@lonewanderer: looks like yt is roling out changes and we have to update plugin first. yeb, we're working on it
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
I don't see a pattern, but here goes another sample link:
**External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** I hope is helpful. |
In Linkgrabber, I see multiple links in the folder. But in Downloads pane, I can only download TXT and JPG files from YouTube. Audio and video file formats display "Skipped--Account is Missing" error.
I have the latest version of JD. Please help! |
same problem here
"missing account". 12.06.19 22.49.07 <--> 12.06.19 22.51.07 jdlog://9741086935451/ No problem when I watch it directly on youtube. **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** |
BTW: I can seem to grab some YouTube audio and video file URLs to grab everything.
Maybe it's newer YouTube links (within the last few months) that cause JD to display: Availability = "?" Last edited by 13mh13; 13.06.2019 at 13:22. |
The following has the problem I noted:
[you tube url] watch?v=OV4YqLCuOTQ The following does not have problem I noted: [you tube url] watch?v=M6RTHn-71z0 |
I think yesterday there were two JD updates but they didn't fix the problem.
When grabbing the video some files (including the mp4) are tagged with a question mark. When starting download "account missing" error occurs on these files. Also while trying multiple times one single time is somehow worked. Probably Youtube delivered the old-style reply for once. |
![]() Quote:
youtube.com/channel/UCkoZiuAHPmRrk-31qKz9j1g And IONO Music also problematic: youtube.com/channel/UCoQG275PTZTR_cDkFE39NOA But other channels/videos are no problem. Very strange!! Last edited by 13mh13; 13.06.2019 at 13:35. |
Hi, the YT problem might be a file size restriction. I noticed the video clips in 1080p over 1GB cant be downloaded and r skipped in JD.
Greetz, Riker |
Please update JDownloader
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
Working now.
Works fine now, thanks JD team for the fix.-
I'm just writing to say THANK YOU SO MUCH to the jdownloader team for fixing this issue
Confirmed working on my end as well. Thank you!
After your updates (Hooray!) my downloads finally started again, BUT my combined DL speed with 2 downloads from YT is mere 10 KiB/s
example: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** i got no clue whats going on, anyone else having same problem? Any ideas? Kind regards Grimzahn |
@Grimzahn: 10 kb/s sounds like enabled speed limit or pause button, red line in speed graph?
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
you are perfectly right. i must have enabled it for ages ago and neither saw it nor remembered it. thanks for your help! lol i really had it running on such low speed till now. cant believe that i didnt figure it myself :( now I can confirm that it works like a charm, too! |
I was having account missing errors despite having a Youtube account in JD2 (until the last update, seems to be fixed now
![]() I thought maybe I should delete the account from JD2 and re-add it to make it work right. But I could not add the account back to JD2. Something about can't add because of premium account. But... I just have a free account. Did I screw up somehow? I don't know what's wrong. Edit: What even is the advantage to linking a Youtube account to JD2 if it's just a regular account? Does it give you faster downloads or something? One other question. How do you allow Youtube, but ONLY Youtube, to have multiple simultaneous downloads? I have slow internet. So want only one download per hoster. Except for Youtube, because Youtube (and Youtube alone) doesn't use anywhere near my full speed using only one connection. I do hope there's a way to do that. If there isn't, it would greatly be appreciated if there could be some way added to set max downloads for Youtube specifically, without affecting any other sites. Last edited by plip; 15.06.2019 at 05:26. |
just cant download big youtube vids faster ... dspeed is 20kiB/s ... no problem with other hosters ... has yt restricted download speeds ??? |
@blackdog: YT limits speed to actual required bitrate of the video. they want you to watch it
![]() @Grimzahn: Glad to hear that I could be of help to you ![]() @plip: account login is broken/unstable and only required for some age restricted videos. no other advantages. You might wanna try to use packagizer rules and set higher number of connections via rules to those links. But first try it that helps/works with rightclick on the link and there you can set custom chunks
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
Now, Working smooth. Thanks
You're welcome
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
could it be possible that youtube change their Playlist to /watch?v= list and thats why jdownloader today not working ? an example which jdownloader cant grab: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** regrads Nev |
@Nev1337: what exactly doesn't work. cannot reproduce/find any problem
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
when i copy this link in jdownloader, nothing happens .. linkgrabber dont find anything since yesterday ...
I've replied via mail
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
I found a bug in the youtube plugin's naming process, when the names including the date when the video was published. My settings for naming the file: *DATE[YYYY-MM-dd]* *VIDEO_NAME* (*H*p_*FPS*fps_*VIDEO_CODEC*).*EXT* On some of the files, the date is added incorrectly to the filename, for example: [No Copyright Music] Want You - ZAYFALL; Published: 30-12-2018; jDownloader name: 30-12-2019 ... [No Copyright Music] That We're Not Alone - Artificial.Music; Published: 31-12-2018; jDownloader name: 31-12-2019 ... (Youtube links of the mentioned videos: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff**) So seems that when the video was published on 30 or 31 Dec 2018, jDownloader writes 30/31 12 2019 in the filename. jDownloader version: current as Jun 2019 How to recreate the problem?: Open JDownloader, got o settings, plugins, choose youtube as a plugin, then and add "*DATE[YYYY-MM-dd]* *VIDEO_NAME* (*H*p_*FPS*fps_*VIDEO_CODEC*).*EXT*" in the "Filename for Video files". Then copy the youtube URLs of the two mentioned videos to the clipboard, and in the linkgrabber window jDownloader recognized the links, and you can see that the names of the video files starts with 30/31 12 2019. Best regards, Andrew. Last edited by AndrewCz; 19.06.2019 at 20:16. |
is it posible that JDownloader deactive unavailable videos instead of starting the timer.
glad you got the offline thing fixed but now downloads are pretty slow. hope you can fix
![]() ![]() |
@Enunn: that's normal. yt limits speed to actual required bitrate of the stream. JDownloader loads video first(higher bitrate) and then audio stream (which is about max 28-32kbyte/s) that's why the end is slower. you might wanna try to increase the number of connections/chunks to use more connections but this might also result in download errors. in the past there has been a way to bypass this but yt disabled it
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
can you give example links? what do you mean by *unavailable video*?
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
@AndrewCz: pattern error, use 'yyyy' and NOT 'YYYY' those are two different pattern
![]() juandebravo.com/2015/04/10/java-yyyy-date-format/
JD-Dev & Server-Admin Last edited by Jiaz; 21.06.2019 at 15:19. |
Hi, my problem continues and I cannot add my account into Jdownloader 2 and some videos keep asking me to sign in to verify my age:confused::confused::confused:.
Any solution??? thanks and bye.- Last edited by maurigalarza; 26.06.2019 at 06:33. |
You can find the answer within this thread. Short: account login is unstable/broken and only required for some age restricted/private videos and those are currently not supported/working.
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
Since the new youtube plugin update i encouter some problems with videos, 99% music videos **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** the video is online but jdownloader recognize it as offline and doesn't allow me to download it |
plugin updates typically do not cause this, it be change on the website.
link adds and downloads fine here @beronz please make sure you have the latest updates in your JD client, and give your client a restart (maybe its required). if you have issues please follow up with logs from a session that has failed.
raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer http://svn.jdownloader.org/users/170 Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :] |
@beronz: yt is changing stuff again, has nothing to do with JDownloader updates
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
Why i can't copy youtube videos to download it with jd2 beta?
Doesn't even show me the video at linkgrabber. Why is that happening? Last edited by Jiaz; 10.07.2019 at 20:42. |
provide example links? did you check that you have not enabled any filters in right sidebar of linkgrabber
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
also please provide logs, see https://support.jdownloader.org/Know...d-session-logs
and post shown logID here
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
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