upstore.net issue
Why can't I download a video from upstore.net site? I have a link, get a file to download with its name and size, solve a captcha. Everything seems just fine. But I keep getting "no slots fo free users in your area at the moment, try again later" error no matter how long I wait... Could you help me please?
Double-check this via browser: Most likely the same problem will happen there.
If so: Contact the upstore.net support. If it fails in JD but works via browser: Please post your log-ID here If your bugreport is about a specific website which JD supports via plugin, please also provide example URLs which can be used to reproduce the issue you are having. Bitte poste deine Log-ID hier. Falls dein gemeldetes Problem ein Problem mit einer Webseite ist, die per Plugin unterstützt wird, stelle bitte zusätzlich Testlinks zur Verfügung, mit denen sich dein Problem nachstellen lässt. -psp-
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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