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Old 22.11.2014, 03:58
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Lightbulb www.atresplayer.com Plugin?

Hola, ¿Podéis desarrollar el plugin necesario para descargar videos desde ATRESPLAYER? Creo que usan streaming HDS.

Antes usaba la web **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** para conseguir enlaces M3U8, RTMP, F4M, HDS, etc... y esos enlaces que me daba lo descargaba desde jdownloader después sin problema alguno. Pero como se acercan las elecciones, Atresplayer ha decidido restringir más si cabe la descarga de programas críticos con el gobierno o con la corrupción, entre otros muchos más.

Por ejemplo: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff**

Otro ejemplo: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff**

He probado otras alternativas como atresdownloader pero tampoco funcionan.

Muchisimas gracias por vuestro gran trabajo Podemos mejorar jdownloader y las descargas de M3U8, RTMP, F4M, HDS, etc... Es muy necesario, muchas gracias.


Hi, Could you develop the necessary plugin for downloading videos from ATRESPLAYER? I think they use HDS streaming.

Before, I used the website **External links are only visible to Support Staff**www.descargavideos.tv to get M3U8, RTMP, F4M, HDS, etc ... and those links it gave me I downloaded with jdownloader without any problems. But as the election approaches, Atresplayer has decided to more restrict downloading tv programs critical of the government or corruption, and many others.

E.g.: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff**

another E.g.: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff**

I've tried other alternatives like atresdownloader but not working.

Thank you so much for your great work We can improve jdownloader, and downloads from M3U8, RTMP, F4M, HDS, etc ... It is very necessary, thank you very much.:thumbup:
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Old 22.11.2014, 04:09
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Lram32 Lram32 is offline
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Probablemente nope, lo veo un poco complicado, considerando la poca mano de obra que tenemos.

Ya que has puesto la petición vamos a esperar una respuesta de psp, no veo que sea necesario crear un ticket.

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