I don't get the chance to do so and it just hangs instead. Almost like JD is trying to do the recaptcha and getting stuck in a loop? i.e why does it in the log try to go ahead and download when it says that the captcha was wrong?

Last edited by Dissolute; 20.07.2010 at 12:12.
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Old 20.07.2010, 12:45
Posts: n/a

Yes, now I see your issue. It happened to me as well. jD just disables the link and doesn't retry them when you're back.

That's a very old problem of not being able to retry failed downloads. Automatic retry seems to be very difficult to implement in the current download engine. I hope it will be solved after the download engine has been redesigned.
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Old 21.07.2010, 04:34
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drbits drbits is offline
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Captcha Wrong usually is a sign that the Captcha Engine (JAC) has answered the challenge incorrectly (not a manual error at all). If it happens often, it means that the JAC plugin for that site is incorrect.

There are several bugs identified here, but the problem is that they depend on which challenge JD is given by the host's Captcha. Fortunately, most of these problems are repaired in the next major release.
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Old 21.07.2010, 23:16
Dissolute Dissolute is offline
Vacuum Cleaner
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 17

Originally Posted by drbits View Post
Captcha Wrong usually is a sign that the Captcha Engine (JAC) has answered the challenge incorrectly (not a manual error at all). If it happens often, it means that the JAC plugin for that site is incorrect.

There are several bugs identified here, but the problem is that they depend on which challenge JD is given by the host's Captcha. Fortunately, most of these problems are repaired in the next major release.
Thanks for the update, and great news most are fixed in next release
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Old 26.07.2010, 15:39
wrth wrth is offline
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Posts: 1

It seems like the discussion drifted away from the original problem.
I am having the same issue with the guy who started the thread.Been using this installation of jd for months now.Some downloads get stuck at "connecting..." for hours.It started about a week ago, probably after updating java to the latest version... I will try downgrading java and reinstalling JD but thought i post some logs before, in case it doesn't work.
I have xp sp3 and pretty sure problem isn't caused by firewall, antivirus software or a virus in my computer.(Like i said i'm using jd for months, there is nothing unusual in firewall and antivirus logs and i tried it with firewal and antivirus off.)
It seems like problem occurs randomly cause i can download stuck links after restarting jd (but it eventually gets stuck at another link...)Maybe its because of a captcha problem?

Problem is at the end of the logs.

They are pretty long so your browser may hang for a few seconds...

Hope that helps...

Last edited by wrth; 30.08.2010 at 00:19.
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Old 26.07.2010, 23:27
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drbits drbits is offline
JD English Support (inactive)
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Posts: 4,434

When JD is stuck on connecting, does it respond to keyboard or mouse?
Sometimes, there will be a hidden Captcha or other dialog.

Please see what happens if you minimize and restore the JD window (maybe twice).
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Old 18.12.2010, 19:10
Posts: n/a

I have the same problem also. It started suddenly, few days ago.
I tried downloading a movie now and it stucked at connecting... after only 2 links downloaded.

Java and Java exe are in exceptions, web scanner turned on.
It's not because of Java or a new version of Jdownloader because I didn't download anything and it just started suddenly.
What should I do, I read whole thread but nothing helped.
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Old 18.12.2010, 19:25
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Jiaz Jiaz is offline
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please restart jdownloader or close it and start jdupdate.jar
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Old 18.12.2010, 22:33
Posts: n/a

I tried updating via the shortcut and now I can't download not even a single file.
It simply stucks...:outch::outch:
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Old 19.12.2010, 10:54
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Jiaz Jiaz is offline
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close jd (complete close)and start jdupdate.jar
then start it again.
please show a logfile in case you still have problems
JD-Dev & Server-Admin
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