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Old 02.04.2023, 16:42
SMS SMS is offline
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Default UI slow since last week's update

Since the update about a week ago, the UI is so slow sometimes that the mouse cursor position updates less than once per second while the window is visible. This makes it very difficult to use JDownloader.

During the same update, a "feature" from several weeks ago reappeared where moving the mouse cursor into or out of a row in the Downloads list immediately updates the displayed download speed for that row (without waiting for the once-per-second update), and where the displayed download speed gets updated many times per second while a package is being renamed. This is not a problem and doesn't seem very connected to the problem above, but I'm mentioning this just in case this might help with the problem above (because this reappeared during the same update, at least for me).

Last edited by SMS; 02.04.2023 at 16:50.
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Old 03.04.2023, 14:41
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pspzockerscene pspzockerscene is offline
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Can't confirm.

Please provide a log and a screenshot of Help -> About JDownloader

How many links do you have in your downloadlist?
Please also check this troubleshooting article:
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Originally Posted by Jiaz View Post
Do you have Nero installed?
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Old 06.04.2023, 12:23
notice notice is offline
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@SMS: Please provide screenshot of the about dialog, see https://support.jdownloader.org/Know...tion-directory
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Old 06.04.2023, 12:26
notice notice is offline
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Originally Posted by SMS View Post
During the same update, a "feature" from several weeks ago reappeared where moving the mouse cursor into or out of a row in the Downloads list immediately updates the displayed download speed for that row (without waiting for the once-per-second update), and where the displayed download speed gets updated many times per second while a package is being renamed.
Both is not new and "normal". Java redraws the area where the mouse moves and the table renderer then redraws the cell. The renderer then asks for current speed and thus updates more often than the default periodic table refresh. The rename causes the row to be in different editing state and also causes the many/non timed/periodic updates.
Both is not connected to your slow UI experience.
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Old 06.04.2023, 13:43
SMS SMS is offline
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Here's a screenshot of the About dialog: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff**

Paradoxically, setting the priority of javaw.exe in Windows Task Manager to "Low" (!!!) seems to have solved the problem. Maybe the mouse cursor now has higher priority than JDownloader and thus moves smoothly, but also the UI of JDownloader now updates faster and reacts faster for some reason, despite the lower task priority.

Can this be fixed without the need for me to change the priority of javaw.exe externally?

I have many links in the Downloads list. I'll try to check what happens if I have few. Otherwise the log might contain private info.

Regarding making a log, you didn't like my log of another unsolved problem here: https://board.jdownloader.org/showthread.php?t=91810
Maybe you can help me out in that thread, maybe I'm doing something wrong while making logs.
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Old 06.04.2023, 13:48
notice notice is offline
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@SMS: Thanks for the screenshot. It shows that your Java is already working near max memory. Allocated is already at max and there is only 400MB left for working and gc memory. Thus java has to spend LOTS LOTS cpu/time in memory management without any *real* chance to free memory.
I recommend to incease max heap memory, see
I'm confident that this will solve your issues

Originally Posted by SMS View Post
Can this be fixed without the need for me to change the priority of javaw.exe externally?
You don't have to change priority at all. With that less free memory, java will nearly use all available CPU for memory management and that's the cause of slow UI/unresponsive UI...

Originally Posted by SMS View Post
I have many links in the Downloads list. I'll try to check what happens if I have few. Otherwise the log might contain private info.
Regarding making a log, you didn't like my log of another unsolved problem here: https://board.jdownloader.org/showthread.php?t=91810
Maybe you can help me out in that thread, maybe I'm doing something wrong while making logs.
Log no longer needed. Will answer in other thread about different topic

Most likely you just started to hit the sweet spot of free memory that allows good performance of Java/memory management. The more links you have in list, the less free memory
for normal work/crawling/downloading/plugin processing...
Also see https://support.jdownloader.org/Know...loader-is-slow

Last edited by notice; 06.04.2023 at 13:54.
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Old 06.04.2023, 21:29
SMS SMS is offline
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I created the file JDownloader2.vmoptions with
as per the article you linked to, but after terminating and starting JDownloader.jar again, the max memory in the About dialog became slightly smaller instead of larger. It's 3.51GB instead of 8GB. What might be the reason?

Maybe it's not good that at the end of the "Java:" row in my screenshot above it says "(64bit/X86)"?

Last edited by SMS; 06.04.2023 at 21:34.
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Old 14.04.2023, 16:23
notice notice is offline
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Originally Posted by SMS View Post
I created the file JDownloader2.vmoptions with
as per the article you linked to, but after terminating and starting JDownloader.jar again, the max memory in the About dialog became slightly smaller instead of larger. It's 3.51GB instead of 8GB. What might be the reason?
sorry for late response :(
the filename of .vmoptions file must be same name as the launcher/exe file, for example JDownloader2.exe -> JDownloader2.vmoptions
BUT this only works if your launcher/exe file is not heavily old, as it is the launcher that reads that file and applies the parameters from it.

When you directly start JDownloader.jar, then this way will not work.
Best would be to create batch/bash/shortcut that launches the JDownloader.jar with parameter, for example
java -Xmx8g -jar JDownloader.jar
On windows, for example a shortcut to the C:\..../bin/java.exe -Xmx8g -jar JDownloader.jar and execution folder is set to JDownloader directory.

In case launcher is too old, then just backup/restore configuration, see https://support.jdownloader.org/Know...-configuration and install JDownloader with 64bit jdk from here https://jdownloader.org/jdownloader2

Last edited by notice; 14.04.2023 at 16:28.
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