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Old 10.05.2018, 00:58
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Default Folders that were inside folders recognized as if they were alongside

The closest I could was on https://board.jdownloader.org/showthread.php?t=70830 I followed it but it didn't help me.

What happens is that folder links from google drive, mega or one drive (I think it happens in similar hosts as well) puts all folders regardless of the "path level" they were on the same level.

What I want to happen is to have the same organization of folders and files preserved as can be seen on the links added.

I suspect however that it won't be fixed soon as I believe it would take a new feature enabling to create download packages inside other packages, which I'm unaware of.

Sorry for any written mistakes or technical ignorance on my part. Also please edit or move this to where it was supposed to be if I did anything wrong.
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Old 11.05.2018, 10:55
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Jiaz Jiaz is offline
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Plugins like mega and google already supports this out of the box. You must make sure that Settings-Packagizer-*Adopt folder structure* rule is enabled and below *Create subfolder* rule
JDownloader then will adapt the subfolders in download directory. You can see in download directory column in linkgrabber.
This does not require packages within packages as each package represents a folder on disk instead.
Crawler Plugins must have support for this feature, so don't expect this to work for all of them.
Please provide example links where this fails and we can check/fix/add support for it.
JD-Dev & Server-Admin
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