Civitai.com - Add account support
some assets require the user to be logged in to download. Following the link JDownloader tries to download this is not possible without being authenticated. Link to an example: Asset page: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** Download link in JDownloader: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** Would it be possible to create authentication with account support or an API key integration since Civitai.com offers that? |
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
You will need to delete- and re-add links looking like "api/download/models/" after the update to be able to download them via account! Civitai.com doesn't provide any method to check if the entered API Key is valid so for now, JDownloader will just accept all keys that match pattern [a-f0-9]{32}. Wartest du auf einen angekündigten Bugfix oder ein neues Feature? Updates werden nicht immer sofort bereitgestellt! Bitte lies unser Update FAQ! | Please read our Update FAQ! --- Are you waiting for recently announced changes to get released? Updates to not necessarily get released immediately! Bitte lies unser Update FAQ! | Please read our Update FAQ! -psp-
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download Last edited by pspzockerscene; 16.08.2024 at 11:22. Reason: Improved formatting |
Thanks for the quick implementation! Works correct on those edge cases, tested and verified it with the current list and my own API key.
Thanks for your feedback!
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download |
I entered the API-key, but of all the jobs from here - **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** it finds only 150
@VanTuz: Please provide a debug log, see https://support.jdownloader.org/de/k...d-session-logs
Enable Debug Mode, restart JDownloader and reproduce the issue, create log and post logID here
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
18.08.24 01.33.27 <--> 18.08.24 01.34.08 jdlog://9294411370661/
According to your log, you just ran into maintenance mode of civitai.com:
<h1>We're adjusting a few things, be back in a few minutes...</h1> </div> <div class="image"> <img id="image" src="/assets/imrs.webp" alt="This is fine"> ...though the http status code 503 is sometimes also used for rate limiting or to say "you are doing too many requests in a short time" so if that would be the case, we'd need to adjust the plugin. Can you reproduce this problem?
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download |
It looks like I really came across some restrictions on the part of the site, because later I was able to download all the images.
Added delay of 1000ms after each pagination page.
In the near future (!not yet! in the next update), I will add plugin settings which will let you control some pagination parameters. Wartest du auf einen angekündigten Bugfix oder ein neues Feature? Updates werden nicht immer sofort bereitgestellt! Bitte lies unser Update FAQ! | Please read our Update FAQ! --- Are you waiting for recently announced changes to get released? Updates to not necessarily get released immediately! Bitte lies unser Update FAQ! | Please read our Update FAQ! -psp-
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download |
I'm having the same problem again - the program doesn't find all the author's art - **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff**
Last edited by VanTuz; 09.09.2024 at 22:44. |
Works fine here.
Next time pleasejust provide a log straight away. Please post your log-ID here If your report is about a specific website which JD supports via plugin, please also provide example URLs which can be used to reproduce the issue you are having. If your report is related to a login specific problem with a plugin supported website, enable debug mode before creating logs, see previously linked instructions. Bitte poste deine Log-ID hier. Falls dein Problem ein Problem mit einer Webseite ist, die per Plugin unterstützt wird, stelle bitte zusätzlich Testlinks zur Verfügung, mit denen sich dein Problem nachstellen lässt. Geht es um einen nicht funktionierenden Account-Login, aktiviere vor dem Erstellen deines Logs den debug Modus (siehe zuvor verlinkte Anleitung). -psp-
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download |
Oh, yes, logs, I completely forgot about them.
10.09.24 20.21.24 <--> 10.09.24 20.25.59 jdlog://3645411370661/ The site indicates that the author has 2431 art, and the program finds only 2256. |
According to your logs, this is what happened:
Crawled page 46 | Found items so far: 2256 | New items on this page: 6 | Max items per page: 50 | Pagination sleep millis: 1000 --ID:99TS:1725988983202-10.09.2024, 20:23:03 - [jd.plugins.decrypter.CivitaiComCrawler(decryptIt)] -> Stopping because: Failed to find nextPage As said, serverside problems may happen. Feel free to check this yourself. You can also look into your own logs and just search for the text "Crawled page " to see each page JDownloader has processed along with the API results. You can see that all pages contained 50 items except for the lat one so if you ask me, this legit looks like those are all elements. Maybe some elements were deleted in the meantime and the counter of total items hasn't been updated serverside yet.
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download |
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