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Old 15.03.2024, 10:12
svArtist's Avatar
svArtist svArtist is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2015
Posts: 39
Default Fastfile.CC needs confirmation code for login (2FA)


Fastfile seem to have introduced a feature that may require users to enter a confirmation code when they log in:
HTML Code:
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Reason given to me is "unusual location", which I doubt is very accurate. My apartment has been implicitly usual for the last couple of years and I haven't noticed any changes

Noticed this when today the logins from JD2 failed with the message of "wrong logins"

What else do you need in order to look into this and implement a fix?
I imagine a simple serving of the live post-login page with the input field should do the trick, similar to how the captchas are served?

Thank you guys for doing the proverbial lord's work! ����

Oh, and no, after logging in successfully, my location (IP?) is not saved as usual(?) for the day or so; I can not simply log in in the browser and then in JD2 :(

Last edited by svArtist; 15.03.2024 at 10:17.
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Old 15.03.2024, 12:26
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You can use the cookie login as a workaround:
1. Fully login via browser.
2. Add your cookies to JD - instructions:
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Do you have Nero installed?
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Old 15.03.2024, 14:43
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@svArtist: Please provide feedback if the cookie method works for this
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Old 15.03.2024, 14:44
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The cookie method works 100% as I've already tested that

I've also added support for that 2FA login though I wasn't able to fully test it since my fastfile.cc account got temporary banned due to my tests.
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A users' JD crashes and the first thing to ask is:
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Do you have Nero installed?
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Old 16.03.2024, 02:39
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Oh, thank you!
It does! Feels weird pasting JSON into the password field, but it absolutely works :D

Although the Flag Cookies extension wasn't working properly. It first only gave me old cookies. After I cleared them, no new cookies were added.
I used EditThisCookie to export the current cookies, but that used a slightly different structure.
Luckily, I had copied the FC export and could adapt the ETC output to the FC format.
I wasn't feeling like experimenting with the format because I didn't want to get on FastFile's bad side again by having JD2 potentially send invalid requests if the JSON isn't compatible.

How robust is JD2's cookie parser in terms of different formats? If it uses an open standard: What is it called?

Thank you! <3
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Old 16.03.2024, 02:50
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Oh, I also wrote FastFile support (they've been accommodating and forthcoming before. Interestingly, speaking in 1st person singular, feels like it's a very small operation?) -- they may have fixed the issue:
Hello, sorry we tested new security system and it seems something was wrong. Please try again now.

> On 03/15/2024 12:25 MSK noreply@fastfile.cc wrote:
> You've got new message from FastFile.cc.
> Name: Black Platypus
> E-mail: BlaPla1@*****.com
> IP: 2a02:908:163:ed20:5500:2f72:dcba:c47d
> Hi!
> FastFile keeps saying I'm logging in from an "unusual location".
> My apartment has been implicitly usual for the last couple of years, so I don't know why that is :(
> This would not be a problem necessarily, but even after I enter the codes sent to me, it keeps telling me the same thing on later logins.
> Why isn't my "location" (??? IP?) marked as safe for after I enter the code?
> The current implementation leads to my account being locked for an hour every time I tinker with things and don't complete a login in time, which is reeeeally bad UX :(
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Old 18.03.2024, 10:51
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@svArtist: Thanks for the feedback.
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Old 18.03.2024, 13:15
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Originally Posted by svArtist View Post
Feels weird pasting JSON into the password field, but it absolutely works :D
Thanks for your feedback!
The weirdness will be removed with the next major JD update :D

Originally Posted by svArtist View Post
Although the Flag Cookies extension wasn't working properly. It first only gave me old cookies. After I cleared them, no new cookies were added.
I used EditThisCookie to export the current cookies, but that used a slightly different structure.
Thanks for your detailed feedback.
If you can reproduce this issue, you are more than welcome to report it to the FlagCookies developer:

Originally Posted by svArtist View Post
I wasn't feeling like experimenting with the format because I didn't want to get on FastFile's bad side again by having JD2 potentially send invalid requests if the JSON isn't compatible.
I understand!
The next update will also prevent that, at least to some point.

Originally Posted by svArtist View Post
How robust is JD2's cookie parser in terms of different formats? If it uses an open standard: What is it called?
No open standard - it accepts the cookie formats of all browser addons linked here:
If you think there is a format we should add too, let me know.
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A users' JD crashes and the first thing to ask is:
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Do you have Nero installed?
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Old 18.03.2024, 14:48
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Thank you so much for the helpful and interesting feedback!
I'm excited to hear about that big update.
You guys rock, and you're a legend!
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