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Old 12.03.2013, 18:52
Posts: n/a
Default Any Active Windows becomes inactive (on Windows seven x64)

Hi to all Folks...

First i want to apologize for my bad English

I've been encountering this problem in some long time.
And It's driving me crazy.

Whenever i run JDownloader 2

A few minutes later...
Any windows that I'm working (using)
pass to the inactive state.
(or become an inactive window, has if it was not selected to interact with the user)

This is especially annoying when i'm typing something.

In this last week i've been consulting the event viewer.
And i dont find any kind of report about inactive windows.

Then i noticed that when i close the jDownloader 2
a few minutes later this situation stops.?

Can someone please explain me this, i have thought that perhaps the version of Java that might be in conflict with the Windows environment itself.

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