Browser extension questions
First of all, thank you for the wonderful tool!
That said, I do have a couple of questions about the browser extension, specifically using it to send a download link to JD2: 1. The extension requires JD2 to already be running in order to send a link. Why can't it start JD2 itself, as described here: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** There is another extension that can do it: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/fir...th-jdownloader 2. The extension requires MyJDownloader to be connected in order to send a link. I think this is an overkill. There is another extension that can supposedly pass links to JD2 in a different way: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** I would rather not install separate extensions for captcha and link transfer. Can the official extension add this functionality? 3. I would like to have a way to either the extension or JD2 itself to ask for the download folder instead of always using the default, since I keep downloaded stuff in different locations. Thank you! Last edited by zevel; 20.06.2020 at 19:11. |
Thank you for the feedback and your suggestions!
1. and 2.: The extension was built to work with the remote service MyJDownloader, all localhost features were added as there was a need for it. As I understand it, adding native messaging to the web extension would require JDownloader to implement a native messaging host. Getting the permission "nativeMessaging" just for starting JDownloader and then switching to the localhost API for communication (like your linked extension does) feels like a workaround. We will discuss it, maybe implementing nativeMessaging is generally a good idea. 3.: You should be able to do this. If you're using the extension -> Right Click -> Download with JDownloader -> additional Options.
My.JDownloader.org Web Interface | Android App | Browser Extensions [Feedback Thread] |
Thank you.
It doesn't seem to remember the last folder used. I need to enter it manually every time, even when I check the "auto fill" box or click the "last used values" icon.
Is that a bug or am I doing something wrong? |
check: Settings --> Advanced Settings --> use last download destination as default -psp-
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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I have it set in JD2 but it does not fill the filed in the add-on
I would like to confirm this last bug.
Setting a download location doesn't work, it always uses the default location instead. And what does the setting "auto fill" do? It seems to have no effect. My expected behaviour of the extension is the following: 1. If no path has been specified, use the path that is configured in the target jdownloader instance. 2. If a path is specified, use it (currently not the case) 3. If I click "last used values" fill in the last used values (currently not the case) using Firefox with Addon v3.2.39 edit: regarding 1.: the configured path is used, but a subfolder with the packagename is created. I would like to prevent this. Last edited by Rabelux; 08.07.2020 at 14:49. |
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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Unfortnately without effect - is a browser restart necessary for this to work?
Could we discuss this in JD Chat? I think that would lead to a faster result |
I will soon be offline and back tomorrow. Jiaz might be able to help with this. -psp-
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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Please checkout the Settings of the myjd browser addon itself.
Sorry, I'm not using it that frequently myself which is why I wasn't able to provide the correct answer right away. Click on the symbol of the extension in your browser --> Scroll down to "Preferred target" --> Select "Last used" (Text may vary - using the german version of the addon atm.) -psp-
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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Wir können auch gerne auf Deutsch schreiben.
Mit der von Dir beschriebenen Einstellung ändert sich allerdings auch nichts am Ergebnis, auch frage ich mich was die Einstellung bewirkt. In den Einstellungen wähle ich aus, zu welcher Zielinstanz ich die Links schicken möchte. Nach Ablauf des Countdowns muss ich allerdings dennoch auswählen, welches Ziel verwendet werden soll. Also insgesamt macht das Addon keinen schlüssigen Eindruck auf mich. Biete mich hier auch gern als Tester an, allerdings glaube ich wäre eine andere Kommunikationsform empfehlenswert. Kannst du mir sagen wie ich mit Jiaz Kontakt aufnehmen kann? Im JDchat antwortet nur mgpai :D |
Klar gerne.
Also ich habe es eben mal getestet. Mein standard-Downloadpfad ist "/volume10/downloads". Ich habe "/volume10/test2" eingegeben und genau das wurde auch gesetzt. Auch mit Backslashes hat es problemlos funktioniert. Quote:
Immer her damit. Quote:
Wenn du mir jetzt sagst, dass du den Pfad auch dort eingetragen hast wie ich und dieser einfach nicht übernommen wird, kann Jiaz sich das mal anschauen. Ich hatte das eben mit aktuellem Chrome getestet. Auch mit aktuellen Firefox und einer etwas älteren Addon Version kann ich dein Problem nicht nachstellen. Grüße, psp
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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Thema 1 somit abgehakt. Sehr gerne
Letztendlich hat mir der Chat aber doch geholfen, mgpai hat sich mal wieder erbarmt und die Dinge mit mir getestet. Er hat mich außerdem darauf hingewiesen, dass man die Paketverwalterregeln deaktivieren kann. In meinem Fall, da Headless, in den advanced settings. Das war letztendlich der Schlüssel und somit werden auch keine Unterordner mehr angelegt. Last edited by Rabelux; 09.07.2020 at 09:51. |
As the person who started the the thread and asked the original question, and still has the problem, I respectfully ask to keep it in English. Thank you. My settings are: I have tried setting the preferred target to "ask every time" and to "Last used" and I see similar behaviour. This is what the dialog shows: What I expect to see: The destination box should be pre-filled with the last value used. The user should not be expected to remember what was the last value used when they last used JD, which can be several days, weeks, or even months ago. |
erstmal danke fürs Feedback! 1. Okay ich sehe das Problem. An dieser Stelle kann man als Benutzer Einstellungen vornehmen, die die Extension "kaputtmachen". Das kann man als Usability sehen, aber ich würde das definitiv als Bug einstufen. Ich habe mal ein Ticket dazu erstellt: 2. Wenn du über "autofill" fährst kommt folgender Tooltip: Quote:
Auf unserer Webseite ist der Chat glaub auch noch verlinkt. Quote:
Zum Packagizer: Klar kann man ihn komplett deaktivieren, aber das ist nicht die richtige "Lösung", denn darin befindet sich weitere Funktionalität, die man gebrauchen kann - z.B. das exakte nachstellen von Cloud Ordnerstrukturen also wenn man z.B. GDrive Ordner herunterlädt, dass die Ordnerstruktur dann bei dir lokal exakt wie auf GDrive angelegt wird. Ich empfehle daher, nur die eine Packagizer Regel zu deaktivieren - dafür habe ich erst letztens einen bestehenden Support-Artikel ergänzt: https://support.jdownloader.org/Know...ackage-feature Meinst du, man sollte hier auch was zur Extension und "Overwrite packagizer rules" schreiben oder nicht nötig / eher in nem separaten Artikel? Grüße, psp
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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Indeed you're right and this is at least bad usability or not what the user would expect. I will add a ticket for this later. My workaround suggestion would be: Make a test-run and manually type in your last used paths. Auto-fill should then remember this and suggest you these manually entered paths again on next usage. I know it's only a workaround but I'm unable to provide any patch right away ... -psp-
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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Thank you, but the workaround does not seem to work right. If I cancel the download, the next time it does not get filled.
Last edited by zevel; 09.07.2020 at 19:03. |
Hm okay I've added that info to the ticket too:
Here a possible 2nd workaround: Grab the free software "Ditto" which lets you comfortably manage youir clipboard history. You can also add sticky-texts that are permanent. This is what I'm also using for some quick blocks of text für JD Forum Support. You could add some download destinations as stickies and then quickly insert them via hotkeys. Ditto Download: sourceforge.net/projects/ditto-cp/ Sorry - I'm not working on myjd/the browser addons thus all I can do atm. is to create tickets and try to provide workarounds. -psp-
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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Thank you psp.
There is no need for workarounds as there is trivial one: 1. Copy the link to the clipboard 2. Launch JD2 3. Press CTRL-L 4. Select the desired folder from the drop-down, or enter the text, or browse to it, or leave as is. The only reason for me to use the add-on for downloading (as opposed to captcha solving) is convenience. Ideally, I would like to perform steps 2-4 (including all the options in step 4) without leaving the browser, or if that is not feasible, to bring JD2 to the foreground and open the analyze dialog if a checkbox in the add-on was checked, or use the latest value in the background if it wasn't. Thank you. |
Thanks for your feedback.
By the way I also got some feedback from our extension developer: 1. The addon is currently being re-written in another framework. 2. He will checkout my created tickets and see what can be done. I guess this will take some time ... -psp-
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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Die Addon Version 3.3.5 (zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt noch nicht released) wird den "Add Links" Dialog immer anzeigen, sofern "Jedesmal nachfragen" das bevorzugte Ziel ist. Danke gehen an unseren Addon Entwickler mrc @zevel Your requested changes will require more time / no feedback yet. Please be patient. Grüße, psp
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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