Hi there, I was hoping for some help in making a script.
I have a MEGA folder someone's shared with me that occasionally has new files added to it. I was hoping for a way to automatically add those new files to JD2 and have them downloaded to a specific folder. I figured the best way to do this is to have an Interval trigger EventScripter script that has LinkGrabber periodically re-analyse the MEGA folder URL, and if it finds new download links that have not previously been added to the download list then it should add them to the download list and start the download. Is there a way to do this with event scripter? EDIT: Here's my script in case it's useful for anyone else. Code:
// Paste this script into Jdownloader's EventScripter under a new Event named "LinkWatcher", with trigger set to "Interval", and interval set to 21600000 milliseconds (6hrs). // Make sure to "Test Run" once after making the event or editing the script, which will bring up a one-time pop-up box asking if you're okay that the script does API calls; click yes obviously and make sure "do not ask again" is checked. // If a particular link isn't working with this for some reason, remove all existing packages in the Linkgrabber that relate to that URL and try again. // Define each link to watch as a dict within the links array. // Leave unnecessary fields blank; e.g. password for download or extract (DPW and EPW respectively) may be unnecessary. // Name is just a field to make that particular link dict identifiable to you, it's not passed along to JD. // PackageName on the other hand defines the packge name in JD. // Ensure the backslashes in Path are doubled to escape them var links = [{ Name: "TV Show", PackageName: "AwesomePackage", URL: "**External links are only visible to Support Staff**, Path: "C:\\Downloads", DPW: "", EPW: "" }, { Name: "TV Show #2", PackageName: "LessAwesomePackage", URL: "**External links are only visible to Support Staff**, Path: "C:\\Downloads", DPW: "", EPW: "" }] // For info on the structure/options within the addlinks API call, see the following: https://my.jdownloader.org/developers/#tag_244 and https://my.jdownloader.org/developers/#tag_245 // Overwrite Packagizer Rules allows you to define the download path and Package Name, etc here in the script // Autostart automatically moves the files from linkgrabber -> download list and starts downloading them. // In order to make this operate entirely without human intervention, you need to set some keys in the Advanced Settings section of JD Settings // Set LinkgrabberSettings.defaultonaddeddupeslinksaction to "do NOT add, but remove them from linkgrabber". // Set LinkgrabberSettings.handledupesonconfirmlatestselection to "do NOT add, but remove them from linkgrabber". // The first is the most important one. This makes it so that by default, WITHOUT being asked, if you try to move an already-downloaded link from linkgrabber -> download list, it'll remove it from linkgrabber but it WON'T try to redownload it. To redownload it you'd need to delete the link from the download list, or just click Reset on it. for (i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { var link = links[i]; callAPI("linkgrabberv2", "addLinks", { "overwritePackagizerRules": true, "autostart": true, "links": link.URL, "packageName": link.PackageName, "downloadPassword": link.DPW, "extractPassword": link.EPW, "destinationFolder": link.Path }); }; Last edited by HeyItsJono; 14.04.2023 at 09:34. |
Hi everyone. I have a request.
I often have to check the same links several times to see if new videos have been uploaded (completed files stay in the download list so I remember the ones I already have). Is there a way to automate this via scripter? Basically I'm looking for a script that allows me to scan with linkchecker all the links I specify in a data structure (example array) var list=["www.link1.com" , "www.link2.com"....] Clicking on the trigger will start scanning all the links I have specified and then submit them to the linkgrabber, exactly as you would do with copy-paste, drag&drop. If it is not possible to implement the link list from the code one could alternatively use a link list saved in a text file. I have no idea how to do it. I thank you in advance |
Hey need a split package by Download from url. Thanks!
Is it possible to write a script that will set an overall daily download size quota? Something along the lines of: A) When a download finishes it checks a date+time based CurrentDownloadPeriod VariableA, if it doesnt exist or is outside of the previous 24hrs it sets the current date/time B) sets a CurrentPeriodTotalDownloadSize VariableB (which also gets reset in A if A resets the date variable) that adds the completed downloads size incrementally as each download finishes, C) if CurrentPeriodTotalDownloadSize > 250GB, pause all downloads, wait 25hours, reset Variables A&B, and resumes all downloads If that's possible, which seems likely, if someone could write that for me without it being too much trouble, I'd appreciate it :D While my scripting knowledge is pretty limited, I'm also not opposed to trying to piece one together with all the previous examples/online help files, and then come back for more help when it doesn't work, lol. Actually, that's what i am going to do, but this will be a nice way to get the ball rolling for help when i come back frustrated that nothing i tried worked, and would be cool if some awesome person wrote a working option for when i can't figure it out, lol :D Thanks! |
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![]() Code:
var myBrowser = getBrowser(); myBrowser.headPage(link.getURL()); var responseHeader = myBrowser.getResponseHeader("Content-Disposition"); |
Can you please explain what you mean by that? that would result in one package for each download link?! or do you mean something different? or maybe I don't understand correct
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I could try to add such button at the bottom bar because the toolbar a top is shared between downloads and linkgrabber and would make it more complex. also the button would have to be enabled/disabled, depending on current view.
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raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer http://svn.jdownloader.org/users/170 Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :] |
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Hey there,
I use the following script to rename video files of a certain size to lowercase ("ON_PACKAGIZER"): Code:
if (linkcheckDone && link.bytesTotal > 150 * 1024 * 1024 && link.bytesTotal < 2500 * 1024 * 1024) { var re = /(?:\.([^.]+))?$/; var ext = re.exec(link.name)[1].toLowerCase(); switch (ext) { case "mkv": case "mpeg": case "mp4": case "mpg": case "avi": link.name = link.name.toLowerCase(); } } I'd like to have a similar script to do the same for all video files, that are extracted from archives, but I'm not sure how to go about it ![]() Could someone please help me out? Thank you in advance! Last edited by aiimaim; 21.04.2023 at 10:43. |
@aiimaim: You could use trigger "Archive extraction finished" and then use
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Thank you for your input @notice.
So far I've come up with this reduced version of the script: Code:
var archiveFilePaths = archive.getExtractedFilePaths(); // Iterate through all extracted files in the archive for (var i = 0; i < archiveFilePaths.length; i++) { var archiveFilePath = archiveFilePaths[i]; var file = getPath(archiveFilePath); // Get a FilePath object if (file.getExtension()=="avi" || file.getExtension()=="mpeg" || file.getExtension()=="mpg" || file.getExtension()=="mp4" || file.getExtension()=="mkv") { if (file.isDirectory()) { // If it's a directory, traverse its contents recursively traverseDirectory(file, function(subFile) { subFile.renameName("test1 "+subFile.getName().toLowerCase()); // Rename the file to lowercase }); } else { // If it's a file, simply rename it to lowercase file.renameName("test2 "+file.getName().toLowerCase()); } } } // Helper function to recursively traverse a directory tree and apply a function to each file function traverseDirectory(directory, fn) { var files = directory.listFiles(); for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { var file = files[i]; if (file.isDirectory()) { traverseDirectory(file, fn); } else { fn(file); } } } Code:
file.renameName(file.getName().toLowerCase()); Could this be a windows-related error, since Windows doesn't differentiate between lowercse and upprcase filenames? (Right now I'm testing under windows. The goal is to move it to my nas' headless installation, when it works.) EDIT: Suspicion confirmed, it works under linux. Last edited by aiimaim; 22.04.2023 at 18:15. |
@aiimaim: I will update rename methods with next core update. right now they checks for existing of new file and on windows this is true due to case insensitivity. After next core update it should work as expected. meanwhile you could do workaround like A->tA->a renaming. Thanks for bringing up this issue
Last edited by notice; 22.04.2023 at 16:50. |
@notice: Thanks for the quick feedback. Yea I thought of renaming twice, as you suggested. But since I'm using it on my linux based NAS, it's not an issue for me. It was just a slight inconvenience during testing on windows.
Last edited by aiimaim; 22.04.2023 at 19:26. |
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Hi, I understand that there is a script to randomize download order in links and/or folders but I can't find it. Any help would be appreciated. Tx!
I try the first Convert "AAC/M4A/OGG/OPUS files to MP3" you have created and doesn't work it bring error. Is there any newest that really work? And after you add this script at "event scripter" is there anything else you must do to work? I try even create a new button like it shows here and still your script doesn't work. |
I'm trying to figure out a way of executing a bash-script at the end of either each extraction or at the end of the last extraction (not quite sure yet what would make more sense, probably after each extraction though).
Unfortunately, no coder here so I tried to find some available code here and also tried ChatGPT but don't get MyJDownloader to take the code. Found the following code in this thread (https://board.jdownloader.org/showpo...postcount=1421)... Quote:
JD is running headless on Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS. Any hint is appreciated. |
Is there an event script code to switch tabs, specifically Downloads and LinkGrabber?
I read through the API document and found nothing relating to the action. No similar example script seems not to be listed here. All I want to do is switch focused tabs between Downloads and LinkGrabber in certain seconds like 5s. Can anyone show me how to do it? Thank you. |
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Hi, as the title say mgpai's script seems not to work fully. I'm talking about
Save youtube links and basic information to a html page Code:
// Save youtube links and basic information to a html page. // Trigger required: "A Download Stopped" // Get link property String.prototype.prop = function() { return link.getProperty(this); }; // Convert duration to hh:mm:ss.ms format Date.prototype.duration = function() { var ms = parseInt((this % 1000) / 100); var ss = parseInt((this / 1000) % 60); var mm = parseInt((this / (1000 * 60)) % 60); var hh = parseInt((this / (1000 * 60 * 60)) % 24); hh = (hh < 10) ? "0" + hh : hh; mm = (mm < 10) ? "0" + mm : mm; ss = (ss < 10) ? "0" + ss : ss; return hh + ":" + mm + ":" + ss + "." + ms; }; // Get media bitrate Number.prototype.toKbps = function() { return ((this / mediaDuration) * 8).toFixed(2); }; // youtube media check var youtubeMedia = link.getHost() == "youtube.com" && (/\.(m4a|aac|ogg|mp3|mp4|webm)$/).test(link.getName()); // Get Data if (youtubeMedia) { var output = []; var variant = JSON.parse("YT_VARIANT".prop()); var variantData = JSON.parse(variant.data); var youtube = "<a href=\"" + "http"+ "s://youtube.com/"; var saveFile = link.getDownloadPath() + ".info.html"; var fileSize = link.getBytesTotal(); var demux = (/DEMUX/).test(variant.id); var audioSize = !demux ? "DASH_AUDIO_SIZE".prop() : fileSize; var videoSize = "DASH_VIDEO_SIZE".prop(); var mediaDuration = "YT_DURATION".prop(); var data = { Video: youtube + "watch?v=" + "YT_ID".prop() + "\">" + "YT_TITLE".prop() + "</a>", Playlist: "YT_PLAYLIST_ID".prop() && "YT_PLAYLIST_TITLE".prop() ? youtube + "playlist?list=" + "YT_PLAYLIST_ID".prop() + "\">" + "YT_PLAYLIST_TITLE".prop() + "</a>" : null, User: youtube + "user/" + "YT_USER_NAME".prop() + "\">" + "YT_USER_NAME".prop() + "</a>", Channel: youtube + "channel/" + "YT_CHANNEL_ID".prop() + "\">" + "YT_CHANNEL".prop() + "</a>" + "\r\n", Published: new Date("YT_DATE".prop()).toDateString(), Size: (fileSize / 1048576).toFixed(2) + " MiB", Duration: new Date(mediaDuration).duration(), Width: variantData.width, Height: variantData.height, FPS: variantData.fps, Audio_Bitrate: audioSize.toKbps() + " kbps", Video_Bitrate: !demux && fileSize > audioSize ? videoSize.toKbps() + " kbps" : null, Overall_Bitrate: !demux && fileSize > audioSize ? fileSize.toKbps() + " kbps" : null, Variant_ID: variant.id, }; // Generate output[] for (i in data) { if (data[i] && data[i] != -1) { output.push(i.replace(/_/g, " ") + " : " + data[i]); } } // Format output[] and save to html file try { deleteFile(saveFile, false); // Delete info file if it already exists on the disk. writeFile(saveFile, "<pre>" + output.join("<br>") + "</pre>", false); } catch (err) { log(err + ""); } } When video stops downloading I get error: "TypeError: Cannot call method 'toKbps' of null (#43)" which results in script turning off in the Event Scripter which is irritating. I removed lines which had "toKbps" in them and there was no error but I would like to keep info regarding bitrate in html. I know that the script was written in 2016. I presume that there were some changes in youtube which make parts of this script to not work ideally. Any ideas how to fix the script? |
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I simply created a script checking for files in use and depending on the result it went ahead or stopped. Put that script in a hourly running cronjob and that's it. |
Merged EventScripter related threads.
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download |
Hello mgpai and friends,
I need a way to make JD2 notify me of URLs caught by Linkgrabber that are NOT supported. Currently, JD2 doesn't do anything with those links, and doesn't notify me that they are not supported. If I add several links (via clipboard monitoring or a text file), the links that aren't supported by JD2's plugins should be listed somehow, so I can find another way to download them. The best way would be a custom view on Linkgrabber ("Not supported", "Unavailable", "Error", anything that warns me that JD can't download them). Is it doable? |
I know this won't help you now but I wanted to point out that you are not the first user asking for such a feature to be added. Related thread: Click
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download |
How I can write a script to rename all file I download that contains the character _ with character . ?
Example : I want to automatically rename this I_Hate_Suzie_2021_1x01.mp4 in this I.Hate.Suzie.2021.1x01.mp4 I tried to do a packagizer rule that for every file that contains * in the name rename it in (I tried to write a regex formula similar to sed) /_/\./ but it not work. Can you help me?
Amcucchi Last edited by amcucchi; 31.05.2023 at 12:15. |
Can someone write me a script that will rename a file to all lowercase once download is complete? For example: a file named SomeRandomFile123.txt changed to somerandonfile123.txt. Apologies for outright asking for the code, but I'm just not familiar with Java at all and only installed JDownloader recently. Please and thank you.
Hallo liebe Leute.
Da ich mit dem Scripten selbst gar keine Erfahrung habe, wollte ich mal fragen ob es eine Möglichkeit gibt, mittels des Ereignis Skripters in Kombination mit Proxys die 1 Free User Limits von Hostern zu umgehen? Der Gedanke ist, dass im Skript ein oder mehrere Hoster eingetragen werden können, ggf. später noch nachgetragen werden können. Ich weiß nicht, ob das nun ausgediente zippyshare script nicht schon einen großen Teil dessen inbeinhaltet? (Siehe Spoiler) Würde mich freuen wenn sich eine Qualifizierte Kraft das anschauen könnte ![]()
var links = getAllDownloadLinks(); for (i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { var link = links[i]; if (link.isEnabled()) { if (link.getHost() == "zippyshare.com") { if (link.getStatus() == "Retry in 15 minutes" || link.getStatus() == "403 GEO-blocked" || link.getStatus() == "Blocked by Firewall, ISP") { link.setSkipped(true); sleep(1000); link.setSkipped(false); } } } }
var refreshtime = "900"; // (e.g. 900s) var myCountries = ["GB", "DE", "FR"]; //Filterlist for countries var max_response_time = 1.5; //1.5 or higher (e.g. 2), 1 is too low var proxy_test = 1; //1=ON,0=OFF (very slow) var max_proxies = 0; //0=Unlimited var standard_filter = " \"filter\" : {\"type\" : \"WHITELIST\",\"entries\" : [ \"zippyshare.com\"]},"; //\"filter\" : null, var add_proxy = JSON.parse("{\"proxy\" : {\"username\" : null,\"password\" : null,\"port\" : 80,\"address\" : null,\"type\" : \"NONE\",\"preferNativeImplementation\" : false,\"resolveHostName\" : false,\"connectMethodPrefered\" : false},\"rangeRequestsSupported\" : true," + standard_filter + "\"pac\" : false,\"reconnectSupported\" : false,\"enabled\" : true}"); var filter = new Array(); var old_proxylist = []; var new_proxylist = ""; var settings = "org.jdownloader.updatev2.InternetConnectionSettings"; var storage = "cfg/org.jdownloader.settings.InternetConnectionSettings"; old_proxylist = callAPI("config", "get", settings, storage, "customproxylist"); if (IsValidname() || IsValidinterval() && ((Math.round(Date.now() / 1000) - getProperty("LastProxyUpdate", true)) >= refreshtime) && !getProperty("updatingProxy", true) || getProperty("updatingProxy", true)) { if (!getProperty("updatingProxy", true)) { setProperty("LastProxyUpdate", Math.round(Date.now() / 1000), true); } else { if (getProperty("updatingProxy", true)) { setProperty("updatingProxy", false, true); } } var html; try { html = getPage("https" + "://raw.githubusercontent.com/fate0/proxylist/master/proxy.list"); var lines = html.split("\n"); for (var key in old_proxylist) { if (old_proxylist.hasOwnProperty(key)) { if (old_proxylist[key].proxy.type == "DIRECT" || old_proxylist[key].proxy.type == "NONE" || old_proxylist[key].enabled == false) { if (new_proxylist == "") { new_proxylist += JSON.stringify(old_proxylist[key]); } else { new_proxylist += "," + JSON.stringify(old_proxylist[key]); } } } } var myBr = getBrowser(); for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; ++i) { if (IsValidJSONString(lines[i])) { var temp_JSON = JSON.parse(lines[i]); var add_proxy_new = add_proxy; add_proxy_new.proxy.type = temp_JSON.type.toUpperCase(); add_proxy_new.proxy.port = temp_JSON.port; add_proxy_new.proxy.address = temp_JSON.host; if (myCountries.indexOf(temp_JSON.country) > -1 || temp_JSON.response_time > max_response_time) { continue; //skip proxy } var errorcheck = 0; if (proxy_test == 1) { myBr.setProxy(temp_JSON.type + "://" + temp_JSON.host + ":" + temp_JSON.port); try { myBr.getPage("http://www.google.de/"); } catch (e) { errorcheck = 1; } } if (errorcheck == 0 && proxy_test == 1 || proxy_test != 1) { if (add_proxy_new.proxy.address && filter[temp_JSON.host] != true) { filter[temp_JSON.host] = true; if (new_proxylist == "") { new_proxylist += JSON.stringify(add_proxy_new); } else { new_proxylist += "," + JSON.stringify(add_proxy_new); } } } } if (i >= max_proxies && max_proxies > 0) { break; } } callAPI("config", "set", settings, storage, "customproxylist", "[" + new_proxylist + "]"); } catch (e) {} } function IsValidJSONString(str) { if (typeof str !== "string") { return false; } try { JSON.parse(str); } catch (e) { return false; } return true; } function IsValidname() { try { if (name == "Geoblocking: zippy") { return true; } } catch (e) { return false; } return true; } function IsValidinterval() { try { if (interval >= 10000) { return true; } } catch (e) { return false; } return true; } |
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![]() Welche Besonderheit gibt es bei den gewünschten Hostern? Also wozu genau soll das Skript dienen? Quote:
Das Hauptproblem waren stets funktionierende Proxies zu haben, so mehr das Skript verwendet haben, so weniger funktionierte es weil fast alle versuchten die gleichen Proxies aus fragwürdiger Quelle zu nutzen. Quote:
Join 9kw.eu Captcha Service now and let your JD continue downloads while you sleep. ![]() |
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Most of my investigations have led to JD hanging (even from within try blocks) and needing killing. Would it be a good idea to mandate a standard property for each plugin to contain list of available property keys? A comma-delimited text string would suffice, maybe call it "ToC"?. |
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This would be part of the following feature set: https://board.jdownloader.org/showthread.php?t=90744 I recommend reading that thread and posting your suggestions there. However at this moment and in the forseeable future, you need to work with what is there: There is no list of each plugins' properties available so here is some ways on how to find them:
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download |
EventScripter Threads zusammengeführt.
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download |
Hello!, here I am again :3, well this time I come to ask you if there is any script to move the downloaded files including the folder that was created by jdownloader by the packer rule to another place in my case my folder is set to the jdownloader path is this:
C:\Users\Alexpark242\Documents\MEGAsync Downloads\Raigo Oh I forgot to mention it, could it be the files downloaded from a specific website? Here I have the url of the web site: **External links are only visible to Support Staff**... and move them to this path: C:\Users\Alexpark242\Downloads\Downloads\Compressed Thank you!! In the event that it is not possible from the website, if not all the downloaded files have to be moved to that path, it also helps me a thousand thanks!! |
Ich kann leider nicht ganz nachvollziehen, warum das EventScripter Plugin bei mir einfach gar nicht funktionieren will. Ich möchte das Feature mit der InfoDatei nutzen, die nach dem Fertigstellen des Downloads erstellt werden soll. Dafür nutze ich das Example Script, Test Run und Test Compile funktionieren natürlich. Trigger steht auf "Paket fertiggestellt". Was ich bereits getan habe: - auf zwei verschiedenen Maschinen die völlig unterschiedlich sind getestet - mehrmals das Plugin und das Script neu installiert, aktiviert, JD neu gestartet etc - Logs zum EventScripter gecheckt, sind komplett leer. Was kann ich tun und wo kann ich ansetzen? Ich bin ziemlich ratlos, übersehe ich was? Danke schon mal für eure Hilfe! |
EventScripter Threads zusammengeführt.
@jaypie Bitte das genutzte Script in dein Post packen oder verlinken.
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download |
Ich hätte es schon gern, dass die Proxy automatisch gesucht und zusammengefügt werden. Bin zum manuellen eintragne zu faul ![]()
Edit: Hier das Beispiel-Script, das ich nutze:
PHP Code:
Du scheinst die Kommentare am Anfang des Scriptes nicht gelesen zu haben. Per default wird die Datei nur geschrieben, wenn das Paket ein Kommentar hat. Setze "iContent" auf irgendeinen Wert höher als 0 und das Infofile wird immer geschrieben. Ich habe das Script mal um "alerts" erweitert, sodass man es besser debuggen kann. Setze "debugdialogs" in der folgenden Version auf true und das Script wird an diversen Stellen Dialoge zeigen.
/* Event Script: writeInfoFile Creates an Info-File into the DL-Folder with detailed information Version: 0.21 Requirements: Trigger "Package Finished" Tested: JD2 on Windows7-32bit Platform and jre8 (see path-creation code at the end of this script) */ //---------- Global declarations ----------------- var debugdialogs = false; if (debugdialogs == true) { alert('Debug: script started') } var sInfoFilePath = ""; //the target file, if already available, then APPENDING, else creation var sText = ""; //will be filled with content (or not :-) var sInfoFileType = ".info" //set path creation at the end of the script var iContent = 1; //setting bit 1 if pwd is available, setting bit 2 if comments available //if not set, no info file, set to > 0 to always write info file var myPackage = package; var aParts = myPackage.getDownloadLinks(); var aArchives = package.getArchives(); var bWriteFile = false; //---------- Building Info-Text ----------- if (myPackage.isFinished() == true) { bWriteFile = true; sText += "**********************************" + "\r\n" sText += "* P A C K A G E *" + "\r\n" sText += "**********************************" + "\r\n" sText += "Package.Name : " + myPackage.getName() + "\r\n" + "Package.DownloadFolder : " + myPackage.getDownloadFolder() + "\r\n" + "Package.Total : " + myPackage.getBytesTotal() + "\r\n" + "Package.Loaded : " + myPackage.getBytesLoaded() + "\r\n" + "Package.Finished : " + myPackage.isFinished() + "\r\n"; if (myPackage.getComment() != undefined) { sText += "Package.Comment : " + myPackage.getComment() + "\r\n"; iContent |= 2; } sText += "\r\n" sText += "**********************************" + "\r\n" sText += "* P A R T S *" + "\r\n" sText += "**********************************" + "\r\n" for (var i = 0; i < aParts.length; i++) { sText += "Part.# : " + i + "\r\n" + "Part.Name : " + aParts[i].getName() + "\r\n" + "Part.Status : " + aParts[i].getStatus() + "\r\n" + "Part.Enabled : " + aParts[i].isEnabled() + "\r\n" + "Part.Finished : " + aParts[i].isFinished() + "\r\n" + "Part.Skipped : " + aParts[i].isSkipped() + "\r\n" + "Part.ExtractionStatus : " + aParts[i].getExtractionStatus() + "\r\n" + "Part.Total : " + aParts[i].getBytesTotal() + "\r\n" + "Part.Loaded : " + aParts[i].getBytesLoaded() + "\r\n"; if (aParts[i].getUrl() != undefined) { sText += "Part.URL : " + aParts[i].getUrl() + "\r\n"; } if (aParts[i].getComment() != undefined) { sText += "Part.Comment : " + aParts[i].getComment() + "\r\n"; iContent |= 2; } var myArchive = aParts[i].getArchive(); if (myArchive != undefined) { if (myArchive.getUsedPassword() != undefined) { sText += "Part.UsedPassword : " + myArchive.getUsedPassword() + "\r\n"; iContent |= 1; } } sText += "--------------------------:-" + "\r\n" } sText += "\r\n" sText += "**********************************" + "\r\n" sText += "* A R C H I V E S *" + "\r\n" sText += "**********************************" + "\r\n" for (var i = 0; i < aArchives.length; i++) { sText += "Archive.# : " + i + "\r\n" + "Archive.Name : " + aArchives[i].getName() + "\r\n" + "Archive.ArchiveTyp : " + aArchives[i].getArchiveType() + "\r\n"; if (aArchives[i].getInfo() != undefined) { sText += "Package.Archive.Info : "; sText += JSON.stringify(aArchives[i].getInfo(), null, 2) + "\r\n"; } sText += "--------------------------:-" + "\r\n" } } //---------- INFO.FILE naming and writing ----------- var fileWritten = false; if (bWriteFile == true && iContent > 0) { //comment out or set "iContent >= 0" if info-file should be written always //- path creation sInfoFileType = "." + iContent + sInfoFileType //add content-type hint to filetype sInfoFilePath = myPackage.getDownloadFolder() + "/" + myPackage.getName() + sInfoFileType; //<packageFolder>/<packageName>.<iContent>.info if (sInfoFilePath.length > 255) { //path to long! -> shorten!! sInfoFilePath = myPackage.getDownloadFolder() + "/jd" + sInfoFileType; //<packageFolder>/jd.<iContent>.info } //- writing try { writeFile(sInfoFilePath, sText, true); fileWritten = true; } catch (e) { //no error handling implemented ! if (debugdialogs == true) { alert('Debug: Script failure | Failed to write to path: ' + sInfoFilePath) } } } if (debugdialogs == true) { if (bWriteFile == true) { alert('Debug: Script success | Packagename: ' + myPackage.getName() + ' | fileWritten=' + fileWritten + ' | Path: ' + sInfoFilePath) } else { alert('Debug: Script fail | Wrong trigger or test-execution?!') } } Bei mir funktionierte das Script einwandfrei!
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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![]() Ich weiß nicht, inwiefern das Script was hier mal rumflog noch funktioniert. Wie im Forum schon mehrfach geschrieben halte ich von der Verwendung dutzender Free Proxies nicht: Fehleranfällig, instabil, langsam! Da würde ich mir lieber einen premium Account kaufen (diese Aussage hat keinen Werbehintergrund). Dies ist jedoch nur meine Meinung. Wenn man genug Zeit und/oder sogar Spaß an sowas hat, kann man sich natürlich an eine Lösung setzen.
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download Last edited by pspzockerscene; 22.06.2023 at 13:23. Reason: Tippfehler fixed |
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