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Old 01.05.2009, 04:07
Posts: n/a
Question Change router mac address randomly??

Hello everyone, im in need of some help:outch:, the only way i can change my ip, is changing the mac address of the device that is directly connected to the cablemodem, and then rebooting the cablemodem. So when i directly connect it to the network card is easy to randomly change the mac address, there are a lot of applications like macshift, mac address changer, etc, and rebooting my cablemodem is also easy trough the web-interface that it has.

But the problem is that i have a router in the way, and is the one directly connected to the cablemodem, its a dlink-524, it has the option to change the mac address, but there is no application to randomly change it, could some one help me to make a script or something?? This is the web-interface:

Sorry for the bad english, thx for jdownloader:thumbup:
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