how to change language track when downloading youtube videos?
when i try to download videos from youtube, some of the videos that have multiple language tracks, get downloaded with foreign language other then english, how do i fix that, so the video would get downloaded with the desired language? |
Merged YT threads.
@Formula1 Do you mean subtitles or audio tracks? If you mean subtitles: See Settings -> Plugins If you mean audio tracks: This is a new YT feature and we do not (yet) provide any audio track settings. Also pleasep provide example URLs to a video with multiple audio tracks.
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Is it possible to create *.url link for downloaded YouTube video or add it in description?
I tried using this method I found on the forum that would add it in the description but it doesn't work, it only downloads the description, the solution is from 2021 maybe something changed in YouTube since then https://board.jdownloader.org/showthread.php?p=483374 And something like a URL file would be more ideal |
Playlist limit too small......
With some of the videos on YouTube, I download the whole playlist rather than the individual videos. This has mostly always worked really well.
But now I've come across 2 playlists that have more than 150 videos in each playlist. I've searched the settings to try to find if it's possible to increase that number to 200 just to resolve these 2 playlists. I can't find anything that looks like it will help. Does anyone have any idea where I can go to increase the playlist maximum videos from YouTube, then reset it back? Or a way to break up the playlist? Thanks in advance everyone! Christopher |
Merged YT threads.
@cjc1959au Not a limit but a bug. Please read the last ~20 pages of this thread and you should be able to find some workarounds for this issue.
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That is not possible using the currently available set of features. If you'd really want to have this, you could try using an EventScripter script to realize this.
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Ich möchte dieses Video **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** bei youtube runterladen. Füge ich den Link in JD ein, bekomme ich eine Meldung, daß ich dies wegen einer Altersfreigabe nicht runterladen kann - bei youtube kann ich es problemlos anschauen.
Wie kann ich das Video mit JD runterladen? Danke schon mal. |
Vermutlich bist du in deinem Browser bei YT eingeloggt.
YT Account zu JD hinzufügen siehe Einstellungen -> Account Manager -> Hinzufügen --> Danach das Video erneut in JD einfügen.
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Hallo pspzockerscene,
Stimmt, mit meinem Google-Account. Quote:
Leider alles engl. was ich jetzt nicht soooooooo verstehe. Ich lese da aber, daß man Flag Cookies installieren muß - richtig? Wenn das so ist, dann lasse ich das - nicht das danach was anderes nicht mehr funktioniert. Betrifft ja nur 18er Videos. Trotzdem danke für deine HIlfe! |
Google Translate und "DeepL Translator" sollten helfen.
Du kannst auch ein anderes Browser Profil nutzen und das Addon nur dort installieren, um ganz sicher zu sein. Gerne.
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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Alles klar - danke für deine Infos!
Youtube Music Download Qualität mehr als 128kbits möglich?
weiß jemand, wie ich bei YouTube Music Musik in höherer Qualität als 128kbits herunterladen kann? Laut Google ist die Streaming Qualität höher. Bei JDownloader wird mir jedoch maximal 128kbits angezeigt. **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff**. Siehe Screenshots **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** |
Download Youtube description links
I'm downloading a video from youtube and I would like to download some download links included into the youtube video description as well, but jdownloader2 doesn't detects those links. Is there any way to do this? The youtube link I'm trying to complete download (included description link): **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** Thanks! Jan |
YT Threads zusammengeführt.
Nur weil YT höhere Bitraten erlaubt bedeutet dies nicht, dass Uploader diese auch zur Verfügung stellen. JDownloader lädt standardmäßig die höchste serverseitig verfügbare Audioqualität herunter. Solltest du ein Video finden bei dem dies nicht der Fall ist, stelle bitte den Link zu diesem zur Verfügung.
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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Merged YT threads.
Copy them manually and add them to JD.
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Youtube video variant shortcut
Is it possible for me to create a shortcut for youtube video variant, so I don't have to right click and choose the option?
Merged YT threads.
@RPM7 What are you trying to do? In case you want to pre-set preferred variants, check Settings -> Plugins -> YT
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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I don't want to pre-set. I change the video variant depending on the video, a lot. I just want a shortcut to change the video variant faster. For example I press ctrl + j and the "choose variant for x video links" would open.
as of today, YT videos are only downloaded at around 300KB/s. Shouldn't be because of my IP, because another tool is downloading at full speed. Is there anything known? Thanks and greetings, Martin |
It is slow again for me too even using the YT account in the account manager
I've created a ticket for you: With a bit of luck you might be able to accomplish this using an EventScripter script: EventScripter forum thread: https://board.jdownloader.org/showthread.php?t=70525 EventScripter help article: https://support.jdownloader.org/Know...event-scripter EDIT YT slow speed: I can confirm this problem. Looks like YT did some changes.
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download Last edited by pspzockerscene; 16.02.2023 at 12:45. |
other methods work fine. i'll post a log as soon as possible EDIT after a couple of hours i've tried another test and now i get usual download speed, it seems that was a temporary issue Last edited by beronz; 16.02.2023 at 20:41. |
Really? Because my YT downloads are still slow.
nope, after i've tried again just a few minutes ago i get slow speeds again
i'm finishing other filehosts download and then i'll do a fresh log to check |
16.02.23 20.40.23 <--> 16.02.23 20.54.21 jdlog://3903311370661/
the log for youtube slow speed if needed i'll create another one |
As others have been saying. the slow speeds are back. I'm getting less than 100KB/s
Youtube slow AGAIN
Its been awhile since I have seen a youtube video download faster than 64kb/s in Jdownloader. I don't seem to have the problem using a browser or other programs. And it only occurs with YT. Any idea why? Thanks.
Fully updated btw. |
Might as well add my comment here too, 50kb/s - 70kb/s downloads again for me here in Australia.
Using another popular download program and its maxing out my connection so its not that. |
Bug download 50 KiB/s YT, again
The problem is back, low download rate, limited to 50 KiB/s this time. x) It's not my connection, again everything OK as I've already checked. I already checked the settings in JD, it is same mode as I left them yesterday (I never touch it). I already reinstalled everything and the download limit remains. I noticed that the problem with JDownloader is EXACTLY the same as last year; Videos downloaded from YouTube are downloaded in "two tracks" and the "ffmpeg" plugin then joins, while downloading the video track is where the limitation occurs and instead of the audio track the speed is the maximum available on the network. As far as I know, this is supposed to be the other way around by default. Also, there is a discrepancy when the task ends, the value of the amount downloaded does not match the value of the final file size, practically in the ratio of 1 to 2. It should, but since last year this bug has become part of the user experience with this download manager. I'd like to see this get back to working normally with no bugs please! :unsure:
Hi All.
Ditto here on the slow Youtube downloads.Its between 30 to 60kb. JD2 has the latest updates. Checking in here and Its not only me. My logs 16.02.23 17.23.33 <--> 16.02.23 21.25.47 jdlog://7903311370661/ Test file **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** Thanks in advance .. Take care. |
Well at least for now, in the last 10 hours or so, it appears to have corrected itself? Im back to getting full speed for the time being, hopefully it was just a one-off glitch. Thank you JD staff. |
Merged YT threads.
As some users (e.g. user "Full Ambition") are angry for no reason here is a small, simplified explanation This issue doesn't happen, because of mistakes of our side. It's just YT messing around with the "bot detection". Please wait until we got time to investigate this. In the meantime, you can try your luck with other tools like yt-dlp which may still work and/or already got updated.
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@Full Ambition
No worries. A log is not needed. If you're still interested in more information about logs, see here: https://support.jdownloader.org/Know...d-session-logs Speaking of myself: For me it's working again atm. We haven't changed anything. Are you still having the same problem?
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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If it happens again i will reply. |
it's ok for me now too, thanks for the answer
Bug with youtube "downloaded bytes" tab
Files from youtube show the incorrect downloaded bytes size after reaching 100%. The downloaded bytes size varies from around 12% to 39%. For example, If the file has a size of 619 mb, it says I only downloaded 80 mb (12%), when it already reached 100%. If I download 1000 mb it says I downloaded only 390 mb (39%), after finishing. This varies from file to file, but always happen. This small size is wrong, as seen by verifying the size using right click -> properties on the files.
This causes another bug: the progress of ALL downloads is shown incorrectly. Example to illustrate this: Lets says I just added 2 files from youtube to jdownloader, and those are the only files I have on the downloads tab. Let's suppose each file is 5 GB, for a total of 10 GB. After I finish downloading the first file, j downloader will believe I only downloaded 600 mb instead of 5 GB, then the progress will say I only have 6% (600 MB of 10,000 MB approximately) instead of 50%, therefore jdownloader will also report a very innacurate time remaining for the package. This is way worse if you have 10, 20, 100, 1000 files added and enabled Not sure if it matters but: Windows 10 Pro Version 22H2 J Downloader 9 January CET 2023 (if I try to update it already says it's the latest version) Java 11.0.8 (64bit/X86) Notes: This happens only for youtube. It doesn't matter if it's 480p or 720p or 1080p This bug is also happening to a friend, who is using ubuntu and the latest version of jdownloader as well Hopefully this can be fixed, thanks for reading the report |
Merged YT threads.
@HLX Thanks for reporting this issue. Indeed I'm able to reproduce this with all YT video downloads. I've created a ticket for you:
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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Thank you. I cannot see the details page though, it asks for username and password. I suppose that's a page for developers and staff
I also suppose we have to wait for the fix, and that there is no longer need to do anything. I just have a question, it may take an approximate of 1 week to be fixed? or it's unknown and depends on multiple things and is not priority since the bug is not urgent to fix? Btw, thanks for the support and I will be patient |
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