Hey everyone. Could you please help me out?
![]() Every time I try to download a large Youtube channel the link-grabber stops adding links after reaching video 100. (I enabled that it add numbers to the videos) This happens for both large channels and playlists. I also tried using the portable versions of JD2 and different computers, same issue. (When going to linkgrabber, pressing "add links" bottom left and then inputting a channel or playlist URL of Youtube. Then search playlist.) [Url to test out, sfw: youtube.com/c/DailyDoseOfInternet/videos] Is there a way to increase this limit to 1000? Thanks for the help |
it is allready know bug they are working on fixing it
Hello everyone, I want to download some youtube playlists that i have saved in the site, it worked ok with one with 20 videos, it missed a few videos in an 80+ video list, it doesn't work at all when i try it with a 200+ video playlist. I have tried copying the address of the playlist, also with copying the address of a video in the playlist and choosing whole playlist processing not just video.
Is there a solution? (except for the tiring solution of copying each video link separately) |
Merged YT threads.
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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After a yt download is successfully completed (with subtitle SRT file) and the download path of the package is changed to a different directory, the SRT file is left behind if the old directory.
The GUI shows the new path for the subtitle file correctly, but on the filesystem it stays in old directory. All other files are moved properly to the new directory. Cheers, Mav Last edited by mav; 27.03.2021 at 19:38. |
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You will probably need to add an event script (or whatever it is called) that crawls all downloadable files from YT list, and checks if any of them are on Your disk already (with the exact same name as downloadable files). Maybe the crawler will continue without counting it. |
jd changes yt video ID: _ (underscore) to " " space
e.g: youtube: nbNES_tWfX8 jdownloader: nbNES tWfX8 :outch: |
So, it is a known issue. Anyone knows how much time it will take to have it fixed? I am asking in order to copy-paste the links by hand, because Youtube is deleting videos fast, i have already lost 11 videos out of a 200 link playlist!
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then scoll down to putting of the channels with all the videos you want them tell link knipper to export all the links to txt file thern copy and paste them all into j downloader at once simple how i have been doing for a long time now works well |
@mav: where does this happen? worked fine here and tested videoID in filename as well
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
This is just a workaround for downloading ALL videos (i.e. more than a 100 restriction) from YOUTUBE.
In a few steps we can achieve this, without big effort:
If You want, You can prepare some packagizer tools to choose a specific folder or name Your packages in a specific way. There are probably some other plugins/addons to browsers like Firefox/Chrome etc.. but I did not have time to test or search for the shortest solution. This is my shortest one. Last edited by elvis_ef; 26.04.2021 at 13:09. Reason: a little note, updated tutorial |
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actually the opposite happens - underscores are replaced with spaces SU is usefull for sure, maybe [US] (underscore to space) would be helpful as well I used [SU] in Package Name: *CHANNELNAME* *DATE[yyyyMMdd]* *VIDEO_NAME* *VIDEOID[SU]* |
@elvis_ef: Thanks for nice step-by-step workaround !
@mav: SU does *replace space with underscore* but for package names there is additional cleanup in use that removes the underscores. You can disable it in Settings->Advanced Settings->GeneralSettings.cleanupfilenames
JD-Dev & Server-Admin Last edited by Jiaz; 31.03.2021 at 13:03. |
Seit ein paar Tagen werden einige Links im Linksammler auf diese Weise angezeigt: Siehe Anlage!
Mein Log Protokoll: 21.03.21 20.46.47 <--> 31.03.21 16.41.12 jdlog://3689725302851/ |
Es fehlen die Titel. Betrifft das alle oder nur bestimmte? Kannst du BspLinks geben?
In den Plugineinstellungen evtl am Dateinamen Pattern was geändert oder Packetverwalter Regel?
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
Genau, bei manchen Downloadlinks - nicht bei allen - fehlen die Titel.
Hier ein Beispiel: "**External links are only visible to Support Staff** Es erscheint im Linksammler: (1080p 30fps H264-128kbit AAC) + (192kbit AAC) In den Plugeinstellungen am Dateinamen Pattern wurde nichts verändert. Auch am Paketverwalter nicht. Last edited by rapido; 31.03.2021 at 20:06. |
in the last two days i've some problem downloading some of the videos from youtube (i've already found a workaround)
in my subscription tab, i usually copy the link of the videos i'm interested with right click + copy address (for me, it woukl be right click + z) some of the links are grabbed correctly, other ones are displayed on the grabbing menu as a noname file ![]() the workaround would be copy the links of the video\videos that give this error and then re add them manually after deleting the mp4 noname file that was added before this are 4 links that give me the error but as i told you before it shows up only if you copy the link from the subscription tab (at least i can assure you that 100% only for that tab) **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** here's the log 31.03.21 21.03.35 <--> 31.03.21 21.04.25 jdlog://7789725302851/ QUICK EDIT: now the workaround doesn't work at all, the videos aren't grabbed properly even with that. Last edited by beronz; 31.03.2021 at 23:35. |
Since today there's something seriously wrong in regards to downloading YT videos.
1) The video/audio etc. files show up in the link grabber, but without the file names! That makes them unusable unless you copy each single file name onto the links in the link grabber by hand - which takes just too much time. Somehow the hoster sign in the link grabber also changed - now it doesn't say YT but shows the "Google" logo. 2) If somebody could help me getting this fixed - how can you download a whole playlist and KEEP the order in which the playlist lists them - without JD downloading them, let's say into the same folder, in which they show up not in the original order but only alphabetically? Geez - I hope it's just my stupidity. If not, then YT/Google are seriously cracking down on us downloaders... I try to attach a screenshot - just (1080p 60fps H264-128kbit AAC) instead of the file name showing up. Help? Prettyprettyplease? ;-) Cheers, FC |
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I didn't find a plugin with this name in Chrome extension store. |
Ein Nachtrag:
Inzwischen erscheinen ALLE Downloadlinks in dem vorgenannten verschlüsselten Modus ohne jeden Titel. |
Thanks for the guidance - disabling GeneralSettings.cleanupfilenames worked.
from this morning every link i import from youtube I get only a general srt and mp4 file, instead of the name of the video Till yesterday it was working perfectly, today all video I try to import i get this (last 2 lines) ![]() I upgraded Ijdwonlader at last version... Thanks |
Ich habe das selbe Problem. Ich habe es auch im Support Chat angesprochen, und nicht alle Benutzer scheinen das Problem zu haben. Sehr verdächtig. Edit: English Translation: I have the same problem. I already mentioned it in the support chat, and it seems that not all users have this problem. Very suspicious. Last edited by DubioserKerl; 01.04.2021 at 11:23. |
Merged YT threads...
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download |
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*DATE* *CHANNEL* *TITLE* do not get parsed *ID* *RESOLUTION* *FPS* (etc) do still get parsed Interestingly, this started a long time ago but I could usually fix it by simply adding the same link once again. Over the course of yesterday it became worse and today title/channelname parsing - as well as playlist/channel parsing! - finally stopped working completely.* Quote:
use *VIDEONUMBER* or *PLAYLIST_POSITION* use *VIDEONUMBER[000]* for triple digit numbers Recommendation: I used the above earlier but then switched to *DATE[yyMMdd]* which is way more helpful (and the key feature that makes JD2 - as far as it works, see persistent playlist issue discussed above - still superior to 4k VD which doesn't even have numbering ![]() Quote:
*DATE[yyMMdd]* *CHANNEL* • *TITLE* or *CHANNEL* *DATE[yyMMdd]* • *TITLE* you don't even need folders anymore. The cherry on top, for me personally, would be the ability to parse channel names and convert them to initialisms - examples: Linus Tech Tips —> LTT ImperialJedi —> IJ This could even be automated, but unfortunately would fail in many cases - examples: Half as Interesting —> HI (instead of HaI) JayzTwoCents —> JTC JayzTwoCars —> also JTC Czardus —> C (unusable) Bitwit —> B (unusable) Therefore a user defined lookup table for the channel name conversions would be inevitable. Quote:
Youtube has given the JD devs a hard time by screwing around with title and date formats ever since. In case you are referring to 2) Browsing the plugin settings and advanced settings always has something up its sleeve ;> Quote:
P.S.: As for the double blank lines above, I spent 10 minutes on trying everything possible to get them out, but the stoopit editor keeps inserting them. P.P.S.: I "solved" it by switching from Wysiwyg to Source mode. Edith: Apparently during my writing already some confirming peeps arrived ;D Last edited by JDmurphy; 01.04.2021 at 12:30. |
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Edith again: For the channels where channel parsing looked like it still worked or worked again, only the "parse channel?" confirmation dialog appears - yet in any case only the link grabber icon pops up for a few seconds and then nothing happens. Last edited by JDmurphy; 01.04.2021 at 12:24. |
Fixed and update is live.
YT has added a new "consent" banner/page you see when first accessing it (e.g. via private browser window). (This may only get displayed for some countries.) -psp-
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download Last edited by pspzockerscene; 01.04.2021 at 12:40. |
Fix for channel parsing confirmed (but still has previous bugs, see below).
Fix for playlist parsing confirmed (but seems to have unrelated issues). channel parsing In case a package for a channel download already exists, in some cases (I couldn't figure out let alone reproduce what it depends on => thus no logfile) new links get added on top instead of alphabetically sorted or added below. I am aware of the fact that as as soon as you mess around with the link order within a package manually, automatic sorting-in of new links doesn't work anymore. Therefore I made sure to not touch the package at all (after repeatedly setting the sort order to "by name") yet newly parsed links get added on top. Possible solutions: 1) always adhere to the last sort order applied when adding new links 2) if that's impractical, always add new links at the bottom not on top playlist parsing The intended behavior seems to be to include single files that already exist in "Various Files" into a matching package once the latter is created automatically by downloading multiple files of the same source. In my case, the custom package name is: *CHANNEL* - *PLAYLIST_NAME* Hence single existing files or single files added later don't get included in this package automatically since they don't meet the criteria for automated consolidation even if they are downloaded by means of a combined video/playlist URL. Suggestion: Download single files that are parsed from a combined video/playlist link (watch?v=xxxxxxxxxxx&list=yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy) into a package according to the "costomized package name" user setting. Automated consolidation should then work by itself without further fixes. Edit: typo fix Last edited by JDmurphy; 01.04.2021 at 13:22. |
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If not, please provide example URLs. -psp-
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download |
Imma try this in case making this default gets denied.
Since I don't see any downside in making this default, the suggestion was to make this the default behavior. How about the sorting issue related to channel parsing? |
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Wait until a dev finds time for that... Please do not expect an answer to this before this long easter weekend. -psp-
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download |
suddenly JD2 stopped grabbing titles and I get packagenames and filenames empty. I have set as path .../<jd:packagename> but I get this kind of return when paste links: - Various File [folder container] -- (192kbit_AAC).m4a -- (2160p_60fps_VP9-128kbit_AAC).mkv -- (BQ).jpg -- (Spanish_ASR).srt So filenames are empty, I should see the title grabbed. It should be something like this: - Video Title [folder container] -- Video Title (192kbit_AAC).m4a -- Video Title (2160p_60fps_VP9-128kbit_AAC).mkv -- Video Title (BQ).jpg -- Video Title (Spanish_ASR).srt Does anyone know how to solve? Thank you Last edited by a3iuuu; 01.04.2021 at 14:12. |
That's why I suggested it :3
("Sortieren von Packages in Listen / von including explicit solutions years ago, so the the above about equals to "never" :D ... which is why I talked to Jiaz about applying simple fixes (like inverting a default sort order) on my own by end of last year, but was nowhere near finding time for contributing as a dev ever since myself "because reasons". Quote:
* idek what I meant by that myself, ig it's supposed to be "links in packages" Last edited by JDmurphy; 01.04.2021 at 14:16. |
Working perfect. Thanks!!
Merged YT threads.
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download |
after the last update, it looks that the "noname" grabbing file issue is resolved (at least for me its working now)
For youtube download
I only use Jdownloader when other solutions do not work. I updated it yesterday and today and it did not work either. I usually Use Free Download Manager but it is also not working. I am getting the error "try restarting this link (plugin outdated?)" with Jdownloader. Is everyone getting this error? Is it resolved yet? I need to download a channel. The only way I am able to download at the moment is by the below 2 methods. Maybe you can use the information to fix the issue for Jdownloader. Solution one is from the website. **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** The 2nd way is from a Chrome Browser extension that adds a download button under the video. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/d...jcmhbkjgbbclob |
Is there any way how to download a youtube playlist which contains more than a hundred (over 100) titles?
The JDownloader link grabber does its job very well - but it doesn't grab more than the first 100 titles. Example: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** This seems to be a manually created playlist, not a mix (which JD apparently can't grab). By the way, JDmurphy's tip regarding file naming within the youtube plug-in works like a charme! Here is an example for that if you want to keep the files in the original order in which the playlist has them numbered. In the "file name for video files" in the yt plug-in put in *PLAYLIST_NAME* - *VIDEONUMBER[000]* - *VIDEO_NAME*.*EXT* and voilà! :-) After the last update the problem with the file names not showing up in the link grabber is solved, too! Thank you guys so much! I think I will make a little donation once again... ;-) Cheers, FC |
this issue has been known for a long time and they are workig on the issue
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I had that program for years and not sure why it started doing it now... |
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