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Old 09.07.2015, 08:46
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Default JDownloader2 Qpkg on Qnap (Arm & Intel)

With this guide you can easily install JDownloader 2 (from now on JD2) on your nas Qnap, both version are supported, Arm and Intel!

This method is "fully" automated, just follow this simple step! This script install also the qpkg for your Qnap, so you can activate and deactivate it through the App Center on your Qnap system. This script is also Auto-Upgradable, so if new version of this script is released, it upgrade itself automatically!
Let's do it!

  • Nas Qnap!!!
  • JRE from the App Center of your Qnap
  • Optware or Entware-ng:
    For those who want to use Optware, I suggest this one:
    forum.Qnap.com/viewtopic.php?f=124&t=45769&hilit=ipkg+sl1000+download&start=30#p206927 sl1000
    and the relative fix:
    For those who want to use Entware-ng, I suggest this one:
  • Have an account on my.jdownloader.org
  • Have a minimum of familiarity with putty and some basic skills!

Here is the exact process , I recommend you follow it, step to step and you'll be fine

  1. Download this script:
    WARNING: the script won't work out-of-the-box for older QNAP devices and needs manual changes, see
    Alternative version (1.38) of the script for older QNAP nas devices (modified to be hosted on our server):
    Is the installation script, copy it on your nas, I suggest to copy it on the Public folder
  2. Access through ssh at your Nas with Putty and go to the directory where you copied the installer script, in this case:
    cd `/sbin/getcfg Public path -f /etc/config/smb.conf`
  3. Now you've to make it executable, so:
    chmod +x JD2_Qnap_installer.sh
  4. Now you've to execute it, so:
  5. Don't care about this error:
    Link service start/stop script: JDownloader2.sh
    Set QPKG information in /etc/config/qpkg.conf
     Checking for /opt...  Found!
    Unable to find JD2 in the folder: /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/JDownloader2/JD2.
    It's normal, because JD2 is not yet installed!
  6. Now, you've only to wait until you'll see
    |---------------------------Headless Information-------------------------------
    |       New Update available
    |       A new Update is available. Do you want to download it now?
    |       Enter y -> Download now
    |       Enter n -> Later
    Obviously you have to insert y like me
  7. Now, you've to wait until you'll see this request
    |---------------------------Headless Information-------------------------------
    |       MyJDownloader Setup
    |       Your 'My JDownloader' logins are not correct.
    |       Please check username/email and password!
    |       Enter y -> Enter Logins
    |       Enter n -> Exit JDownloader
    |       Please Enter your MyJDownloader Email:
    |       Please Enter your MyJDownloader Password:
    This is an important step, you've to insert your log-in credentials to connect JD2 to the web service!
  8. Now, you've only to wait until you'll see
    set  CONNECTED
    Now, manually, you've to do this combination of key, on your keyboard:
  9. Done, remain just the last information that indicate that all is ok. This also make you a request, so press any key and then you can close the putty windows!
    All done!!! Remember to log-in to https://my.jdownloader.org/login.html and configure JD2!
    Ok, now press any key to continue, then you can terminate this ssh session. Have a Good Download!!!

  1. From now on all the configurations are via web, so log-in on my.jdownloader.org and go to the JD2 (Settings), then (Advanced Settings) and for 1st change the (Default Download Folder), remember that you've to input a path like that /share/Download, or other
    Important note that will be valid only from 1.31 version: If you don't want, don't know what is a path or simply if you skip this passage, all your download will be put on the default Qnap Download folder! So you need to change it only if you really need to change it!
  2. Always from the (Advanced Settings) you've to reset the field (Browser Command Line)
  3. If you don't have an account on 9kw.eu/register.html service make one on it, it's a captchas solver. The best thinks about it, is that if you don't want to buy some captcha credits, you can partecipate, solving some captchas and earn captcha credits!
  4. Through the service my.jdownloader there is the 3 major mobile apps to controll JD2, just go at Mobile Apps! If you can't see it this's the links
    Android App:
    Apple App:
    Windows phone App:
  5. Enjoy your new JD2 for Qnap :D

Last edited by Jiaz; 31.05.2022 at 18:37. Reason: Unlocked all URLs so that our users can see them
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