Yontoo et autres spywares
En voulant installer Jdownloader depuis jdownloader.org, celui ci m'a installé Yontoo et probablement d'autres spywares tous aussi chiants les uns que les autres, et SANS me l'avoir demandé.
Alors, il y en a qui disent qu'il n'y a pas de virus et spywares, mais ce sont de grosses conneries ! Où puis-je avoir un setup de JD sans spywares ??? merci. -- Un mec qui a la rage de se faire installer des spywares par un setup qui ne demande rien... |
Wanting to install JDownloader since jdownloader.org this one put me Yontoo and probably other spyware as chiants as each other, and WITHOUT asking me. There are those who say that there is no virus and spyware, but it's a big shit! Where can I get a setup of JD without spyware??? Thank you. - A guy who has rabies to install spyware with a setup that demands nothing ... |
rrogntudjû: thanks for translating
lparia: WIthout asking? Are you sure? There should have been an extra screen offering this. Maybe you clicked continue by accident?
Last edited by coalado; 30.01.2013 at 19:02. |
@rrogntudjû: merci pour la traduction Traduction pour lparia: Sans demander ? Êtes-vous sûr ? Il aurait dû y avoir une fenêtre supplémentaire proposant l'installation. Peut-être avez vous cliqué sur continuer par accident ? |
Just one window asking me for an other spyware which adds a toolbar, but for Yontoo, nothing asked. Didn't clicked by accident, just nothing.
Last edited by lparia; 01.02.2013 at 18:23. |
Just one windows asking me for an other spyware which adds a toolbar, but for Yontoo, nothing asked. Didn't clicked by accident, just nothing. |
So, when I see "no spywares" on posts and descriptions of Jdownloader, I don't trust them anymore.
But, before, I din't had any problems. Maybe just a recent version in which there is a spyware. Just, be honnest : why Yontoo and another spyware I don't remember the name are included in the JDownloader setup file ? PS : why a translation English English ? |
To make me happy
botcrawl.com/how-to-remove-yontoo-virus-and-uninstall-yontoo-layers-client-malware/ Yontoo, Yontoo web apps, Yontoo Layers Client, PageRage, My Super Cheap, DropDownDeals, and all other Yontoo products and associated software are essentially unethical web applications. Yontoo and third parties can utilize to bundle with for revenue or install onto browsers and computers without consent to initiate a plethora of different third party malware infections and symptoms. So many categories of malware and viruses are associated with Yontoo such as adware, spyware, and browser hijackers that it may be difficult to simply remove Yontoo programs including Yontoo Layers Client. Yontoo is often referred to as the Yontoo virus but is considered malware by cyber security experts because Yontoo can infect browsers and computers without direct permission. Yontoo may change home pages and provided search engines causing browsers to start up at websites that associate with, sponsor, or use Yontoo as well as searches inputted into the browser address bar to redirect to unwanted websites. etc... Quote:
malwarebytes.org/ general-changelog-team.fr/en/tools/15-adwcleaner Last edited by rrogntudjû; 03.02.2013 at 13:01. |
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