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Old 07.11.2024, 15:06
folderdownloader folderdownloader is offline
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Default Separate Folders Structure (Confusing Packagizer)

Hi, I've been confused about this for a long time even after looking at tutorials.
I don't understand the packagizer settings but please advise
the best way to do the following:

As an example let's say I'm downloading a TV Show with 2 Seasons, using the following folders:
"TV Show" > "Season 1" > "Season 1 Extras"
"TV Show" > "Season 2" > "Season 2 Extras"

Both "Seasons" folders are in the same "TV Show" folder.
There are files in each folder, even in the "TV Show" folder itself.

What is the best way to do this in Jdownloader so that it downloads correctly and I do not have to organise the files and folders manually in Windows Explorer to match the original folder structure?

Also, is it possible to make "TV Show" a single package with "Season 1" and "Season 2" inside it?
So instead of this messy package list:
"TV Show A - Season 1"
"TV Show A - Season 2"
"TV Show B - Season 1".....

better be like:
"TV Show A" (expand to show Season 1 and 2)
"TV Show B" (expand to show Season 1,2,3,4,5....)

It's more organised like this and takes less space in the list.

Last edited by folderdownloader; 07.11.2024 at 15:16.
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Old 07.11.2024, 16:53
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pspzockerscene pspzockerscene is offline
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Originally Posted by folderdownloader View Post
Also, is it possible to make "TV Show" a single package with "Season 1" and "Season 2" inside it?
So instead of this messy package list:
Since JD has no sub-packages: No.

Originally Posted by folderdownloader View Post
please advise
the best way to do the following:

As an example let's say I'm downloading a TV Show with 2 Seasons, using the following folders:
"TV Show" > "Season 1" > "Season 1 Extras"
"TV Show" > "Season 2" > "Season 2 Extras"
That really depends on your input data slash the names of the files.
If all of the information (series name and season number) is given in either the source URLs or package name or file name, you can use that to make the Packagizer build your desired download path for those items, see:

If you can't make it work based on these instructions, I need the following information to be able to help you:
- Example links to the content you are actually downloading
- A screenshot of your currently enabled Packagizer rules under Settings -> Packagizer
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Old 08.11.2024, 23:50
folderdownloader folderdownloader is offline
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Posts: 8

Originally Posted by pspzockerscene View Post
That really depends on your input data slash the names of the files.
If all of the information (series name and season number) is given in either the source URLs or package name or file name
Ok, after some testing I think I solved my problem.
I don't know why I find the tutorials confusing but hopefully these tips will help someone.

First I changed my packagizer settings to default (Settings > Packagizer).
I think default was like this:
0 - "Disable Archive *.rev Files"
1 - "Disable Parity Archive *.par(2) Files"
2 - "Create Subfolder by Packagename"
3 - "Adopt folder structure"
All enabled in this order.
I don't think this made a difference (so far) compared to my old custom settings but it's a helpful start.

In Settings > General, clicking "Browse", I selected my download folder location with the "Subfolder by Package"
option not selected.
Not sure what this does exactly but it worked for me.

Test 1: (bad results)
If I paste the link in File > "Analyse Text with Links" > and DISABLE "Information overwrites packagazer rules", it results in a messy folder structure.
Not recommended.

Test 2: (ok results)
If I paste the link in File > "Analyse Text with Links" > and ENABLE "Information overwrites packagazier rules", this results in the folder structure being the folder name. This is partially good because at least I don't have to go to the download URL to know the correct folder structure. The folder name will contain "fake" forward slashes so they work in Windows Explorer.
For example:
C:\Downloads\TV Show⁄Season 1
("TV Show⁄Season 1" is the folder name itself, notice the "false" forward slash ⁄ ).

Test 3: (good results)

Just use CTRL + V
It seems to respect folder structure in an automatic way.
For example, files downloaded into the correct folder structure like:
C:\Downloads\TV Show\Season 1\
So there is no need to reorganise the folders as it's done for you.

"Test 2" and "Test 3" are the best and each have their own use cases.
Most of the time I'll probably use the "Test 3" method.
I thought I already did things this correct way but I guess I did something different in the past.

The only downside is now youtube videos are placed into separate packages for the video, audio, subtitles, etc.

Edit: figured out you can change this so youtube videos other stuff (subtitles, audio, etc.) are placed into the same package as the video itself if you prefer that,
by going to Settings > Packagizer > disabling "Create Subfolder by Packagename".


Another helpful tip: let's say you don't want to save to your default download location this time because it's getting full
(e.g. C:\ drive).
It's annoying to carefully change the save location for each package
(Season 1, Season 2, etc.) to the new one (e.g. D:\ drive).

One solution is to temporarily change your default save location and then paste the link with CTRL + V.
But an easier solution is just to go to File > Analyse Text with Links > and change the save location to D:\ for example and it will do it for you automatically for each new package you pasted, e.g.
D:\TV Show\Season 1\
D:\TV Show\Season 2\

But I'm not sure how to do this for links already in the linkgrabber list or downloads list without having to copy and paste the link again.

Last edited by folderdownloader; 10.11.2024 at 07:56.
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